Teacher Workshop Guidelines
Want to put on a Suzuki teacher training workshop?
Here are the steps you need to follow as a sponsor:
Contact the SAA to setup your studio or organization or, if you’ve previously hosted a Suzuki event, you can add your event in the online Workshop admin area.
Submit the online workshop application through the Events Page (must have Workshop admin access) minimum of 6 weeks prior to the event start. This submittion is required for all events occurring between September and May that offer Suzuki teacher training. (Teacher Training events occurring June through August are subject to the institute guidelines.) This application serves two purposes:
to get SAA approval for your workshop, so that it will be a registrable credit for your participants
and provides information about your event for SAA to create free advertising on your behalf on this website.
We encourage you to submit early, so that the workshop may be advertised on the SAA website. If received by publication deadlines, it may also be published in the Workshop column of the American Suzuki Journal.
Workshop Requirements
Make sure anyone wishing to attend your workshop knows about the audition requirements for training. You or the trainer will need to know prior to the course start who has qualified for it via the audition process, and who has yet to do so (and therefore can enroll as audition pending or auditor statuses).
Your application must meet the requirements found in the current Teacher Development Program which apply to Teacher Courses:
Unit 1 Short Term courses must be 8 days in length, with 28 hours of class time and 15 hours observation time. See the Unit 1 Guidelines for more information.
Unit 2 and beyond Short Term courses must be 5 days in length with 15 hours class time and 8 hours observation time.