Guidelines: SAA emails for Chapters

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Greetings! We are so grateful for your work in your Chapter and for our Suzuki community!

Twice a year the SAA office will send out an email to all our SAA members in your area to promote your Chapter. Most Chapters use these opportunities for their yearly membership drive and their biggest event of the year.

Here are a list of requirements and reminders for your email:


  • Chapters are a separate entity from the SAA and are in charge of their own communication, schedule, and content.

  • It is the Chapter’s responsibility to communicate within their organization to their own members. It is good organizational practice to develop your own database of members, and send things through an email service provider (or website platform) in order to allow people to unsubscribe. You must comply with all local state and federal laws with regards to sending bulk email messages.

  • The purpose of the SAA sending emails is to let Chapters leverage our database of SAA member names—a larger reach than the Chapters have. This benefits the Chapter since they can increase their reach with the SAA’s help, and it benefits the SAA since our Suzuki community is stronger when our members are connected to a Chapter.

  • Your email message is also subject to the SAA email bounce and unsubscription data.

  • All emails subject to SAA approval.

  • The SAA reserves the right to decline any message for any reason.

  • The SAA reserves the right to define the limits of the region where the message is being sent.

  • The SAA is not responsible for your content or for errors in your content.

  • The SAA branding will not be added to your message.

  • Respond within a reasonable amount of time (roughly 24 hours) to approve the proof after we send it to you to check the message before it is mailed out.

  • Attachments are not possible, but we can link to a page if you have additional information.


Thank you again for your contribution to our Suzuki community through your Affiliated Chapter!