
Parents as Partners  Coming in January 2020

November 21, 2019

You’re Invited! The Parents as Partners Online Video Series is coming back in 2020 with new videos, new ideas, and fresh inspiration for both teachers & parents alike! Plan to join us in January for weekly videos, with an audio-only/podcast option, focusing… Read more ▶

Can Every Parent

August 11, 2017 by Holly Blackwelder Carpenter

From the Video Series Parents As Partners Online 2015 A few weeks ago I received a text message from my brother (Suzuki parent with 3 children) It read “I know every child can, but I am not sure that this parent… Read more ▶

Play It Again Sam  How to Implement Listening in Home Practice

August 11, 2017 by Jennifer Burton

From the Video Series, Parents As Partners Online 2015 Hi, I am Jenny Burton and I am going to talk about listening today. The name of my talk is “Play it Again Sam: How to Implement Listening in Home Practice.” There… Read more ▶

Crafting Constructive Positive Feedback

August 11, 2017 by Alexander Revoal

From the Video Series, Parents As Partners Online 2017 Consider the following scenario. You’ve been working on a research project at work for a while now and you present your findings to the department, including your supervisor, before you have to… Read more ▶

The Value of Repetition

August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer

From the Video Series, Parents as Partners Online 2011 Hi, my name is Sue Baer. Thank you for joining me today on this session, addressing The Value of Repetition. I believe that every child is capable of playing their instrument at… Read more ▶

A Thousand Bow Holds You Must Be Kidding

August 11, 2017 by Barbara Balatero

From the Video Series, Parents as Parnters Online 2016 When I have a new cello student, one of the first big assignments I give them is to make 1,000 good bow holds. I don’t allow my students to place the bow… Read more ▶

Back to Basics What Every Teacher Wants You to Know

August 11, 2017 by Lucy Shaw

From the video series Parents as Partners Online 2013. Welcome to the 2013 edition of PPO online. I am Lucy Shaw, and I run a private Suzuki studio just outside of Seattle in the state of Washington. My talk today is… Read more ▶

A Measure of Progress

August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer

From the video series Parents As Partners Online 2016 When we embark on a project as important as preparing our children for the role that music will play in their lives, it’s only natural that we concern ourselves with a host… Read more ▶

The Importance of Group Classes

August 11, 2017 by Jennifer Burton

From the video collection Parents As Partners Online 2012. Hi! My name is Jennifer Burton, and it’s my pleasure today to talk with you about the importance of Group Classes. I think there are about six things that I really… Read more ▶

Creative Strategies for Effective Reviewa Survey of Favorite Activities from within the Suzuki Triangle

August 11, 2017 by Rafael Videira

From Parents as Partners Online 2016. Hello, my name is Rafael Videira, and I am a Suzuki viola and violin teacher. Today I would like to talk about ways to make reviewing the repertoire fun and effective. The activities I… Read more ▶

Toca De Novo Sam Como Fazer o Aluno Ouvir as Gravaes no Estudo Dirio

August 11, 2017 by Jennifer Burton

Olá, meu nome é Jenny Burton e hoje eu vou falar sobre a escuta. O título do meu discurso é “Toca De Novo, Sam: Como Fazer o Aluno Ouvir as Gravações no Estudo Diário”. Eu tenho observado que existem dois tipos… Read more ▶

A Importncia da Repetio

August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer

Olá, meu nome é Sue Baer. Obrigada por estar aqui hoje nessa sessão sobre a importância da repetição. Eu acredito que toda criança é capaz de tocar seu instrumento num nível bem alto. Se você conhece o método Suzuki, eu… Read more ▶

Advice and Encouragement for Suzuki Parents

August 10, 2017 by Brittany Gardner

From the video series, Parents as Partners Online 2015 Hi my name is Brittany Gardner, and I’m a cello teacher in Salt Lake City. I’m excited to be participating in Parents as Partners, and I hope that what I have to… Read more ▶

Holding Two Concepts In Ones Mind  Episode 4

June 7, 2017 by Sarah Bylander Montzka, Margaret Watts Romney

Students, Teachers, Parents, Administrators: we are all interested in growth and change. In this episode, Sarah Bylander Montzka explains the skill we can all use of “holding two concepts in one’s mind at the same time”—a skill which can nurture growth in students, organizations, and ourselves. Read more ▶

Parents as Partners  2017 Launches Today

January 25, 2017

We are pleased to announce the exciting line-up of titles and presenters that will be featured in Parents as Partners Online 2017. Parents and teachers will have access 24/7 to more than 45 short talks which address such Suzuki-related topics… Read more ▶

The Suzuki Early Childhood Experience

March 13, 2017 by Lynn McCall

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Thank You Suzuki ParentsEverything You Do is Much Appreciated

September 3, 2015 by Merlin Thompson

Thank you, Suzuki parents. You do an amazing job. We teachers cannot even begin to express how deeply we value who you are—your vision, your commitment, your love for your child and music. Read more ▶

Join Parents as Partners Online

January 5, 2015

Start your new year off right by enrolling in the exciting Parents as Partners Online series!  This year’s offering will surely inspire you, with 60 beneficial talks for your Suzuki journey.  Click here to register for the event, which officially… Read more ▶

Interview Vijay Iyer

June 24, 2013 by Sarah Bylander Montzka

Grammy-nominated composer-pianist Vijay Iyer was described by Pitchfork as “one of the most interesting and vital young pianists in jazz today,” by The New Yorker as one of “today’s most important pianists… extravagantly gifted… brilliantly eclectic,” and by the Los Angeles Weekly as “a boundless and deeply important young star.” Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 54 Parents as Partners Online Scholarship Applications

January 22, 2013

Parents as Partners Online 2013, Leadership Retreat Registration Coming Soon, A Call to Action, High Notes: Getting to Know Your Horsehair, Scholarship Applications due February 5 Back by popular demand! The third season of Parents as Partners Online will launch February 18,… Read more ▶

Parents as Partners Online 2012 WrapUp

September 1, 2012 by Christie Felsing

From January 30 through June 30, more than 6900 parents and teachers enrolled in the 2012 Parents as Partners Online event. This SAA offering aimed to provide a dose of parent education, as well as nurture, inspire and rejuvenate participants. Read more ▶

Important Ideas to Remember in Your Role as a Suzuki Parent

March 21, 2012 by Teri Einfeldt

Dr. Suzuki always said “character first, ability second.” The Suzuki experience is about your child first, playing the instrument second. Watch how your child learns, nurturing your child’s spirit and building her self confidence, yet instilling a sense of achieving excellence… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 42 Conference Registration Journal Submissions Wanted Parents as Partners Online

January 17, 2012

In this issue: Parents as Partners Online Conference Registration & Highlights A Star for Victor Host a SPA Course this Spring Scholarship Applications Due February 5 Call for Submissions: 40th Anniversary ASJ Issue Call for Submissions: ASJ Grace Notes Column Upcoming Events 38 new members joined the SAA in… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 41 Parents as Partners Online Our Suzuki Footprints Conference Clinicians

December 15, 2011

In this issue: Parents as Partners Online 2012 A Star for Don Conference Clinicians and Highlights Annual Fund Drive 2011: Our Suzuki Footprints Upcoming Events 150 new members joined the SAA in November. Welcome! Parents as Partners Online 2012 Parents as Partners Online will return January 30! The 2012… Read more ▶

SYOA Students Parents and Teacher Share Their Experiences

May 25, 2011 by Isabelle Aboaf, McCall Andersen, Sally Gross, Leah Keane, Deborah Moench

I attended as a first violinist in SYOA 2 this past year, the fourteenth biennial conference. SYOA was the best experience I have had throughout my musical education. Read more ▶

Parents as Partners Online 2011 Acknowledgments

May 25, 2011 by Christie Felsing

Parents as Partners Online (PPO) was a six week event that featured over fifty inspirational talks on various parent education and Suzuki related topics. This unique program was intended to nurture parents, whether new or veterans to the Suzuki Method. Response… Read more ▶

Making the Most of Summer Institutes

April 12, 2011

Summer Institutes are just around the corner—time to get ready! Here are a few articles to help you make the most of your time at an Institute this summer: Summer Suzuki Institutes: Planning for a Positive Experience Be Prepared for Summer Institutes Lead with… Read more ▶

Ask the Experts 23 Redefining Parent Goals

April 11, 2011 by Sarah Bylander Montzka

Patience. Generosity. Empathy. Determination. Joyfulness. Problem-solving skills. Kindness. Dependability. Creativity. Attentiveness. Flexibility. Resourcefulness. A lifelong love of learning… These are just some of the character qualities that can be shaped through study of a musical instrument. Dr. Suzuki emphasized developing “good… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 31 Leadership Retreat Articles for Parents Writing Contest 2012 Conference Board Ballot

March 11, 2011

In this issue: Articles for Parents Leadership Retreat Registration Open Parents as Partners 2011 Acknowledgments Student Writing Contest 2012 SAA Conference: May 25-28 Music Teacher Email Scams Teacher Training Auditions Board Ballot Vote Due April 1st Ask the Experts #22 Upcoming SPA Courses Upcoming ECC Courses Articles for Parents We’ve pulled some of… Read more ▶

Suzuki Articles for Parents

February 21, 2011

We’ve pulled some of the best articles for parents from past issues of the Minijournal. Topics include tone, practicing ideas, listening, note taking at lessons, getting the most out of Institutes, and more. A Quest for More Resonance Ann Montzka-Smelser Making Tone a Priority Hannah… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 29 Parents as Partners John Kendall Board Corner Ask the Experts

January 11, 2011

In this issue: Parents as Partners Online Suzuki Community Mourns the Loss of Leader and Mentor, John Kendall SAA Board Corner SAA: A Communication Center Why the SAA? 2011 Summer Institutes Newsletter Naming Contest Winner Thanking Our Lucky Stars Ask the Experts 19 & 20 Upcoming SPA Courses Calling all teachers… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 28 Parents As Partners Online Newsletter Contest Ask the Experts Kendall Book

December 14, 2010

In this issue: Parents as Partners Online Newsletter Naming Contest Book Review: Recollections of a Peripatetic Pedagogue by John Kendall Ask the Experts 17 & 18 Annual Fund Upcoming SPA Courses Email Problems Fixed Registration for both teachers and parents is now open for 2011 Parents as Partners… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 27 Parents As Partners Online Thanking Our Lucky Stars Ask the Experts 2011 Institutes  Retreat

November 18, 2010

In this issue: Parents As Partners Online Thanking Our Lucky Stars Ask the Experts part 16: Grant Writing New Books by Kendall and Kreitman Upcoming SPA Courses 2011 Summer Institutes Leadership Retreat: May 26-29, Ft Worth, TX A Tribute to Nellie Novak We are excited to invite Suzuki Parents… Read more ▶

November is Parent Education Month

August 26, 2010

SAA will be hosting a special online parent education program in November. More details to pass on to your studio parents will be available in next month’s newsletter. Read more ▶

Ask the Experts 14 Parental Involvement

February 16, 2010 by Kathleen Spring

Last summer, focus groups at summer Institutes were asked to submit questions for a panel of “Suzuki Experts” to answer. This is the 14th installment. How can teachers train less involved parents to be more committed to the Suzuki Method? I believe… Read more ▶

Ask the Experts 3 Parent Lesson Attendance

November 2, 2009 by Daphne Hughes

Last summer, focus groups at summer Institutes were asked to submit questions for a panel of “Suzuki Experts” to answer. This is the third installment. Living in an area with no strings, how do I get parents to commit to coming… Read more ▶

A Quest for More Resonance

June 1, 2009 by Ann Montzka Smelser

“Tone has a living soul without form.” When I traveled to Matsumoto, Japan, in 1986 to study with Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, I packed so much music in my head and in my violin case. I was only to be there for… Read more ▶

Making Tone a Priority

June 1, 2009 by Hannah Frey

“Tone has a living soul without form.” We have all heard this quote by Dr. Suzuki, but what does it mean? Think of an electronic keyboard, one that has many different instrument settings. Have you listened to the violin setting? A keyboard… Read more ▶

Do the Parents in Your Studio Know

December 10, 2008

The 2008 Parents as Partners sessions are audio files online, available to all Suzuki parents (and teachers, too!) to listen to or to download. This year’s event featured three sessions: “Supporting Your Teacher,” a panel featuring Board Chair and former… Read more ▶

Audio from Parents as Partners 2008

October 13, 2008

The Parents as Partners sessions from the 2008 Conference are available below as audio files. You can listen to them right from this page, or download the files to listen to later. Supporting Your Teacher Diane Schroeder, Board Chair and former parent… Read more ▶


June 1, 2008 by Rebecca Moore

Memorizing forty digits of pi? No problem. I’ve already memorized Toccata by Khachaturian when I was eleven and Concerto No. 1 by Bach last year. Choreographing counts of eight for my gymnastics floor routine? I already know how to count beats… Read more ▶

On Suzuki Violin and Life

June 1, 2008 by Alvaro Soltero

On my fifth birthday my sister came home with a violin. That was how it all started. This is how I came to know Martin Goldman. This is how I came to know the violin. At first, I hated it.… Read more ▶

Parent Membership Appeal

August 31, 2007 by Carol Dallinger

The SAA Board and Staff recommend that you invite parents in your program or studio to become SAA members this fall. Former SAA Board member and distinguished violin professor Carol Dallinger of Evansville, Indiana, has graciously shared her SAA Parent… Read more ▶

Baby Songs

June 1, 2006 by Pamela DeWall

Most of us have had the experience of our older children and students referring to the earliest Suzuki pieces as “baby songs.” They consider themselves too grown up to play or review these pieces. When I hear this phrase or… Read more ▶

The Ins and Outs of Progress

June 1, 2006 by Lamar Blum

Our recent Recital Week gave all who attended a glimpse of music students in action. Pieces had been polished and rehearsed. Students dressed up. Parents provided tempting treats. The excitement of wanting to hear each student play buzzed through the… Read more ▶

About the Suzuki Method

June 21, 2005

Every Child Can Learn More than fifty years ago, Japanese violinist Shinichi Suzuki realized the implications of the fact that children the world over learn to speak their native language with ease. He began to apply the basic principles… Read more ▶


June 21, 2005

Suggested Reading Nurtured By Love Now in a new translation, Nurtured by Love is Shinichi Suzuki’s exploration of the concepts of his Talent Education philosophy through a personal narrative of discovery and experiences. Tips for Parents The SAA has published two books for parents,… Read more ▶

Shinichi Suzuki A Living Legacy

June 1, 2005 by Michele Higa George

As I reflect upon the continued influence of Suzuki-sensei (honored teacher) in my life, there are moments when I am keenly aware that seven long years have passed since he last walked among us. At other times it seems only… Read more ▶

The Parent as Mentor

June 1, 2004 by Tammy Linn Dawe

The Suzuki parent is a powerful mentor. Well, that’s a rather obvious fact, but perhaps one worth pondering for a moment. Our actions often reach farther than we realize. First of all, the parent is a mentor to his/her child. As… Read more ▶

Daily Chore or Joy Why Listen

June 1, 2004 by Janice Peters

Our lives are all so busy so it is easy fall prey to the temptation of skipping daily listening or daily practice or both. So think of what happens when we skip? Why do we need to be faithful to… Read more ▶

101 Ways to Practice One Note One Measure One Line

June 1, 2003 by Sue Evans

Play it your age. Tape it. Pick an UNO Card. Throw the dice or die. Wear a funny hat. Wear funny glasses. Left foot in the air. Right foot in the air. Eyes on the ceiling. Eyes closed. With toothbrush in mouth. With gloves on. With Kleenex on keys. Write a story to… Read more ▶

Creating a Parent Education Program

November 1, 2002 by Mark Marston, Cynara Pierzina

As Suzuki teachers, we all recognize the importance of providing our students’ parents with education in the Suzuki method, preferably before the child starts lessons. Just as parents should be certain that their child’s teacher has received adequate training, teachers… Read more ▶

Suzuki Plus a Parent Group Supreme

November 1, 2002 by Lamar Blum

“You need some help!” is what a new parent said to me when she saw all of the activities available in the Suzuki program I was running in Elgin, IL. It just seemed to evolve, and before I knew it,… Read more ▶

Taking Notes at Lessons Practical Tips for Parents

June 1, 2001 by Heidi Ehle

Continuity is a crucial part of learning an instrument, and the link that provides continuity between lessons and practice is your precious notes! Having been a Suzuki parent, I know that in a busy day sometimes you sink into the… Read more ▶

I Love to Practice

June 1, 2000 by Joanne Bath

“I love to practice!” That’s what we all want our children to say. Here are some ideas for how parents can get there without resorting to things they wish they hadn’t! These suggestions can keep you motivated so that you… Read more ▶

Note Reading Ideas

June 1, 2000 by Ramona Stirling

Is your child frustrated when playing in orchestra at a Suzuki Institute? The note reading skills of some Suzuki students do not match their wonderful playing skills. Since students have different ways of learning, some will learn to read music… Read more ▶

Lead with a Smile Making the Most of a Suzuki Institute

June 1, 1998 by Joanne Bath, Pamela Bath Kelly

With the proper attitude and preparation, an institute can be, a powerful investment in your child’s musical process, and can be a pivotal point in your family’s musical year. Just as important as your musical preparation is your approach to… Read more ▶

The ABCs of Group Experience

June 1, 1997 by Jacqueline Maurer

Arrival Arrive early with time for unpacking and tuning and time to catch your breath! Help the class to start on time! Behaviors Loving, courteous and respectful behaviors are cultivated. We try to respect each other and others’ feelings. Community People working on common goals… Read more ▶

25 Nonviolent Discipline Options

June 1, 1994 by Pam Kemp

Discipline, related to the word “disciple,” implies learning from a master teacher. Like it or not, we parents are our children’s primary master teachers. Read more ▶

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