Flute lesson at Suzuki in the Berkshires
We’ve pulled some of the best articles for parents from past issues of the Minijournal.
Topics include tone, practicing ideas, listening, note taking at lessons, getting the most out of Institutes, and more.
A Quest for More Resonance
Ann Montzka-Smelser
Making Tone a Priority
Hannah Frey
On Suzuki, Violin, and Life
Alvaro Soltero
Rebecca Moore
The Ins and Outs of Progress
Lamar Blum
Baby Songs
Pamela deWall
Shinichi Suzuki: A Living Legacy
Michele Higa George
The Parent as Mentor
Tamara Linn
Daily “Chore” or “Joy?” Why Listen?
Janice Peters
101 Ways to Practice One Note, One Measure, One Line…
Sue Evans
Taking Notes at Lessons: Practical Tips for Parents
Heidi Ehle
I Love to Practice!
Joanne Bath
Note Reading Ideas
Ramona Stirling
Lead with a Smile! Making the Most of a Suzuki Institute
Joanne Bath & Pamela Bath Kelly
The ABC’s of Group Experience
Jacqueline Maurer
25 Nonviolent Discipline Ideas
Pam Kemp
Audio from Parents as Partners 2008
The following were recorded at the 2008 Conference:
- Supporting Your Teacher (50:11)
- Making Use of the Lesson (49:08)
- Suzuki Is More Than Just the Name on Your Music Book: Sharing Memories from Dr. Suzuki’s School (49:42)