Doris Koppelman

Doris Koppelman

Doris Koppelman is a pioneer in the Suzuki piano movement who has been teaching Suzuki piano teachers and students throughout the world for more than 30 years. She is the author of the book “Introducing Suzuki Piano” as well as a contributor to “Teaching Suzuki Piano”. Ms. Koppelman is a registered teacher trainer and is the recipient of the SAA Outstanding Teacher Award and Distinguished Service Award. She has been a member of the SAA and has been awarded Honorary Life Membership by the International Suzuki Association. She is active in the musical life of San Diego.

Pianists Sounding Board

Pianist’s Sounding Board

Those Amazing Twinkle Variations

Those Amazing Twinkle Variations

Starting Children at an Early Age

Starting Children at an Early Age

Piano Pleasures

Piano Pleasures

Piano Play Throughs

Piano Play Throughs

21 to 25


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