
A message from the Board of Directors

February 7, 2024

Dear Suzuki Colleagues,  We are thrilled to share and reiterate the news you heard in our recent Short Score. The Board of Directors has voted to approve the creation of a new ad-hoc committee: The Suzuki Country Associations Committee! The committee will… Read more ▶

SAA Board Election Update

May 15, 2023

Dear SAA Colleagues, We have good news! We’re extending the deadline once more for anyone interested in being a part of the Board of Directors! Read about the Board members we seek at this link, and apply at this link!… Read more ▶

Board of Director Elections  Nominations

February 6, 2023

Interested in joining the Board of Directors? We’re currently accepting nominations to the ballot for our Board of Directors! Nominations will be accepted through March, interviewed by the Board, and a ballot will go out for members to vote on.… Read more ▶

Board of Directors Updates

July 27, 2022

The Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors Nominating Committee Members: Edmund Sprunger, Bruce Walker, Ellen Kogut (ex-officio), Angelica Cortez (ex-officio), Kerri Williams, Chair. The Nominating Committee is responsible for recommending new Board members through a process of advertising and receiving nominations/applications for… Read more ▶

Call for Nominations  Applications to the Board of Directors

May 27, 2022

The Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) is seeking applications to the Board of Directors from active members. Members are invited to self nominate or nominate members of the greater music education community who might be interested in joining the… Read more ▶

SAA Board News January 12 2022

January 12, 2022

The SAA Board is united in its support for Executive Director Angelica Cortez, and is excited for what the future holds. The Board continues to operate in compliance with all SAA policies and bylaws, and to serve the SAA… Read more ▶

Meet the Board of Directors An interview with ChingYi Lin

November 6, 2021 by Allie Reed

The Suzuki Association of the Americas is proud to welcome Ching-Yi Lin to the Board of Directors. Ching-Yi’s term on the board began on August 1, 2021. In addition to her responsibilities as a board member, Ching-Yi is an associate… Read more ▶

SAA Board News December 23 2021

December 23, 2021

Beginnings often dovetail with endings– such as the young adult whose college years begin after high school graduation. The SAA Board acknowledges the importance of honoring endings, and respects the fact that our newly contracted Executive Director… Read more ▶

New Board Member Leslie Mizrahi

December 13, 2021

A vote was taken to appoint Leslie Mizrahi to the Board of Directors for a standard three-year term beginning December 15, 2021. Ms. Mizrahi brings an abundance of skills and energy to Board service. She has completed the standard application… Read more ▶

SAA Board News December 13 2021

December 13, 2021

The Board recognizes that this is a tremendously exciting as well as an emotional and challenging transition for the SAA community. The Search Committee, co-chaired by Michelle Diggs and Mary Halverson Waldo, followed a rigorous, months-long process and, in accordance… Read more ▶

SAA Board News October 20 2021

October 20, 2021

On October 7, 2021, we received MaryLou Roberts’ letter of resignation from the SAA Board. The Board thanks MaryLou for her dedicated and continuing service to the SAA. Read more ▶

SAA Board News September 2 2021

September 2, 2021

The Board is pleased to announce Laura Yasuda as Interim Acting Director. Ms. Yasuda will serve in this role until approximately November 2021, when the Board anticipates the SAA’s next long-term Executive Director will be seated. Ms. Yasuda has been a… Read more ▶

SAA Board News August 26 2021

August 26, 2021

The search process for the SAA’s next Executive Director (ED) is well underway. The Board looks forward to announcing an interim leader on September 1, 2021. There is a short, planned overlap of approximately five working days… Read more ▶

SAA Board News August 20 2021

August 20, 2021

The Board would like to thank SAA membership for tuning in to the live premiere of the 2021 Annual General Meeting. Translations in Spanish, Portuguese, and French will be available before the end of August. Plans are underway to recognize the… Read more ▶

New Board Members

August 6, 2021

The Board is delighted to introduce our new members! Three individuals were elected from a slate of qualified candidates in July 2021. They were seated on August 1, 2021 and are set to engage in Board training and orientation in the… Read more ▶

SAA Board News July 22 2021 English Portuguese Spanish

July 22, 2021

To the Membership: Reminder to Vote All Active SAA members are invited to cast their votes in the current election for open positions in the SAA Board of Directors. The election period will close July 30, 2021, with three positions filled on… Read more ▶

Call for Nominations for SAA Board of Directors

June 16, 2021

Call for Nominations! The election of new members for the SAA Board is coming soon! If you are interested in candidacy, we encourage you to consider the guidelines for Board service, the nomination materials, timelines,  and application: We look… Read more ▶

From the SAA Board of Directors May 25 2021

May 25, 2021

The Suzuki Association of the Americas Board is pausing in this moment to reflect on the killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 and the subsequent global social justice movements that emerged from that tragedy. The SAA acknowledges and reaffirms that Black Lives Matter. Our heart goes out to all those who have been victims of hatred and bigotry which deserves no place in our global community. The SAA Board and organization continues to listen, learn, and work towards building a more just society in which everyone is safe, where diverse voices are heard, treated with dignity, and celebrated. We affirm our resolve to contribute to more equitable structures and programs that support teachers and children on their journey to becoming all that they can be. Read more ▶

Board Statement of Support for AAPI

March 21, 2021

We add our collective voices to the chorus decrying violent and passive expressions of hate directed towards Asian members of our American fabric. The Suzuki method and philosophy originated in Asia from the brilliance of founder Shinichi Suzuki, whose summative mantra was “Where love is deep, much can be accomplished.” We extend deepest sorrow in regard to the most recent exhibit of hate towards Asian Americans, and express solidarity with our SAA members, students, and family members of Asian descent. Our mission continues to be to develop beautiful hearts through beautiful tone, and to encourage intentional respect and deep love for each teacher, student, and parent engaged in this life-long process of becoming. We all have a part to contribute in building a more just society in which everyone is safe, and where diverse voices are heard, treated with respect and dignity, and celebrated. —3/19/2020 Read more ▶

SAA Board News May 13 2021

May 13, 2021

The Board takes seriously its commitment to transparency and communication with SAA membership. In an effort to act on this commitment, the Board announces that: Board meeting minutes are now available in pdf format online and will be uploaded on a… Read more ▶

SAA Board News March 19 2021

March 19, 2021

Support Statement Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) condemns the continuing acts of violence against the Black and Asian communities. We denounce racism, hatred, and violence in any form and raise our voices as community leaders in support of our Black,… Read more ▶

Board News December 8

December 8, 2020

Dear SAA Members, There have been some misinterpretations in regards to SAA financials and transparency. The SAA Board would like to clarify the following for the benefit of all members: SAA is incorporated in the State of Delaware, and is therefore subject… Read more ▶

Board News November 3

November 3, 2020

The SAA Board is delighted to announce the appointment of ELLEN KOGUT, violin, QC, as SAA Board Chair-Elect to take the position left open by the resignation of Rolando Freitag.  Ellen was elected by a majority of Board members during… Read more ▶

New Board Members

November 3, 2020

The Board is delighted to introduce our new members! Four individuals were chosen from a deep field of applicants who responded to our call in September. Following Board training and orientation, they will be seated at the Board’s meeting on November… Read more ▶

Board News October  8 2020

October 9, 2020

October 8, 2020 To the Membership, The Board is very pleased to have received twelve applications for its open positions. Eight are from persons of color affiliated with the North American Suzuki Community, and four from SAA members living and working in… Read more ▶

Honorary Board

October 6, 2020

Jeanne Baxtresser Former Principal Flute, New York Philharmonic Martin Beaver Formerly Tokyo String Quartet, Montrose Trio, Colburn School of Music, Los Angeles, CA Robert A. Duke, PhD Marlene and Morton Meyerson Centennial Professor in Music and Human Leaning , University of Texas Butler School of… Read more ▶

Chairs Column

August 1, 2017 by Joan Krzywicki

Summer is often a time when we take a break from our usual routines and engage in activities that refresh our Suzuki spirit. Attending a Suzuki Institute is one way to do that. Whether we attend as a teacher, a… Read more ▶

Holding Two Concepts In Ones Mind  Episode 4

June 7, 2017 by Sarah Bylander Montzka, Margaret Watts Romney

Students, Teachers, Parents, Administrators: we are all interested in growth and change. In this episode, Sarah Bylander Montzka explains the skill we can all use of “holding two concepts in one’s mind at the same time”—a skill which can nurture growth in students, organizations, and ourselves. Read more ▶

A Gold Star Birthday

April 22, 2013

On the invitation, Dan suggested that, in lieu of gifts, guests make a donation to the SAA Annual Fund. What a brilliant stroke of genius, Dan! Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 56 Leadership Retreat Board Ballot Summer Institutes Writing Contest

March 22, 2013

In this issue: Leadership Retreat Registration Vote on the Board Ballot by April 10 Summer Institutes: Auditions & Scholarships Student Writing Contest due April 1 Upcoming Events Join us May 23-26 at Deer Creek Lodge in Ohio for the SAA Leadership Retreat! SAA retreats provide participants an… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 55 Shaping Our Future Together Board Ballot Student Writing Contest

February 21, 2013

Shaping Our Future Together, Vote on the Board Ballot by April 10, Student Writing Contest, Summer Institutes Are Approaching!, Nurtured by Love New Translation, Leadership Retreat & Parents as Partners Read more ▶

40 and Forward Words from the Board

September 1, 2012 by Susan Baer, Marilyn Kesler

As teachers, we are always giving, but in return we are blessed with gifts well beyond our sacrifices. Churchill wrote, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Maybe this is the reason so many of us continue teaching well beyond a retirement age. Read more ▶

2012 Annual Membership Meeting

July 13, 2012

Certificate of Achievement Congratulations to the 2012 Certificate of Achievement Recipients: Gloria Apellaniz, piano, Colorado Daniel Gee, violin, Texas Jessica Meyer, violin, Connecticut Amy Matherly, violin, Massachusetts The SAA Certificate of Achievement recognizes teachers with a commitment to life‐long learning and self‐improvement. Check your training profile to… Read more ▶

Elizabeth StuenWalker Outgoing Board Member

December 1, 2011 by Elizabeth Stuen-Walker

Outgoing SAA Board of Directors member Elizabeth Stuen-Walker served from August 2008-August 2011, serving as secretary from 2009-2011. Tell us about yourself—your studio, your background, and how you became involved with the Suzuki Method. I have maintained a private a studio… Read more ▶

Interview with Past SAA Board Chair Teri Einfeldt

December 1, 2011 by Teri Einfeldt, Karen-Michele Kimmett

How long did you serve on the SAA board before becoming Chair? I served for six years, two of them as chair elect. What aspects of the Chair office surprised you the most? Probably what surprised me the most was beginning to understand… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes September 1518 2011

September 19, 2011

September 15—18, 2011, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada Members present: Susan Baer, Ellen Berry, Dan Browning, Mark George, chair, Frances Green, Marilyn Kesler, Sarah Bylander Montzka, Marilyn O’Boyle, Patricia Purcell, MaryLou Roberts, Lucy Shaw, and Pam Brasch, ex officio. The meeting was called to… Read more ▶

See SAA Board Chair Dr Mark George with Suzuki Students on Windy City Live

August 26, 2011

SAA Board of Directors Chair Dr. Mark George appeared with students of the Music Institute of Chicago on Windy City Live on Thursday, August 25. The performance can be seen here: Read more ▶

Profile Marilyn Kesler Board of Directors ChairElect

August 11, 2011 by Marilyn Kesler

Meet newly-appointed SAA Board of Directors Chair-elect Marilyn Kesler. Kesler begins her two-year term as chair-elect on August 1, after which she will become board chair. Read more ▶

2011 Annual General Meeting

April 13, 2011

The SAA’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 28, 5 PM, at the American Airlines Conference Center’s Flagship Auditorium during the SAA’s 2011 Leadership Retreat. All members are encouraged to attend. (Registration for the Retreat is not… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes April 810 2011

April 11, 2011

Friday April 8th, 2011, Boulder, CO The meeting was called to order at 9:06 a.m, by Teri Einfeldt, chair. Members present: Sue Baer, Ellen Berry, Dan Browning, Teri Einfeldt, Chair, Mark George, Chair-Elect, Marilyn Kesler, Sarah Montzka, Patricia Purcell, MaryLou Roberts, Marilyn… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 31 Leadership Retreat Articles for Parents Writing Contest 2012 Conference Board Ballot

March 11, 2011

In this issue: Articles for Parents Leadership Retreat Registration Open Parents as Partners 2011 Acknowledgments Student Writing Contest 2012 SAA Conference: May 25-28 Music Teacher Email Scams Teacher Training Auditions Board Ballot Vote Due April 1st Ask the Experts #22 Upcoming SPA Courses Upcoming ECC Courses Articles for Parents We’ve pulled some of… Read more ▶

Ask the Experts 22 SAA Board

March 11, 2011 by Pam Brasch

Why do we have an appointed board and not an elected board? The Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) does not have an appointed board as you suggest. Our by-laws state that, “At least two of the vacancies created by the… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 30 Board Ballot Student Writing Contest Stay Connected Frank Longay

February 8, 2011

In this issue: Board Ballot (Active Members Only) Suzuki Student Writing Contest Launch a Valentine Star Leadership Retreat Invitation Board Corner: Stay Connected Ask the Experts #21 Frank Longay, 1948-2011 John Kendall Memorial Observance Upcoming SPA Courses Board Ballot (Active Members Only) Active members can now vote on the 2011 board… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 29 Parents as Partners John Kendall Board Corner Ask the Experts

January 11, 2011

In this issue: Parents as Partners Online Suzuki Community Mourns the Loss of Leader and Mentor, John Kendall SAA Board Corner SAA: A Communication Center Why the SAA? 2011 Summer Institutes Newsletter Naming Contest Winner Thanking Our Lucky Stars Ask the Experts 19 & 20 Upcoming SPA Courses Calling all teachers… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes January 68 2011

January 9, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011, Chicago, Illinois The meeting was called to order at 4:07 p.m. by Teri Einfeldt, chair. Members present: Sue Baer, Ellen Berry, Dan Browning, Teri Einfeldt, Chair, Mark George, Chair-Elect, Marilyn Kesler, Sarah Montzka, Patricia Purcell, MaryLou Roberts, Marilyn… Read more ▶

Board Nominations

October 15, 2010 by Mark George

Dear Friends and Colleagues: The Board of Directors of the SAA is seeking nominees for board service. We would like to ask you to consider who among your colleagues and associates you like to see involved in shaping the future of… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes September 2010

September 29, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010, Boulder, CO The meeting was called to order at 1:55 p.m. by Teri Einfeldt, chair. Members present: Sue Baer, Ellen Berry, Dan Browning, Teri Einfeldt, Chair, Marilyn Kesler, Sarah Montzka, Patricia Purcell, MaryLou Roberts, Marilyn O’Boyle, Betsy Stuen-Walker,… Read more ▶

Once Upon a Board

September 21, 2010 by Carol Ourada

As the van edged its way down the highway, purple-hued mountains poked out along the horizon. Prairie dogs darted in and out of their holes as the vehicle passed by the open land. Was this a setting for a movie… Read more ▶

SAA Board Experiences

September 21, 2010 by Ruth Engle Larner

As my three-year term as a member of the SAA’s Board of Directors comes to a close, I can look back over those years and see growth—growth in the SAA as an association and proponent for excellent music education, and… Read more ▶

2010 Annual Meeting Summary

July 25, 2010

Board Chair Teri Einfeldt opened the SAA’s 2010 Annual General Meeting, welcoming and thanking everyone who came. Marilyn Kesler talked about this summer’s institutes. With 67 institutes planned, there are 10 more than in 2009 and 4 more than the average… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes April 2010

April 15, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010, Boulder, CO The meeting was called to order at 9:23 a.m. by Teri Einfeldt, chair. Members present: Sue Baer, Ellen Berry, Teri Einfeldt, Chair, Mark George, Chair-elect, Marilyn Kesler, Ruth Engle Larner, Marilyn O’Boyle, Carol Ourada, Betsy Stuen-Walker, secretary,… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 19 2010 Board Ballot Conference Early Bird Ending Session Descriptions and more

March 15, 2010

In this issue: Conference: Early Registration Ends March 31 Book Your Hilton Hotel Rooms Minnesota Orchestra Tickets Bringing Instruments Student Participants Session Descriptions Visit Our Sponsors More: Board Ballot (Active Members Only) Certificate of Achievement Thoughts on the Institute Experience More Institute Emails Six-Year Old Winner Board Ballot (Active Members Only) Active members can now vote… Read more ▶

2010 Board Ballot  Vote Now

March 8, 2010

Active members can now vote on the 2010 board ballot. Voting members without an email address will be mailed a paper ballot. The four candidates are Dan Browning, Sarah Bylander Montzka, Patricia Purcell, and MaryLou Roberts. You have until April 10th… Read more ▶

2010 Board Ballots

February 17, 2010

The Board ballot will be online again this year. Active members will receive an email notification in March. Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes January 2010

January 12, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010, Boulder, CO Meeting was called to order at 4:13 p.m. by Teri Einfeldt, chair. Teri assigned the following Board meeting jobs: Parking lot attendant (keeping track of jobs) Ellen Berry, Governance Monitor (the Carver Cop) Ruth Engle Larner… Read more ▶

Board Nominations

October 20, 2009

Suggestions for consideration by the Board Nominating Committee should be submitted this month to the Nominations Committee, c/o Dr. Mark George [javascript protected email address] . In addition to teachers and parents, names of individuals with financial, organizational, fundraising and/or… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 14 2010 Summer Institutes Ask the Experts Board  CLC Nominations

October 19, 2009

In this issue: 2010 Summer Institutes Suzuki Events Ask the Experts Board Nominations Creating Learning Community Awards Conference News 2010 Summer Institutes Preliminary 2010 Summer Institute information is now available online. There are 62 Institutes planned for next summer, and there may be some new ones announced in… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes September 2009

September 30, 2009

September 25, 2009, Okemos, Michigan Members present: Sue Baer, Ellen Berry, Teri Einfeldt, chair, Mark George, Marilyn Kesler, Ruth Engle Larner, Marilyn O’Boyle, Carol Ourada, Betsy Stuen-Walker, and Pam Brasch, ex officio. The meeting was called to order at 8:47 a.m. by… Read more ▶

Board Election Results

June 16, 2009

Congratulations to the SAA’s newly elected Board members: Sue Baer, Ellen Berry and Marilyn O’Boyle. Their three-year terms will begin August 1, 2009. Chair-Elect Teri Einfeldt will assume the role of Board Chair in August and Betsy Stuen-Walker will fill… Read more ▶

Annual Meeting Live Broadcast

June 16, 2009

The SAA Annual Meeting took place on the web on April 4th, 2009, in the SAA office in Boulder, Colorado. Many of you participated through the live broadcast on the SAA website. With skits and presentations delivered in a lighthearted… Read more ▶

Board Member Ballot

May 10, 2009

This year’s board ballot for election of new Board members is online and ready for voting by all current Active members whose email we have in our database. You will need to log in to your online account to access… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes April 35 2009

April 12, 2009

April 3-5, 2009, SAA Offices, Boulder, CO Members present: Lamar Blum, Teri Einfeldt, Christie Felsing, Mark George, Marilyn Kesler, Ruth Engle Larner, Carol Ourada, Diane Schroeder, Chair, Betsy Stuen-Walker (April 3-4 noon), Beth Titterington, and Pam Brasch, ex officio. The meeting was… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 6 Register for the VLR Vote on the Board Ballot Teacher Pictures

February 24, 2009

Virtual Leadership RetreatRegistration for the VLR is now open. The participation fee is $45, but only $35, if you… Sign up by March 21 Attach your digital photo (if it’s not already on the SAA website), and Answer a couple of questions for… Read more ▶

Board Member Ballot Coming Soon

January 27, 2009

The ballot process is for the selection of new SAA Board members for terms to begin August 1, 2009. Only Active level, current members are eligible to vote. This year’s board ballot will be made available online soon. You will… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes January 911 2009

January 15, 2009

January 9-11, 2009, SAA Offices, Boulder, CO Members present: Lamar Blum, Teri Einfeldt, Christie Felsing, Mark George, Marilyn Kesler, Ruth Engle Larner, Carol Ourada, Diane Schroeder, Betsy Stuen-Walker, Beth Titterington, and Pam Brasch, ex officio. The meeting was called to order at… Read more ▶

Your ENewsletter and Ballot

December 10, 2008

If you have an email address, the SAA would like to add you to the circulation list for the monthly newsletter. Don’t miss out on upcoming announcements, news and information. Among the items in upcoming newsletters are these: For Active Members… Read more ▶

New SAA Honorary Board Member Jeanne Baxtresser

October 8, 2008 by Gail Lange

The Board of the SAA is pleased to announce that Jeanne Baxtresser, flutist, has accepted to serve on its Honorary Board. Principal flutist of three major orchestras including the Montreal Symphony and Toronto Symphony, Ms. Baxtresser’s orchestral career culminated with… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes September 1921 2008

September 25, 2008

Sept 19-21, 2008, Guelph, ON Members present: Lamar Blum, Teri Einfeldt, Christie Felsing, Mark George, Marilyn Kesler, Ruth Engle Larner, Carol Ourada, Diane Schroeder, Betsy Stuen-Walker, Beth Titterington and Pam Brasch, ex officio. Absent: Betty Wahlig The meeting was called to order… Read more ▶

Annual Meeting  New Board Members Welcomed

July 10, 2008

The SAA’s Annual Meeting took place on Friday, May 23, at the Hilton Minneapolis. The agenda included an enthusiastic welcome to new Board members: Marilyn Kesler (MI), Elizabeth Stuen-Walker (WA) and Mark George (CT). The Board appreciates their willingness to… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes April 1113 2008

April 15, 2008

April 11-13, 2008, New Harmony/Evansville, IN Members present: Lamar Blum, Christie Felsing, Gail Lange, Beth Goldstein-McKee, Carol Ourada, Diane Schroeder, Betty Wahlig, and Pam Brasch, ex officio. Arrivals Friday (mid-day) due to weather: Teri Einfeldt, Dave Madsen and Beth Titterington. The meeting… Read more ▶

Board Election Ballot

March 5, 2008

Current Active level members, please note that your 2008 Board Election Ballot is enclosed with the 2008 Winter issue of the Journal. Final postmark date for your vote to be counted is April 15, 2008. Please read the information carefully… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes January 1820 2008

January 25, 2008

January 18-20, 2008, West Hartford, CT Members present: Lamar Blum, Teri Einfeldt, Christie Felsing, Gail Lange, Ruth Engle Larner, Dave Madsen, Beth Goldstein-McKee, Carol Ourada, Diane Schroeder, Beth Titterington, Betty Wahlig, and Pam Brasch, ex officio. The meeting was called to order… Read more ▶

A New Momentum

December 31, 2007 by Carrie Reuning-Hummel

Remarks at the SAA Annual Meeting, May 2007 As I prepare to leave the SAA Board after six years of service and reflect on what I have observed over the years I have been involved with Suzuki, I realize that I… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes September 2830 2007

October 1, 2007

SAA Board of Directors Meeting September 28-30, 2007 Boulder, CO Members present: Pam Brasch, Lamar Blum, Teri Einfeldt, Christie Felsing, Gail Lange, Ruth Engle Larner, Dave Madsen, Beth Goldstein-McKee, Carol Ourada, Diane Schroeder, Beth Titterington, and Betty Wahlig. The meeting was called to order… Read more ▶

Keeping His Dream Alive

August 27, 2007

Interviews with SAA Board members. Read more ▶

Leadership Through Service

August 1, 2007 by Dee Martz

Remarks at the SAA Annual Meeting, May 2007 During the last decade or so I have spent four years working with the Teacher Development Team formulating the Teacher Trainer Application and Evaluation Process and six years as a member of the… Read more ▶

New Board Members Welcomed

June 12, 2007

The SAA’s Annual Meeting took place on Friday, May 25, at the Nottawasaga Resort. The agenda included the announcement of the results of this spring’s Board election. Carol Ourada from Wheaton, IL, and Ruth Engle Larner, from Ft. Collins, CO,… Read more ▶

Honorary Board Grows

May 1, 2007

Please take a look at the new Honorary Board list. We are pleased and honored to have added seven new members to the Honorary Board thus far this year. Beginning with this issue of the ASJ, the SAA Board is… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes April 1214 2007

April 15, 2007

SAA Board of Directors Meeting Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA April 12-14, 2007 Members present: Pam Brasch, Lamar Blum, Teri Einfeldt, Christie Felsing, Gail Lange, Dave Madsen, Beth Goldstein-McKee, Dee Martz, Carrie Reuning-Hummel, Paul Salerni, and Betty Wahlig. Late arrival: Diane Schroeder. Absent: Beth… Read more ▶

Attention SAA Active Members

January 20, 2007

If you were a current Active Member as of February 1, 2007, your 2007 Board Election ballot was included with your Journal and must be returned (postmark date) by April 15, 2007. Results of the election will be announced at… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes January 1214 2007

January 15, 2007

SAA Board of Directors Meeting SAA Headquarters, Boulder, CO January 12-14, 2007 Members present: Pam Brasch, Lamar Blum, Teri Einfeldt, Christie Felsing, Gail Lange, Beth Goldstein-McKee, Dee Martz, Carrie Reuning-Hummel, Paul Salerni, Diane Schroeder, Beth Titterington and Betty Wahlig. Late arrival: Dave Madsen The… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes September 1416 2006

September 17, 2006

SAA Board of Directors Meeting The Hampton Inn, Ithaca, NY September 14-16, 2006 Members present: Pam Brasch, Lamar Blum, Christie Felsing, Gail Lange, Beth Goldstein-McKee, Dave Madsen, Dee Martz, Carrie Reuning-Hummel, Paul Salerni, Diane Schroeder, Beth Titterington and Betty Wahlig The meeting was called… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes April 79 2006

April 10, 2006

SAA Board of Directors Meeting Courtyard by Marriott, Arlington Heights, IL April 7-9, 2006 The meeting was called to order at 8:59 a.m. by Paul Salerni, Chair. Members present: Pam Brasch, Teri Einfeldt, Christie Felsing, Gail Lange, Beth Goldstein-McKee, Dave Madsen, Dee Martz, Carrie… Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes January 1315 2006

January 16, 2006

SAA Board of Directors Meeting Homewood Suites, Boulder, CO January 13-15, 2006 Present: Pam Brasch, Teri Einfeldt, Christie Felsing, Beth Goldstein-McKee, Dave Madsen, Dee Martz, Carrie Reuning-Hummel, Paul Salerni, Betty Wahlig, Carol Waldvogel The meeting was called to order on Friday January 13… Read more ▶

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