
Announcing the Addition of Explanatory Graphs to the Kendall Teaching Videos Archive

May 28, 2024

The ISA is indebted to Dr. Brian Buckstead for permitting his research on the teaching techniques of Suzuki Method pioneer John Kendall to be posted on this website. His illustrations provide a valuable visual resource to the aural presentation in… Read more ▶

The Suzuki Triangle to the Rescue in Time of Pandemic General tips for approaching online teaching

April 8, 2020 by Evelyn Osborne

We are living in challenging times; our lives have changed dramatically overnight due to COVID-19. It can be overwhelming, and scary for how to continue our studios, but as a Suzuki community, we have a uniquely strong advantage: Do Not… Read more ▶

Online Teaching

March 17, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented challenges to Suzuki teaching worldwide. SAA has put together these resources to support Suzuki teachers through temporary periods of social distancing and quarantine which preclude regular, in-person individual and group lessons. We believe Suzuki teachers… Read more ▶

Bringing Your Gifts and Feeding a Hunger that the World Has  Episode 6

July 27, 2017 by Alice Ann O'Neill, Margaret Watts Romney

Have you ever felt so focused on the project in front of you that the rest of the world seemed to disappear? Perhaps time stood still? You felt in complete harmony with things around you? This place is a source… Read more ▶

Building Noble Hearts New Suzuki Teaching Podcast from SAA

May 1, 2017 by Margaret Watts Romney

Have you ever felt transported to a different place when you were listening to someone tell a story? Have you lost track of time in the car while listening to a radio piece? Do you like hearing about the trials… Read more ▶

Suzuki Provides a Framework to Build a Teaching Practice

June 20, 2012 by Heidi Schuller

This presentation is an outgrowth of numerous conversations I’ve had with local traditional flute instructors questioning the value of the Suzuki method, and why they should attend teacher training and use the Suzuki books. And, to educate traditional teachers on… Read more ▶

Practicum A Great Way to Sharpen Your Teaching Tools

August 11, 2011 by Leslie Mizrahi

Practicum Un gran medio para afilar tus herramientas de enseñanza. Con comentarios de Etna Diemecke y Fabiola Sigala Este extraordinario taller nos ha llevado a apreciar aún más el arte de enseñar. Este arte involucra el instrumento, la música, el alumno y los padres… Read more ▶

Book Review Teaching With an Open Heart by Edward Kreitman

May 25, 2011 by Carol Dallinger

I never sit down with a book and read it cover to cover, but when I opened *Teaching with an Open Heart* to the first page, I could not put it down until I had finished the epilogue! Read more ▶

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