
From Pilsen to Matsumoto Members of Merit School of Musics SuzukiAlegre Strings Ensemble tune up for 16th Suzuki Method World Convention

March 18, 2013

Eighteen talented Chicago youngsters, all students in Merit School of Music’s Suzuki-Alegre Strings program, will soon check their suitcases and string instruments and board a flight to Japan to represent Chicago at the 16th Suzuki Method World Convention, March 27-31, 2013. Read more ▶

International Ensembles Concert

September 1, 2012 by Sandra Payton, Carol Waldvogel

International Ensembles committee members Carol Waldvogel and Sandra Payton had a great time attending to the needs of the three groups chosen to perform at the International Ensembles Concert on Saturday night. Harpeth Suzuki Strings (Franklin, Tennessee), Concorde Strings (Guelph,… Read more ▶

International Ensembles Concert Sunday Night Finale Event

September 21, 2010 by May Ing, Carol Waldvogel

The International Ensembles Committee of Carol Waldvogel and May Ing kicked into high gear on Sunday, May 30, overseeing the needs of Cellisimo, Allegro!!! and Noah Krauss. The first performance was the Piano Concerto Competition winner, Noah Krauss. Noah was superbly… Read more ▶

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