Auditions & Newsletter

Suzuki ENews 50 Online Auditions Suggestion Box Instrument Selection Find a Teacher

September 19, 2012

Online Audition & Scholarship Applications, Our New Suggestion Box: Building the SAA Together, High Notes: Off to a Great Start, SAA 101: Find a Teacher Online Read more ▶

Suzuki News 13 ASJ 374 Conference Master Class Clinicians Student Auditions Due Soon

September 25, 2009

In this issue: ASJ Issue 37.4 Creating Learning Community Award Nominations Winter Opportunities Studio Support Job Listings Conference: Master Class Clinicians Student Auditions: Most Due October 15 Session Proposals: Due October 15 Research Symposium: Call for Papers ASJ Issue 37.4The Summer 2009 American Suzuki Journal is now being mailed to current… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 12 Conference Proposals Student Auditions

August 21, 2009

In this issue: What does TEAMWORK mean to you? 2009 Minijournal Certificate of Achievement Teacher Location Service Conference: What’s New and Special for 2010? Ten Questions about the Top Ten Tracks Student Audition Application Submit Your Conference Session Proposal Calling all Chamber Musicians! What does TEAMWORK mean to you? With the 2010… Read more ▶


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