“It Transcended Us to Another World”—Episode 3
May 23, 2017
by Amy Matherly
May 17, 2017, Minijournal 2017
Topics: Articles for Parents, Practice
Previously printed in Minijournal 2017. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © 2017 Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc.
Amy Matherly has been teaching music to students of all ages since 1982. She is currently a member of the violin faculty at the Pakachoag Music School in Worcester, MA, Coordinator of the Suzuki Program there, and director of the Pakachoag Fiddle Band. Amy is a registered Teacher Trainer with the Suzuki Association of the Americas and was awarded a Certificate of Achievement by the SAA in 2012.
In addition to teaching, Amy develops curricula for different areas of violin instruction and offers them through CAM Publications, a business founded with her husband Chris in 1998. CAM Publications supports teachers, parents and students by providing teaching materials, accessories, and group class ideas. Visit www.campublications.com to learn more.
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