Violin lesson at Ottawa Suzuki Institute
The Suzuki parent is a powerful mentor. Well, that’s a rather obvious fact, but perhaps one worth pondering for a moment. Our actions often reach farther than we realize.
First of all, the parent is a mentor to his/her child. As you know, children are sponges. The respect shown to others and the discipline exercised in the life of a parent speak volumes to the offspring. The manner in which the parent conducts himself/herself models, for the student, “appropriate” adult behavior.
Second of all, if the Suzuki parent does not love and value music, it is more challenging for a child to love and value music. Have you ever complained about having to listen to the reference recording again? Do you ensure exposure to excellent playing by taking your child to concerts?
In my studio, I love to see my more seasoned Suzuki parents mentoring the less experienced ones. These seasoned parents are a wonderful resource and support. They’ve been through the trenches, survived the battles. And do you know what? They are so glad that they did. I’ve never heard a Suzuki parent say they had regrets for persevering. Before a new family joins my studio, I put them in contact with some of these veterans. They are the ones who are able to tell it like it is. And, they are the ones who best expound upon the beauty and rewards of the Suzuki Method. Happy Twinkling!
This article was originally composed for the Suzuki Association of Colorado’s Suzuki newsletter, Salute! January, 2003. Reprinted with permission.