American Suzuki Journal 45.1

Cover picture by Lisa-Marie Mazzucco

Published November 2016

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American Suzuki Journal 45.1


Artistry Inspiration and Suzuki Parenting An Interview with Rachel Barton Pine

Artistry, Inspiration and Suzuki Parenting: An Interview with Rachel Barton Pine


Creating Learning Community Awards Mary Cay Neal

Creating Learning Community Awards: Mary Cay Neal

Creating Learning Community Awards Sandy Reuning

Creating Learning Community Awards: Sandy Reuning

The SAAs 17th Biennial Conference Part II

The SAA’s 17th Biennial Conference, Part II

My First Time at IRSTE I Will Be Back

My First Time at IRSTE: I Will Be Back

Part 6 Parent Education in Suzuki Studios Who offers it Who receives it What does it look like

Part 6: Parent Education in Suzuki Studios: Who offers it? Who receives it? What does it look like?


Chairs Column

Chair’s Column

A Few Thoughts on Cello Hardware Helpers Historical Perspective Keypegs and Bent Endpins

A Few Thoughts on Cello Hardware Helpers: Historical Perspective, Keypegs, and Bent Endpins

Do No Harm

Do No Harm

Reflections on LifeLong Learning and SECE

Reflections on Life-Long Learning and SECE

Teaching & Learning

Repetition Revisited Thoughts on the Book Make It Stick The Science of Successful Learning

Repetition Revisited: Thoughts on the Book Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

Balancing from the Center Clearing the Path to Fluid Left Hand Technique for Violinists and Violists

Introduction Left hand balance, or the natural and efficient distribution of weight among the fingers, is an important element of string playing. It contributes to comfort, facility, and consistency of intonation. It is also essential to proper form for extensions and… Read more ▶

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ASJ 45.1, page 54

Confessions of a Suzuki Mother

Confessions of a Suzuki Mother

Latin America

4th International Vive la Musica Suzuki Festival

4th International Vive la Musica Suzuki Festival

When I started organizing the 4th International Vive la Musica Suzuki Festival I thought about one thing: In Mexico there is a great necessity for a better quality of education with more opportunities for more people, especially regarding musical education,… Read more ▶

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ASJ 45.1, page 64

News From Here & There

Celebrating 30 years of Suzuki Voice

Celebrating 30 years of Suzuki Voice

Proud to be a Member of Southeast Texas Suzuki Association in Houston Texas

Proud to be a Member of Southeast Texas Suzuki Association in Houston, Texas

Stories, Poems & Tributes

Suzuki Serendipity A Memorial Tribute to Miss Sheila Keats

Suzuki Serendipity: A Memorial Tribute to Miss Sheila Keats

In Memoriam Sara Benites

In Memoriam: Sara Benites