The Bass Committee has been meeting twice yearly to develop the repertoire of the Suzuki Bass School. After working for several years, the committee is beginning to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. At the retreat in Bloomingdale, Illinois, this past January, it was determined that the Suzuki Bass School would be finalized with the publication of Koussevitzky’s Concerto in F# minor in Book 8. Books 1 through 4 are now published, Book 5 will soon be in print, and Books 6 through 8 are awaiting various degrees of finishing touches. The committee is proud to announce that Books 1, 2, and 3 have been recorded by the legendary virtuosi Gary Karr and Harmon Lewis. The collection of repertoire has been selected, researched, and edited with a spirit of loving dedication. It is the hope of the Bass Committee that the collection of eight books and the recordings will be completed by the year 2010.
Double bass teacher training is growing now that there are two teacher trainers. The committee is pleased to note that Virginia Dixon has taught Books 1, 2, and 3 during each of the last two summers. We appeal to all bass trainees to join us at the SAA Conference in Minneapolis. In addition to the sessions featuring Diana Gannett, our esteemed conference clinician, it is hoped that other bass sessions will also appeal to non-bassists. There will be a conference bass choir featuring students and teachers which will be beautiful and fun as well. In an effort to promote camaraderie, there will be a no-host evening meal for all bassists and for friends of the bass.
The members of the Bass Committee include Virginia Dixon, Michael Fanelli, Domenick Fiore, Eugene Rebeck, Paul Sharpe, and Dan Swaim, Chair.