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SAA Conference Handouts

March 14, 2024

Check out the SAA’s Conference Handouts, available at the link below! Session information is organized by Date and the Last Name of the session presenter. Thanks so much to all of our wonderful presenters for submitting materials to support our… Read more ▶

Check out the Conference Program Book  Schedule

March 14, 2024

This year’s schedule offers a combination of instrument-specific sessions and space for you to connect with members across instrumental groups. We also have meet & greet sessions—informal opportunities for you to connect & reconnect with members of our SAA Community.… Read more ▶

SAA Conference Updates

February 23, 2024

Volunteer at the Conference! Interested in volunteering at the SAA’s Conference?! We’d love to have you! We need extra support in the areas listed below: Room hosts Logistics Student events Become a Conference Volunteer! Register for a Pre-Conference Session Get the MOST out of your experience!… Read more ▶

2024 Conference Schedule Now Available

November 21, 2023

We are THRILLED to share this year’s conference schedule! Click the link below to download the schedule! Our goal in creating this year’s conference schedule was to create many opportunities for cross-collaboration, as we know it’s been far too long… Read more ▶

Student Activities at the SAA Conference now available

November 10, 2023

Prepare for an unforgettable student experience at the conference! Learn more about guest clinicians, student ensembles, and opportunities for existing ensembles below! We are offering student instrumentalists both solo and group opportunities through masterclasses, group ensembles, and music showcases for pre-existing ensembles. Learn more… Read more ▶

2024 SAA Conference

November 6, 2023

Be sure to visit our Conference Page for updates about the conference! SAA Conference Page Ready to register? Here’s our step-by-step guide, & the link! SAA Member Registration Steps for Registering 1. Click the appropriate link above, and select “Register” 2. Sign in or… Read more ▶

Submit a Conference Proposal

September 8, 2023

Call for Proposals Conference Theme: Expanding & Connecting Communities March 20-23, 2024 | Louisville Kentucky Co-located with the American String Teacher Association (ASTA)! Learn more about submission eligibility, proposal details, and more at the link below! In case you missed it, conference proposals will be open… Read more ▶

2024 Suzuki Association of the Americas Conference

April 26, 2023

Expanding and Connecting Communities March 20-23, 2024 | Louisville Kentucky Co-located with the American String Teacher Association (ASTA)! Check this space for updates about volunteer opportunities, call for proposals, opportunities for students, and more! Read more ▶

2024 SAA Conference

April 7, 2023

Check out this awesome write-up about the upcoming SAA Conference on Violinist.com! View Article Now! Read more ▶

Announcing the 2024 Suzuki Association Conference

March 15, 2023

Join us in March 2024 for a co-located conference with the American String Teachers Association! Read more ▶

SAA Conference 2020 Cancelled

June 19, 2020

With sadness and disappointment, the SAA is officially cancelling the 19th Biennial Suzuki Conference which had been rescheduled for September. Student and teacher events alike held promise of being a truly outstanding and memorable Suzuki event. If you have the opportunity,… Read more ▶

19th SAA Conference Update

April 22, 2020

In case you didn’t receive the news, we have moved the May Conference to September 3-7, 2020, at the Hilton Minneapolis and Minneapolis Convention Center! We hope you will still be able to join us. If you made a hotel guest… Read more ▶

Rescheduling of SAAs 19th Conference

March 27, 2020

Dear Suzuki members, We are excited to share some good news. We are moving the May Conference to September 3-7, 2020, at the Hilton Minneapolis and Minneapolis Convention Center! We hope you will be able to join us! A new reservation page… Read more ▶

Carnival of the Animals  Conference 2018

January 9, 2019

Teachers, Students, Families, add a little Saint Saëns to your evening fun and enjoyment! At the SAA’s 18th Conference in Minneapolis, examples of crowning Suzuki achievements were seen in the performances of our student ensembles. Last May’s lineup included Cello Choir,… Read more ▶

Select Conference Videos from 2018

September 25, 2018

The 2018 SAA Conference was a huge success. Thank you to all presenters, participants, and organizers! Here are a few videos to give you a flavor or a reminder of the weekend. Koen Rens’ masterful keynote speech, “Suzuki Music Education: The Power… Read more ▶

Chapter Round Table Session from Conference 2018

June 20, 2018

Transcript for Website At the 2018 Conference, all Affiliated Chapters were invited to a session to connect and hear news of each other’s recent successful projects. The comments from each of the Chapters were audio recorded. Here is an edited (for… Read more ▶

Conference Session Spotlight Kay Collier McLaughlin

April 2, 2018

Talking Together: How to Get Beyond Polarization and See and Hear Each Other Through Civil Dialogue Kay Collier McLaughlin (formerly Kay Collier-Slone) describes herself as a Suzuki teacher specializing in social change. The author of the Talent Education classic, They’re Rarely… Read more ▶

Conference Session Spotlight Carnival of the Animals

March 22, 2018

Arranging Carnival of the Animals for students! Camille Saint -Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals was written for children, but have you felt the desire to have your students play it as well? At the 2018 Suzuki Association of the Americas Conference,… Read more ▶

Encouragement Inspiration Excitement SAA Conferences are for you

November 9, 2017 by Rebekah Hanson

The SAA Conference in 2016 was my first, and I continually ask myself why it took me so long to attend! I have been a member of the SAA since 2001 and have gone to institutes for teacher training almost… Read more ▶

The Expanded Suzuki Triangle Nurturing the Student within the Community

June 20, 2012 by Kathleen Schoen, Thomas Wm Schoen

This is a video response to a parent who asked, “Why bother with an institute?” We tried to go back to the basic principles of Suzuki philosophy to explain how events like institutes, group classes, and conference opportunities provide the… Read more ▶

32nd International Suzuki Festival and 8th Latin American Teachers Conference

May 1, 2017 by Caroline Fraser

Held in Lima Peru, January 4­–25, 2017 The International Suzuki Festivals in Peru and the Latin American Teachers’ Conferences are the most international Suzuki events to be held in the Americas. Seventeen countries participated in these events this year! And there… Read more ▶

Conference Performance Videos

November 8, 2016

Did you get to see a student concert at the SAA conference in May? Wish you could enjoy it again? Want to share one with others? Missed one you wish you could have experienced? Good news—they are… Read more ▶

Conference invite from SIUE

November 17, 2015

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Interview Erin Keefe

November 14, 2015 by Mark George

Among the many delights to be had at the upcoming SAA Conference in Minneapolis is a performance by the Minnesota Orchestra with violin soloist Erin Keefe. The New York Times called Erin Keefe “an impressive violin soloist,” but that is… Read more ▶

Interview Scott Tennant

November 14, 2015 by Andrea Cannon

This unique interview is a sort of a cyber-roundtable of questions for guitarist, teacher and technical guru Scott Tennant. Scott is a founding member of the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet, an amazing soloist, and the author of what has become… Read more ▶

Inspiration and Connection at the 2015 Leadership Retreat

May 29, 2015 by Barbara Balatero, Heather Watson Hardie, Samara Humbert-Hughes, Laura Nerenberg, Alice Ann O'Neill, Kathleen Schoen, Rafael Videira, Danette Warren

For many Suzuki teachers, SAA Conferences and Leadership Retreats are the best way to kick off summer. Packed full of inspiration and camaraderie, these events are not to be missed! Read more ▶

We Can Do Small

August 29, 2013 by Dorothy Jones, Sharon Jones

Early Childhood specialist Dorothy Jones and her daughter, ECE Teacher Sharon Jones, share their experiences with the value of pre-natal listening, including both listening music and speech. Their experiences with children who have been listening before birth have convinced them… Read more ▶

Recollections My First Conference

November 15, 2013 by Libby Felts

Some members of the 2014 SAA Conference planning team shared their recollections of their first conference experience. Have a memory to share? Tell us in the comments. Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 63 Conference Clinicians 2014 Institutes Book Sale Upcoming Events

October 11, 2013

In this issue: SAA Conference: Guest Clinicians, Student & Session Applications Due Oct 15 & 25 2014 Summer Institutes Back-to-School Suzuki Book Sale Ends Oct 31 Suzuki Principles in Action: Upcoming Courses News from Here and There In Memoriam: Dee Martz Upcoming Events There is just so much… Read more ▶

Discovering the SAA Conference

October 11, 2013 by Ian Salmon

I used to ask, “Who is going to the conference?” But, not anymore. Once you experience it, you will never miss it again. Read more ▶

Violin Master Classes and Session Proposals for the 2014 Suzuki  Conference

September 20, 2013

Greetings fellow violin teachers! Violin Student Master Classes I am happy to announce that the 2014 SAA Conference will feature a master class opportunity for students playing pieces from the suggested supplemental repertoire list for Suzuki Violin levels 6, 7 and 8, in… Read more ▶

Encuentro Mexicano The First Mexican National Suzuki Conference

September 18, 2013 by Leslie Mizrahi

One nation, two languages: Spanish and Music. An opportunity to acknowledge one another, to listen to one another, to touch one another’s hearts, to touch one another’s lives. The Mexican Encuentro was more than a musical experience, it was a gathering of hearts and souls all under one common idea: Shinichi Suzuki’s philosophy. Read more ▶

Conferences and Retreats We Need You

September 18, 2013 by Stacy Garner

As a first-time attendee, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I’m now convinced that planning to attend SAA events the weekend before Memorial Day for professional development is one of the best things I can do, both for myself and for my teaching. Read more ▶

Reflections on My First SAA Conference

September 18, 2013 by Christine Goodner

I am a goal setting type of person—perhaps it’s a result of being a Suzuki violin student since the age of three. I love making goals, working to meet them, and sometimes, revising them along the way. Looking forward to… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 60 Trumpet Suzuki Principles in Action Conference News From Here  There

July 18, 2013

Suzuki Teacher Training for Trumpet, SAA Conference, May 22-26, 2014, Suzuki Principles in Action: Upcoming Courses, News from Here and There, Upcoming Events Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 59 SAA Conference  Student Opportunities Suzuki Americas 2014 Annual Meeting Summary

June 18, 2013

In this issue: SAA Conference, Suzuki Americas 2014 & Latin American Suzuki Ensemble, Annual Meeting & Leadership Retreat Summary, News from Here and There, Upcoming Events Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 58 Supplementary Violin Repertoire Minijournal 2014 Conference

May 21, 2013

In this issue: 2014 Conference Dates: May 22-26 in Minneapolis Suggested Supplementary Repertoire for Revised Violin Books 6-8 Suzuki Violin School Book Revisions Update Minijournal Cover Contest Winners 2014 Conference Dates: May 22-26 Plans are underway to make the SAA 2014 Conference, “Powered by Community,” a… Read more ▶

Revisiting 40 and Forward Mini Online Conference 2012

December 14, 2012

Videos and Handouts from SAA’s 15th Conference, 40 and Forward—sign up now! You are sure to find inspiration, useful ideas, and thoughts to ponder and discuss with colleagues and studio families. Read more ▶

PreOrder Your Kaleidoscope Concert DVD

October 24, 2012

In celebration of its 40th anniversary and over 50 years of Suzuki education in the Americas, the Suzuki Association of the Americas proudly presents this special event. This concert DVD showcases a selection of young student performers representing several instrumental disciplines and stages of study. Read more ▶

Suzuki in the Schools Featured Parker Elementary and More

September 1, 2012 by Loren Abramson, Patricia Purcell

The SAA 15th Biennial Conference was a huge success from many perspectives. The days of May 24-28, in Minneapolis were full and inspiring. The Keynote addresses were enlightening and inspiring for all members: Laurel Trainor reviewed research from cognitive and… Read more ▶

A True Symbiosis Robertson and Sons Violin Shop and the SAA

September 1, 2012 by Susan Baer

A Kaleidoscope of Talent One of the highlights of the 2012 SAA Conference was the Kaleidoscope Concert. Just as the name suggests, the concert provided a colorful and diverse display of children of various ages, on a variety of instruments, and representing… Read more ▶

Creating Learning Community Awards 2012

September 1, 2012

The Suzuki Association of the Americas presented the 2012 Creating Learning Community Awards on Saturday, May 26, during a ceremony at the SAA 15th Biennial Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Recipients were Pamela Reit: “The Heart and Soul of Green Mountain Suzuki”… Read more ▶

Time for Three Concert SAA 40th Anniversary Birthday Event

September 1, 2012 by Deborah Moench

The lights dimmed in the Grand Ballroom, and a hush fell over the audience as they anticipated the entrance of Tf3. Thunderous applause welcomed musicians Zach De Pue, Ranaan Meyer and Nick Kendall (grandson of American Suzuki pioneer John Kendall).… Read more ▶

Lansdale Lewis and Lieb Among Violin Highlights

September 1, 2012 by Susan Baer

The conference sessions for violinists provided a menu of irresistible treats. There were so many intriguing titles that it was impossible to see everything on my list of top picks. On the flip side, no one complained of opting to… Read more ▶

Master Classes with Kirsten Docter Kick Off Viola Sessions

September 1, 2012 by Janse Vincent

At this historical conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of the SAA, the viola sessions were right in keeping with the spirit of celebration. From those focusing on Bach to the traditional viola reading session, we were honoring the past while… Read more ▶

Suzuki Youth Orchestras of the Americas Another Fantastic Year

September 1, 2012 by Arlette Aslanian-Townsend, James Van Reeth

Members of the Suzuki Youth Orchestras of the Americas (SYOA) presented their concert Sunday afternoon. The audience was treated to an experience rich with quintessential Suzuki tone, electrifying energy and exemplary musicianship. Outstanding conductors Emmett Drake (SYOA 1) and Kirsten… Read more ▶

Bass Rising An Interview with Nicholas Walker

September 1, 2012 by Libby Felts

Bassist Nicholas Walker, guest clinician for bass at the 2012 SAA Conference, sat down to speak with me following Time for Three’s performance at the conference. Read more ▶

A Very Special Event The Kaleidoscope Concert at Minnesota Orchestra Hall

September 1, 2012 by Lucy Shaw, Andrea Yun

With the beautiful hall of the Minnesota Orchestra as the setting, fourteen young musicians were featured in concert at a first-of-its-kind event for the SAA. The Kaleidoscope Concert brought together talented students from around the country performing pieces from and beyond the Suzuki repertoire. Read more ▶

Renata Pereira Featured in Recorder Sessions

September 1, 2012 by Kathleen Schoen

The recorder events at the recent SAA Biennial Conference had a very international flavour, with participants from Bermuda, Brazil, and Canada as well as the United States. Teachers and students worked together with our clinician, Renata Pereira, to perform a… Read more ▶

Piano Concerto Featured Gavin George

September 1, 2012 by Malgosia Lis

I have known of Gavin George for a while, I have heard his teacher Mary Craig Powell talk about him; I have listened to his recording on YouTube. I knew he was a very special boy, who loved piano and… Read more ▶

Piano Schedule Packed with Inspiration

September 1, 2012 by Malgosia Lis

As of writing this, ten days have passed since the 15th SAA Conference, and I am still living on cloud nine! I seem to be talking about the conference to anybody who is eager (or seems to be eager to… Read more ▶

Growing in Strength and Enthusiasm Suzuki Early Childhood Education

September 1, 2012 by Wan Tsai Chen, Lynn McCall

“Dr. Suzuki, you seem to be more interested in the success of the early childhood programs than anything else. Is that right?” Suzuki replied, “Yes. It is so important, the early training. It is difficult to get support for this… Read more ▶

International Ensembles Concert

September 1, 2012 by Sandra Payton, Carol Waldvogel

International Ensembles committee members Carol Waldvogel and Sandra Payton had a great time attending to the needs of the three groups chosen to perform at the International Ensembles Concert on Saturday night. Harpeth Suzuki Strings (Franklin, Tennessee), Concorde Strings (Guelph,… Read more ▶

The International Research Symposium on Talent Education A Collaborative Space for Teachers and Researchers

September 1, 2012 by Karin Hendricks

I had no idea how cool this was going to be,” Ann Shurtz said to me during the catered snack break on Thursday afternoon. Ann was a first-time attendee at the Eleventh International Research Symposium on Talent Education, a pre-SAA… Read more ▶

Master Classes Harp Maintenance and Much More

September 1, 2012 by Nikki Lemire, Jill Whitman

The Suzuki harp teachers in the Americas, though one of the smallest groups represented at the conference, were nonetheless encouraged and engaged in the several harp sessions and master classes given by the presenters. Guest clinician Karen Gottlieb, from San Francisco,… Read more ▶

Guitars Make History at the Conference

September 1, 2012 by MaryLou Roberts

There were many memorable moments at the 2012 SAA Conference, 40 and Forward! It was a great time to share our love and passion for teaching, try some new music for guitar ensemble, listen to our colleagues, and dream of… Read more ▶

General Sessions at the 2012 Conference

September 1, 2012

This year’s conference offered a veritable feast of information and inspiration, not only in rich instrument area presentations, but also in the General Sessions category. Each session was a gift from the presenter to all present. Read more ▶

Working in Harmony Chamber Music at the Conference

September 1, 2012 by Jessica Meyer Foskitt, Carlynn Savot

Chamber music at this year’s conference consisted of two groups, a harp duo, The Timpanogos Duo, and a string quintet, The Quint-Essentials. Both groups were highly polished and poised. They rehearsed on their own, had classes with members of the… Read more ▶

Flute Area Offered a Full Array of Activities

September 1, 2012 by Cynthia Ferris

The 2012 SAA Conference was an amazing four days for the flute teachers. We had twenty-eight teachers from nine US states and two Canadian provinces, as well as fourteen students ages 9–19 from six states and Argentina. Our session topics… Read more ▶

Creativity and Inspiration for Suzuki Bass Teachers

September 1, 2012 by Nicole Castleberry Clouser, Tracy Rowell

Summary of Bass sessions at the 2012 SAA Conference. Read more ▶

Beauty and Enrichment for Cellists

September 1, 2012 by Marilyn George

More than 110 cello teachers attended the 2012 Conference in Minneapolis. They were treated to a buffet of stimulating cello sessions. Read more ▶

S eh eh Canadians meet at Minneapolis Conference

September 1, 2012 by Kathleen Schoen

A group of Canadian teachers met over lunch at the SAA Conference in May, to discuss our shared issues. We have one: distance. And we have a lot of it. Read more ▶

40 and Forward Words from the Board

September 1, 2012 by Susan Baer, Marilyn Kesler

As teachers, we are always giving, but in return we are blessed with gifts well beyond our sacrifices. Churchill wrote, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Maybe this is the reason so many of us continue teaching well beyond a retirement age. Read more ▶

2012 Forty and Forward

September 1, 2012 by Deborah Moench

The 2012 SAA Conference, “40 and Forward!” was a landmark event that featured quality, quantity, and a passion for learning and sharing. After two years of brainstorming and planning, it was thrilling to see and feel real people gather together in real time and a real space, ready to go forward! Read more ▶

2012 Annual Membership Meeting

July 13, 2012

Certificate of Achievement Congratulations to the 2012 Certificate of Achievement Recipients: Gloria Apellaniz, piano, Colorado Daniel Gee, violin, Texas Jessica Meyer, violin, Connecticut Amy Matherly, violin, Massachusetts The SAA Certificate of Achievement recognizes teachers with a commitment to life‐long learning and self‐improvement. Check your training profile to… Read more ▶

Annual Membership Meeting 2012

July 12, 2012

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Suzuki in the Community Nano Videos presented at the 2012 Conference

June 20, 2012 by Kathleen Schoen, Thomas Wm Schoen, Heidi Schuller, Joanna Smulakowski

These short videos presented at the conference provide a wonderful introduction to the Suzuki Method, and how it can benefit the larger community as well as individual students. The Expanded Suzuki Triangle: Nurturing the Student within the Community by Kathleen & Thomas… Read more ▶

Turtle Bay Music School Integrating the Suzuki Method into the Fabric of the Community

June 20, 2012 by Joanna Smulakowski

Turtle Bay Music School utilizes Dr. Suzuki’s philosophies as a cornerstone in our approach to music teaching and learning. Each year, TBMS’s highly integrated Suzuki strings program serves nearly 1,000 students and families, including children, teens and adults of all… Read more ▶

Suzuki Provides a Framework to Build a Teaching Practice

June 20, 2012 by Heidi Schuller

This presentation is an outgrowth of numerous conversations I’ve had with local traditional flute instructors questioning the value of the Suzuki method, and why they should attend teacher training and use the Suzuki books. And, to educate traditional teachers on… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 47 Conference Pictures World Convention in Japan

June 13, 2012

In this issue: Conference Pictures! Group Class Techniques Workshops Suzuki Method World Convention 40th Anniversary ASJ Articles Due July 1 A Star for My Father Upcoming Events 192 new members joined the SAA in May. Welcome! Conference Pictures! Lots of pictures from the SAA Conference in Minneapolis are available… Read more ▶

40 and Forward Slideshow from the Conference Birthday Bash

May 29, 2012

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Community in Conference The Workings of a Successful Suzuki Conference

May 1, 2012 by Janice LaMarre

What do seventy Suzuki teachers, 100 families, and the Prime Minister of Canada have in common? They all joined forces to create the 2011 Ontario Suzuki Conference, in Barrie, Canada. Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 45 Sound of Success Institute Scholarships Conference

April 11, 2012

In this issue: The Sound of Success: Suzuki Method for Guitar Conference Special Events Preview Institute Scholarships for Students & Teachers A Star for My Mother Next ASJ Sneak Peak Upcoming Events 107 new members joined the SAA in March. Welcome! The Sound of Success: Suzuki Method for… Read more ▶

Be a SomebodyBring a New Buddy to the Conference

March 21, 2012 by Susan Baer, Sarah Wilson

I’m not sure how it happened, but somehow, that cute little girl who began taking lessons with me at the age of three has become my friend and my colleague. Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes January 8 2012

March 19, 2012

Present on the Call: Andrea Cannon, Seth Himmelhoch, Andy LaFreniere, David Madsen, Joe Pecoraro, Bill Kossler, MaryLou Roberts Not Present: Mychal Gendron Agenda Items 1. Mychal—Video Vote Mychal suggests that the committee to approve, by vote, the GFA article as a companion piece to… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 43 Conference Sessions PPO SPA St Rafael

February 16, 2012

In this issue: Conference Sessions Parents as Partners Online Upcoming Suzuki Principles in Action Courses A Star for St. Rafael Upcoming Events 137 new members joined the SAA in January. Welcome! Conference Sessions Sessions We’ve got most of the conference session abstracts online—there are more than 130 sessions on… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 42 Conference Registration Journal Submissions Wanted Parents as Partners Online

January 17, 2012

In this issue: Parents as Partners Online Conference Registration & Highlights A Star for Victor Host a SPA Course this Spring Scholarship Applications Due February 5 Call for Submissions: 40th Anniversary ASJ Issue Call for Submissions: ASJ Grace Notes Column Upcoming Events 38 new members joined the SAA in… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 41 Parents as Partners Online Our Suzuki Footprints Conference Clinicians

December 15, 2011

In this issue: Parents as Partners Online 2012 A Star for Don Conference Clinicians and Highlights Annual Fund Drive 2011: Our Suzuki Footprints Upcoming Events 150 new members joined the SAA in November. Welcome! Parents as Partners Online 2012 Parents as Partners Online will return January 30! The 2012… Read more ▶

A Star for Don

December 15, 2011 by Susan Baer

I’m a sucker for a good old American dream story. That’s the kind where somebody starts with nothing, and through determination and hard work, creates something fabulous. It makes me happy to be part of a society that values that… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 40 Time for Three at the Conference

November 10, 2011

In this issue: Time for Three to Perform at the Conference Thank You for Supporting the Power of Community Conference Deadlines: Nano & Mini Messages, Kaleidoscope Concert Upcoming Events 138 new members joined the SAA in October. Welcome! Time for Three to Perform at the Conference The… Read more ▶

Time for Three to Perform at Conference 2012

October 31, 2011

The 2012 Conference Team is excited to announce very special guest performers for the 15th Biennial Conference, 40 and Forward. Time for Three (Nicolas Kendall, Ranaan Meyer, Zachary DePue) will be the featured performers at the SAA conference on Sunday… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 38 Math Fun Conference Deadlines Latin America

October 11, 2011

In this issue: Math Fun for Suzuki Families Conference Deadlines for Students and Sessions Most student applications due this Saturday! Latin American Suzuki Programs Call for Board Nominations Two Books Added to the SAA Store SAA Volunteer Spotlight: Nominations Wanted ASJ Fall 2011: Coming Soon! Upcoming Events 153 new… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 37 Volunteer Spotlight Conference Deadlines Student Writing Contest Finalists Weekly News Email

September 14, 2011

In this issue: Volunteer Spotlight: Patricia & Michael Brown Conference Deadlines for Students and Sessions Weekly SAA News Emails Student Writing Contest Finalists Nurtured By Love Video DVD Upcoming Events 109 new members joined the SAA in August. Welcome! Volunteer Spotlight: Patricia & Michael Brown This month’s SAA Volunteer… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 34 Upgraded Forums  Directory Volunteer Spotlight Conference on a Budget Ask the Experts New Chopin Book

June 14, 2011

168 new members joined the SAA in May. Welcome! In this issue: Upgraded Discussion Forums Upgraded Online Member Directory Suzuki Voice Training Available in Wisconsin SAA Volunteer Spotlight: Susan Gagnon Attending a Conference on a Budget Ask the Experts #24: Suzuki Method in Canada New Book: The Life… Read more ▶

Attending a Conference on a Budget

June 13, 2011 by MaryLou Roberts

I have to admit that before I attended my first conference, I wasn’t sure why everyone was so excited about it. My colleagues thought it was one of the most important Suzuki events for a teacher to attend, saying you… Read more ▶

SYOA Students Parents and Teacher Share Their Experiences

May 25, 2011 by Isabelle Aboaf, McCall Andersen, Sally Gross, Leah Keane, Deborah Moench

I attended as a first violinist in SYOA 2 this past year, the fourteenth biennial conference. SYOA was the best experience I have had throughout my musical education. Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 33 Conference 2012 Students Writing Contest Winners Volunteer Spotlight

May 20, 2011

134 new members joined the SAA in April. Welcome! In this issue: SAA Volunteer Spotlight: Jennifer Visick Suzuki Student Writing Contest Results American Suzuki Journal Call for Submissions Student 2012 Conference Opportunities SAA Volunteer Spotlight: Jennifer Visick This new Suzuki E-News feature will spotlight a different SAA… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes October 17 2010

April 1, 2011

Present: Mary Lou Roberts, Andrea Cannon, Seth Himmelhoch, Mychal Gendron, Frank Longay, David Madsen, Joe Pecoraro SAA Conference Video Updates Dave reports that the video is not done yet, we are also waiting for the SAA office to send him some transcripts… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 31 Leadership Retreat Articles for Parents Writing Contest 2012 Conference Board Ballot

March 11, 2011

In this issue: Articles for Parents Leadership Retreat Registration Open Parents as Partners 2011 Acknowledgments Student Writing Contest 2012 SAA Conference: May 25-28 Music Teacher Email Scams Teacher Training Auditions Board Ballot Vote Due April 1st Ask the Experts #22 Upcoming SPA Courses Upcoming ECC Courses Articles for Parents We’ve pulled some of… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes April 25 2010

October 11, 2010

Present: Dave Madsen, Andy Lafreniere, Seth Himmelhoch, Bill Kossler, Mary Lou Roberts, Mychal Gendron, Joe Pecoraro, Andrea Cannon, Frank Longay SAA Teacher Trainer syllabus (voting to adopt) Seth mentions: the section for Unit Three needs the inclusion of the phrase “arpeggios using… Read more ▶

William Kossler Suzuki Guitar Pioneer

September 27, 2010 by Andrea Cannon

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Tribute to Dorothy Jones

September 27, 2010 by Alice Joy Lewis

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Suzuki News 25 Conference Pictures SPA  Upcoming Events Certificates Scholarships

September 22, 2010

In this issue: ASJ 38.4 & Conference Wrap-Up Upcoming SPA Courses ECC Grant: We’re at #4! Early Childhood Teacher Training in TX January is Parent Education Month Certificate of Achievement 2011 Scholarships & Latin American Festivals Online Teacher Location Service Events: October & November ASJ 38.4 & Conference Wrap-Up American Suzuki… Read more ▶

Pam Brasch Creating Educating and Organizing the Future of the SAA

September 21, 2010 by Carol Tarr

Sometime in the early 1980s, I received a call saying a family was moving from Evanston, IL, to Boulder, CO. Would I teach their son Suzuki cello? Alas, it was at least an hour’s drive from Boulder to Lakewood—but at… Read more ▶

Dorothy Jones The Heart of Suzuki Early Childhood Education

September 21, 2010 by Nancy Brady

Dorothy’s introduction to the Suzuki Method was in the winter of 1968/69 when daughters Beth and Sharon began Suzuki violin study. Dorothy soon learned about the developments in Suzuki Piano and embarked on her career as an instructor and trainer… Read more ▶

William Kossler Bringing Suzukis Ideas to Guitar in the Americas

September 21, 2010 by Andrea Cannon

It is my pleasure to share with you the work of William Kossler in bringing the experience of his Matsumoto Training to Suzuki Guitar in the Americas. Suzuki Teachers place high priority on Dr. Suzuki’s Philosophy. Those who worked with… Read more ▶

Judi Gowe Bagnato Longtime Advocate for the Suzuki Movement

September 21, 2010 by Gilda Barston

The Creating Learning Community awards are designed to celebrate significant contributions by individuals or groups who have contributed to the support of Dr. Suzuki’s ideas and the Suzuki community. Judi Bagnato, a Music Education and Suzuki Editor at Alfred Music… Read more ▶

Creating Learning Community Awards 2010

September 21, 2010 by Carol Ourada

On Saturday evening of the conference, the ballroom was hushed in anticipation for the announcement of the recipients of the Creating Learning Community Awards. Through the biennial CLC Awards Program the SAA is pleased to recognize and celebrate significant contributions by… Read more ▶

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the International Research Symposium on Talent Education

September 21, 2010 by Alice Ann O'Neill

A record number of Suzuki teachers, researchers and graduate students gathered on May 27 and 28, 2010, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the International Research Symposium on Talent Education. Dr. Robert Duke, Professor of Music and Human Learning from… Read more ▶

SYOA Seventh Successful Year

September 21, 2010 by James Van Reeth, Vanessa Vari

Young musicians from both North and South America joined together at this year’s “Teamwork” Conference to form two outstanding string orchestras—Suzuki Youth Orchestras of the Americas I and II. Each child arrived at the conference very well prepared, having worked… Read more ▶

International Ensembles Concert Sunday Night Finale Event

September 21, 2010 by May Ing, Carol Waldvogel

The International Ensembles Committee of Carol Waldvogel and May Ing kicked into high gear on Sunday, May 30, overseeing the needs of Cellisimo, Allegro!!! and Noah Krauss. The first performance was the Piano Concerto Competition winner, Noah Krauss. Noah was superbly… Read more ▶

2010 A True Team Effort

September 21, 2010 by Christie Felsing

A job worth doing is worth doing together! The 2010 SAA Conference saw true teamwork in action! From its brainstorming stages to the on-site cooperation and collaboration amongst the entire crew, the 13th biennial conference attracted 850 teachers plus many parent,… Read more ▶

2010 Conference Student DVD is here

August 27, 2010

The 2010 Conference Student DVD is now available online. It includes the SYOA 1 & 2, Flute Performing Ensemble, and Piano Concerto performances. If you pre-ordered a DVD at the conference, it should be on the way to you. If you… Read more ▶

2010 Conference Closing Remarks

July 26, 2010 by Mark George

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2010 Annual Meeting Summary

July 25, 2010

Board Chair Teri Einfeldt opened the SAA’s 2010 Annual General Meeting, welcoming and thanking everyone who came. Marilyn Kesler talked about this summer’s institutes. With 67 institutes planned, there are 10 more than in 2009 and 4 more than the average… Read more ▶

Piano Summary of the SAA Conference

June 22, 2010 by Gail Lange

Dear Colleague, Can you believe it was the 14th Conference sponsored by SAA? I thought you might be interested in some of the major events, particularly the sessions related to piano. I will begin with the Teacher Training day on the Thursday. Pam… Read more ▶

CDs from Conference Guest Artists

June 22, 2010

We have a few CDs from the Claremont Trio and the Bad Boyz of Bass still available: Bad Boyz of Double Bass: Live Claremont Trio: Mendelssohn Trios Op. 49 & 66 Claremont Trio: Shostakovich & Arensky Trios Jonathan Cohler & Claremont Trio: Beethoven, Brahms,… Read more ▶

Nehama Patkin Artist  Friend

June 3, 2010 by Nehama Patkin

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Suzuki News 21 Online Auction Conference Stats Institute Tips ECE  Voice

May 14, 2010

In this issue: Online Auction! Conference Stats Be Prepared for Summer Institutes Suzuki Voice Training This Summer Super-Size Your Success with Suzuki ECE! Early Childhood Training This Summer SPA Course in Houston, Sept 11-12 More Institute Emails Online Auction! Our first ever online auction is now open! Log in to bid… Read more ▶

Online Auction Starts Now

May 3, 2010

The online auction starts now! Log in to bid on items donated by our generous conference sponsors and exhibitors, including: Books Bows Cases Instruments Strings Teaching Aids & Accessories Artwork Teacher Training Workshops and more! Starting bids range from $15 to $700—up to 80% off! Auction items retail from $75 to… Read more ▶

Conference Registration Ends May 10

May 2, 2010

You have one week left to register for the May SAA Conference! You must register online or by mail by Monday, May 10 to pay the regular price. Walk-in registration will be available Thursday evening, May 27, but prices will be… Read more ▶

Hilton Hotel Conference Rates End May 6

April 28, 2010

If you haven’t already made your hotel reservations: There are less than 100 room nights left at the Hilton for our conference—that’s room for only 25 more 4-night stays at the Conference rate! Make your Hilton reservations soon, before the hotel… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 20 Online Auction Conference Reminders Institutes Twitter

April 15, 2010

In this issue: Conference Online Auction! Conference Reminders Your Photos Schedule Highlights Hotel Rooms More: Follow SAA on Twitter Shenandoah Valley Elementary students perform with St. Louis Symphony Summer Suzuki Institutes: Planning for a Positive Experience In Memoriam: Nehama Patkin ASJ Volume 38.2 Thanks to our donors! More Institute Emails Did You Know? Online Auction! Support the… Read more ▶

Last Chance for Conference Early Bird Rates

March 31, 2010

Now is your last chance to get early bird pricing for the May SAA Conference! You must register online or by mail by Wednesday, March 31 to receive the early bird prices.To make food and hospitality plans we need a… Read more ▶

Register Now for Conference Early Bird Rates

March 26, 2010

Just a quick reminder: early bird pricing for the conference ends next Wednesday, March 31. You must register online or mail in your registration by that date to receive the early bird prices. The conference will be held at the Hilton… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 19 2010 Board Ballot Conference Early Bird Ending Session Descriptions and more

March 15, 2010

In this issue: Conference: Early Registration Ends March 31 Book Your Hilton Hotel Rooms Minnesota Orchestra Tickets Bringing Instruments Student Participants Session Descriptions Visit Our Sponsors More: Board Ballot (Active Members Only) Certificate of Achievement Thoughts on the Institute Experience More Institute Emails Six-Year Old Winner Board Ballot (Active Members Only) Active members can now vote… Read more ▶

Exhibit at the 2010 Suzuki Conference

March 8, 2010

Save the dates! May 27-31, 2010, and exhibit at the SAA 14th Biennial Conference. There are only 5 booth spaces left. Sign up now! Conference Exhibitor Brochure Sincerely, Deb Yamashita Conference Exhibit Manager Phone: 1-888-378-9854 ext 103 Fax: 303-444-0984 Read more ▶

Teaming Up

March 8, 2010 by Susan Baer

I remember, as a young teacher, reading about the SAA conference and thinking that it might be a good idea to go. I knew there would be interesting speakers to hear, important people to meet, and ideas to stimulate my… Read more ▶

Flute Masterclass Student Needed for Conference

February 8, 2010

Dear Suzuki Flute Colleagues, We are inquiring if you have any students who might qualify for the Flute Masterclass at the upcoming 14th biennial SAA Conference, May 28-31 in Minneapolis. We had a recent cancellation and need a student at the… Read more ▶

2010 Conference Student Auditions and Session Proposals Due October 15

January 29, 2010

Dear SAA Members, The upcoming SAA Conference deadline is quickly approaching! This is a friendly reminder that all Session Proposals and Student Application DVDs are due this this Thursday, October 15. We encourage all members to submit their ideas to be part… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 17 Conference Registration Institute Emails Piano Book Revisions

January 15, 2010

In this issue: Conference: Registration Open Online Hotel & Travel Deals ECC and Early Childhood Training Certificate of Achievement Ceremony Sponsorship, Exhibiting, and Advertising Institutes: Emails from Institutes & Expanded Info Teacher Scholarships & Auditions More: Piano Books 4-7: New Repertoire Ask the Experts, part 11 Become a Member Online ASJ Volume 38.1 Conference Registration… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes October 25 2009

January 5, 2010

Present: Frank, Mary Lou, Bill, Dave, Andrea, Seth, Mychal Trainers Report from the Boston Conference Mychal says it was great, and the other committee members who attended agree. Mychal mentions that meeting Mr. Toyoda was a particular pleasure. Dave says it was… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 16 Celebrating Excellence CD Conference Keynotes Violin Revisions More Ask the Experts

December 8, 2009

In this issue: Celebrating Excellence 2009 CD Ask the Experts, parts 6-10 Member Demographics ISA Violin Committee Report on Book Revisions 4 More New Institutes Conference: Keynote Speakers A “Masterclass” for Graduate and Doctoral Researchers? Conference Sponsorship, Exhibiting, and Advertising Opportunities Celebrating Excellence 2009 CD Celebrating Excellence 2009 features musicians who… Read more ▶

Conference Sponsorship Opportunities for 2010

November 18, 2009

The Suzuki Association of the Americas 14th Biennial Conference is well underway! We would like to welcome back our 2008 conference companies and invite new companies to join our TEAMWORK celebration in 2010. Download our conference brochure to find out about… Read more ▶

Conference Students Needed for Bass Flute Guitar and Recorder

November 5, 2009

Student participants are still needed for the following events at the 2010 SAA Conference next May: Bass: SYOA 1, SYOA 2, Bass Choir Flute: Masterclass, Performing Ensemble Guitar: Masterclass, Non-Preformed Chamber Recorder: Masterclass, Recorder Consort, Non-Preformed Chamber Applications are being accepted until November 30. See the… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes July 26 2009

October 13, 2009

Present at this meeting: Frank Longay, Andy Lafrienere, Seth Himmelhoch, Mary Lou Roberts, Andrea Cannon New Teacher Trainer Congratulations again to Joe Pecoraro who is now a Teacher Trainer. Progress on Recordings of Volumes 8 and 9 Frank Longay traveled to Los Angeles to supervise… Read more ▶

What does TEAMWORK mean to you

August 24, 2009

With the 2010 SAA Conference theme being TEAMWORK, we are interested in hearing what teamwork means to you. Please post in 35 words or less how you define teamwork. How does the concept of teamwork play out in your life… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 12 Conference Proposals Student Auditions

August 21, 2009

In this issue: What does TEAMWORK mean to you? 2009 Minijournal Certificate of Achievement Teacher Location Service Conference: What’s New and Special for 2010? Ten Questions about the Top Ten Tracks Student Audition Application Submit Your Conference Session Proposal Calling all Chamber Musicians! What does TEAMWORK mean to you? With the 2010… Read more ▶

Virtual Leadership Retreat a Great Success

June 16, 2009

Thank you to all who took part in the SAA’s first Virtual Leadership Retreat. The total number of registrants reached 276—100 more than have attended in-person SAA leadership retreats. Participants included teachers from Canada, US, South America and a few… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes March 22 2009

May 15, 2009

The entire Committee was present for the call: Andrea Cannon, Mychal Gendron, Seth Himmelhoch, Bill Kossler, Andy Lafreniere, Frank Longay, David Madsen, Mary Lou Roberts Welcome to the Guitar Committee new members Mary Lou Roberts and Mychal Gendron! Agenda The SAA Virtual… Read more ▶

History of SAA Leadership Retreats

May 10, 2009

In 1994 the SAA Board became increasingly aware of the importance of understanding and sharing concepts of Leadership. Believing that Leadership is essential to the growth of the Suzuki method and to the future success of the Association, the SAA… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 8 Certificate of Achievement Conference 2010 Essay Contest

April 21, 2009

Certificate of AchievementThe Level 1 Certificate of Achievement application is now available online. Requirements include registered training in Books 1-4 plus Practicum, 3 years of SAA membership and Suzuki teaching experience, commitment to Aspirational Ethics Code, and video of teaching and… Read more ▶

Virtual Retreat Registration ReOpened

April 7, 2009

Due to much begging and pleading, registration has been re-opened for the Virtual Leadership Retreat. It will not remain open indefinitely, so don’t wait—register now if you want to participate! Read more ▶

Suzuki News 7 Virtual Retreat Conference 2010 Violin Revisions Update

March 16, 2009

Virtual Leadership Retreat—Register Now!The April Virtual Leadership Retreat is fast approaching. The kick-off event will be the LIVE Annual Meeting video webcast and chat on April 4th at 3:30pm Pacific time, which will be open to all members. Other VLR-only… Read more ▶

2010 SAA Conference

March 16, 2009

May 27-31, 2010 marks the SAA’s 14th Biennial Conference in Minneapolis, MN. Be sure to save the dates for this special event, which will focus upon the theme of TEAMWORK. Stay tuned for audition details for expanded chamber music participation… Read more ▶

Some Thoughts on the VLR

March 16, 2009 by Kelly Williamson

I am really looking forward to the Virtual Leadership Retreat, and hope that many of my colleagues will participate. Given the high costs of traveling to conferences, the possibility of using technology in this way is a real boost to… Read more ▶

Register for the Virtual Leadership Retreat

February 24, 2009

Registration for the VLR is now open. The participation fee is $45, but only $35, if you… Sign up by March 25 Attach your digital photo (if it’s not already on the SAA website), and Answer a couple of questions for our virtual… Read more ▶

SAA Virtual Leadership Retreat Ideas Wanted

December 12, 2008

An Online, Interactive Potpourri of Ideas and Opportunities The whole month of April, 2009 Conversations, postings, moderated chats, panel discussions, audio and video presentations, live web-based discussion, special challenges, and presentation by the SAA Board—all of these can be ours in April,… Read more ▶

Going oncegoing twicesold

December 10, 2008 by Ruth Engle Larner

A silent auction fund-raiser was held at the 2008 SAA Conference, organized by the SAA’s Board of Directors. Many businesses and individuals graciously donated items and services to be auctioned. The variety ranged from instruments to software to jewelry to… Read more ▶

Furthering the Mission Ninth International Research Symposium on Talent Education

December 10, 2008 by Alice Ann O'Neill

The MISSION of the International Research Symposium on Talent Education (IRSTE): provide insights for improving teaching abilities within the Suzuki method; scientifically document the work of teachers and students using the Suzuki method; provide an experience whereby would-be researchers can explore their… Read more ▶

Virtual Leadership Retreat

November 11, 2008

April, 2009, is designated SAA Leadership Month. Watch for information coming soon about our special Virtual Leadership Retreat! Opportunities to share and learn will be available online throughout the month. Note: For 2009 there will be no SAA get-together in May.… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 2 Conference Pictures and DVDs

October 13, 2008

Pictures from the 2008 Conference Lots of pictures from the SAA Conference in Minneapolis last May are available online. Look for yourself and your friends! Many thanks to Michiko Yurko, Ellen Berry, and iDream.tv for photographing the conference. While you’re there, don’t… Read more ▶

Pictures from the 2008 Conference

October 13, 2008

Lots of pictures from the SAA Conference in Minneapolis last May are available online. Look for yourself and your friends! Many thanks to Michiko Yurko, Ellen Berry, and iDream.tv for photographing the conference. While you’re there, don’t forget to explore the… Read more ▶

Audio from Parents as Partners 2008

October 13, 2008

The Parents as Partners sessions from the 2008 Conference are available below as audio files. You can listen to them right from this page, or download the files to listen to later. Supporting Your Teacher Diane Schroeder, Board Chair and former parent… Read more ▶

From the Executive Director

October 8, 2008 by Pam Brasch

With the post-Conference details wrapped up and plans underway for 2010, it’s certainly time to extend boundless gratitude to the many members, families and friends who helped make the 13th Conference one of our best. (Of course they do get… Read more ▶

Expanding the Vision at the 2008 Conference

September 30, 2008

“Expanding the Vision” was the theme of the Suzuki Association of the Americas’ 13th Biennial Conference held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 23-26, 2008. A highlight of the Conference was the performance by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble, which brought into… Read more ▶

Latin American Suzuki Ensemble Performance Videos

September 19, 2008

View videos of the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble’s performance at the 2008 Conference heritage event on Sunday, May 25, 2008, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. MP3 audio is available for download. A DVD can be purchased from the online store. The Latin American… Read more ▶

Concerto for Violin in a minor 1st mvt

September 19, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

Concerto for Violin in a minor, 1st mvt by Antonio Vivaldi performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

Milongueo de Ayer

September 19, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

Milongueo de Ayer for guitar by able Fleury performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

Leccin para Dos Laudes

September 19, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

Lección para Dos Laudes for guitar by Anonymous performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶


September 19, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

Libertango for strings, guitar, and piano by Ástor Piazzolla, arr. Fernando Piñero and Patricia Pasmanter performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

Concertino in G Major 3rd mvt

September 19, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

Concertino in G Major, 3rd mvt for strings and piano by Franz Joseph Haydn performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

El Cndor Pasa

September 18, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

El Condor Pasa, Peruvian folk song, for strings, guitar, recorder, percussion, and piano, arr. Sadiel Cuentas performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

Sonata in F Major for Recorder and Continuo

September 18, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

Sonata in F Major for Recorder and Continuo, Siciliano and Allegro by George Friedrich Handel performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

El Cuchipe

September 18, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

El Cuchipe, Colombian folk melody, for strings, guitar, and piano by Campo E. Torres arr. Eric Sanchez and Patricia Pasmanter performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

Divertimento in C Major 3rd mvt

September 18, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

Divertimento in C Major, 3rd mvt for strings and piano by Franz Joseph Haydn performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

Video about the New Piano Books

September 2, 2008 by Cleo Ann Brimhall, Doris Koppelman, E.l. Lancaster, Gail Lange, Mary Craig Powell, Renee Chomet Robbins

Mary Craig Powell and E.L. Lancaster discuss the improvements and changes made by the international piano committee. Four teachers demonstrate and discuss the four new pieces added to these books. From the 2008 SAA Conference session, “Energize Your Teaching with… Read more ▶

Energize Your Teaching with the New Suzuki Piano Books 13

August 25, 2008 by Cleo Ann Brimhall, Doris Koppelman, E.l. Lancaster, Gail Lange, Mary Craig Powell, Renee Chomet Robbins

Mary Craig Powell and E.L. Lancaster discuss the improvements and changes made by the international piano committee. Four teachers demonstrate and discuss the four new pieces added to these books. From the 2008 SAA Conference session, “Energize Your Teaching with… Read more ▶

New Violin Books and Recordings

August 1, 2008 by Ronda Cole, Lorraine Fink, Karen-Michele Kimmett, Allen Lieb, Doris Preucil, Sanford Reuning

The SAA Violin Committee presents a comprehensive overview of the newly published Suzuki Violin School Volumes 1, 2 and 3 and their recordings. The committee outlines the history and mechanics of the revision process, and the procedure for the compilation,… Read more ▶

Suzuki Heritage Slides from the 2008 Conference

July 28, 2008

Slide show featuring early Suzuki programs in North America from the 2008 Conference heritage event Read more ▶

IV Latin American Suzuki Teachers Conference

July 10, 2008 by Roberta Centurion

“Unidos hacia un sueño común” Lima, Peru January 12-14, 2008 More than seventy-five teachers from thirteen countries including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, EEUU, Scotland, México, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela attended the IV Latin American Suzuki Teachers’ Conference held in Lima,… Read more ▶

New Chapter Welcomed

July 10, 2008

Over the past Memorial Day weekend, at the 13th Conference in Minneapolis, the SAA was delighted to announce Heart of America Suzuki Association’s Chapter Affiliation. Founded in 1979 by Beth Titterington, HASA is one of the oldest Suzuki associations in… Read more ▶

Bass Committee News

March 5, 2008 by S Daniel Swaim

The Bass Committee has been meeting twice yearly to develop the repertoire of the Suzuki Bass School. After working for several years, the committee is beginning to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. At the retreat… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes January 13 2008

January 13, 2008

Festival Report Frank Longay reports that the International Suzuki Festival planning is going well. He is encouraging teachers from out of town to bring their students and make the festival more diverse. Dave Madsen and Andy Lafreneniere are organizing kids… Read more ▶

SAA Leadership Retreat

June 12, 2007

“Creating the Future Together 2007,” SAA’s seventh Leadership Retreat, brought together 170 Suzuki members and friends from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Peru, and Argentina. The event was held at the Nottawasaga Resort in Alliston, Ontario, about an hour north of… Read more ▶

Tentative 2007 Retreat Schedule

May 17, 2007

Download the tentative retreat schedule (as of May 17, 2007). The schedule may change, but go ahead and take a look! See also the airport shuttle information and schedule. Read more ▶

2007 Leadership Retreat

January 30, 2007

Information about the SAA’s biennial Leadership Retreat, Creating the Future Together 2007 “Enhancing Our Professional Image Internationally,” is available on the SAA website. This year’s Retreat is the first SAA-sponsored event to take place in Canada. We are pleased to… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes December 3 2006

December 3, 2006

All members were present. The first topic was a publication update. It is reported that Book 8 is going into production. It should be on the shelves in a couple of weeks. The Bach minuets have been fixed according to our… Read more ▶

New Materials

November 1, 2006

Please note that there are a number of valuable new materials available on the SAA website. Several new books were recently added: SAA’s newest collection of parent articles, Winning Ways, William Starr’s I Know a Fox with Dirty Socks, Ed… Read more ▶

Thank you

October 25, 2006

Thanks to all our Conference attendees—including teachers, presenters, students, parents, sponsors and exhibitors for helping the SAA to make the 12th Biennial Conference one of the best ever! Read more about the conference highlights! Read more ▶

2006 Conference

September 7, 2006

Wrapping up a Conference of the size and richness of the 12th Conference is an impossible task when it comes to thanking all those who contributed their time and talents, but here’s a list of many who played key roles… Read more ▶

2007 Leadership Retreat

September 3, 2006

Dates for the next SAA Leadership Retreat are May 25-28, 2007. “Creating the Future Together 2007” will bring together SAA Teacher Trainers, Institute Directors, Board members, ’08 Conference Team members, Chapter Affiliate representatives and many others who are interested in… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes May 7 2006

May 7, 2006

The subject of committee function and organization is discussed and it is decided that the committee does not need to change now. According to SAA, we can do what we want to within reason. William Kossler submits these points concerning committee… Read more ▶

2006 Conference Schedules

April 24, 2006

You can now download the general conference schedule, the masterclass program schedule and the Parents as Partners schedule. Read more ▶

SAA 12th Biennial Conference

October 25, 2005

Ready, set…play! The SAA Conference, “Always with Excellence,” May 26-29, 2006 in Minneapolis promises to capture the best the Suzuki community has to offer—featuring highly regarded master clinicians, International Ensembles Concert, Suzuki Youth Orchestra of the Americas, Parent Day sessions,… Read more ▶

SAA Conference 06Always With Excellence

June 27, 2005

REPLACMENT. We invite you to be a part of this too. You may submit a conference session proposal electronically over the web or download the session proposal form (deadline September 30, 2005) and the student participation form. Read more ▶

The 3rd Latin American Teachers Conference

May 1, 2005 by Marilyn O'Boyle

This year Lima hosted the Third Latin American Suzuki Teachers Conference, directed by Roberta Centurion and Caroline Fraser. The growth and development of these Encuentros has also been phenomenal. The first Encuentro was held in 1999 and the second in… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes November 7 2004

November 7, 2004

Refer by last names; all present except Andy. Book 5 Update Longay wants to get started updating Book 5. He will send materials to the committee to get the ball rolling. Guitars—finding better small instruments Longay is getting advanced youngsters who need higher quality… Read more ▶

Second Latin American Suzuki Teachers Conference

August 1, 2002 by Caroline Fraser

From Roberta Centurion, International Representative, Suzuki Association of Peru, SAA Latin American Liaison More than forty Suzuki Teachers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Peru, Uruguay and the United States came together for the Second Latin American Suzuki Teachers’… Read more ▶

First Latin American Teachers Conference

May 1, 1999 by Marilyn O'Boyle

Several months have passed since the first SAA conference of Latin American Suzuki teachers (also known as PEPSAL—Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina). Most of you probably saw the wonderful photos and read the words of many of… Read more ▶

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