Susan Baer

Susan Baer is a freelance violinist and violin teacher residing on Whidbey Island in Washington State. In her four decades of experience with the Suzuki method, Susan has run a thriving private studio, co-founded a Suzuki school, organized workshops, taught in a long-term training program, and served on the board of directors of her local foundation. Susan is in high demand as a Suzuki clinician and registered SAA violin teacher trainer. She has served as area coordinator for six SAA conferences, has been published in the SAA journal, and has served two terms on the SAA Board of Directors. Dr. Baer holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree, a Master of Music degree in violin performance, and a PhD in fine arts.

A medida do progresso

November 6, 2018 by Susan Baer

Da serie de videos Pais como parceiros 2016 Quando embarcamos em um projeto tão importante quanto o papel que a musica terá na vida deles, é muito comum ficarmos preocupados se seremos capazes. Uma vez que nossos principais decisões foram tomadas… Read more ▶

Review Beyond the Music Lesson by Christine Goodner

Review: Beyond the Music Lesson by Christine Goodner

The Value of Repetition

August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer

From the Video Series, Parents as Partners Online 2011 Hi, my name is Sue Baer. Thank you for joining me today on this session, addressing The Value of Repetition. I believe that every child is capable of playing their instrument at… Read more ▶

A Measure of Progress

August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer

From the video series Parents As Partners Online 2016 When we embark on a project as important as preparing our children for the role that music will play in their lives, it’s only natural that we concern ourselves with a host… Read more ▶

La repeticin es valiosa

August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer

Hola, mi nombre es Sue Baer. Gracias por unirte hoy a esta sesión sobre el tema La repetición es valiosa. Creo que cada niño es capaz de tocar su instrumento a un nivel muy alto. Si has estado involucrado de… Read more ▶

La Medida del Progreso

August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer

Cuando nos embarcamos en un proyecto tan importante como es preparar a nuestros hijos para el rol que la música jugará en sus vidas, es natural que nos preocupemos por una serie de problemas. Una vez que nuestra decisión principal… Read more ▶

A Importncia da Repetio

August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer

Olá, meu nome é Sue Baer. Obrigada por estar aqui hoje nessa sessão sobre a importância da repetição. Eu acredito que toda criança é capaz de tocar seu instrumento num nível bem alto. Se você conhece o método Suzuki, eu… Read more ▶

Shaping Our Future Together

March 18, 2013 by Susan Baer

What are your strengths? How can you put those to work for the benefit of your fellow SAA members? Read more ▶

High Notes Getting to Know Your Horsehair

January 17, 2013 by Susan Baer

Have you ever imagined what the horse that donated its tail for your bow hair looks like? Where does it live? Is it a mare or a stallion? Here are some interesting facts that might help you get to know your horse. Read more ▶

High Notes Basses are Better

December 14, 2012 by Susan Baer

Bassists are a breed of their own, deeply committed to the low tones, the amplitude, and the life-size reflection of the human figure. The bass is intrinsic to every musical genre, from jazz to rock and roll, from country to classical. Its role in harmonic construction is the foundation upon which all else is built. Read more ▶

High Notes The Case of the Dubious Identity

November 8, 2012 by Susan Baer

Sometimes determining the credible identity of an instrument’s maker can seem like the plot of a detective novel full of intrigue and deception. In an age where scientific advancements are making it possible to solve crimes of yore through DNA testing, similar discoveries are taking place in the world of stringed instruments. Read more ▶

High Notes Off to a Great Start

September 18, 2012 by Susan Baer

Embarking on the journey to mastery of a stringed instrument requires a certain degree of courage, even when starting firmly entrenched in the belief that every child can. Read more ▶

A True Symbiosis Robertson and Sons Violin Shop and the SAA

September 1, 2012 by Susan Baer

A Kaleidoscope of Talent One of the highlights of the 2012 SAA Conference was the Kaleidoscope Concert. Just as the name suggests, the concert provided a colorful and diverse display of children of various ages, on a variety of instruments, and representing… Read more ▶

Lansdale Lewis and Lieb Among Violin Highlights

September 1, 2012 by Susan Baer

The conference sessions for violinists provided a menu of irresistible treats. There were so many intriguing titles that it was impossible to see everything on my list of top picks. On the flip side, no one complained of opting to… Read more ▶

40 and Forward Words from the Board

September 1, 2012 by Susan Baer, Marilyn Kesler

As teachers, we are always giving, but in return we are blessed with gifts well beyond our sacrifices. Churchill wrote, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Maybe this is the reason so many of us continue teaching well beyond a retirement age. Read more ▶

A Star for My Father

May 14, 2012 by Susan Baer

June is a month that I look forward to with special anticipation every year. June is the harbinger of all the delightful treats of summer. It promises a break from structured routine, the adventure of a vacation, and happiness ignited… Read more ▶

A Star for My Mother

April 10, 2012 by Susan Baer

With Mother’s Day approaching, we can’t help but be reminded of how much of who we are must be credited to our mothers. It was our mothers who planted the seeds that sprouted and grew into a vision of Suzuki… Read more ▶

Be a SomebodyBring a New Buddy to the Conference

March 21, 2012 by Susan Baer, Sarah Wilson

I’m not sure how it happened, but somehow, that cute little girl who began taking lessons with me at the age of three has become my friend and my colleague. Read more ▶

A Star for St Rafael

February 15, 2012 by Susan Baer

Stephen is a very special little boy. He’s cute as a button and has so much energy that it’s hard for any ordinary human being to keep up with him. He’s fascinated with elevators and, if left to his own… Read more ▶

A Star for Victor

January 16, 2012 by Susan Baer

Some years ago, following a performance of which the details have long faded, someone from the audience approached me and, among other things, said, “You’re so gifted.” Responding dutifully according to my performance etiquette training, I graciously thanked the woman.… Read more ▶

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