Shinichi Suzuki
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May 5, 2011 by Shinichi Suzuki
Este extracto de Cuando el amor es profundo se tradujo en el Festival de Lima, Perú, 2011. No solo en la música, sino en todas las áreas, el éxito o el fracaso de la educación dependen de si cumples o no… Read more ▶
Suzuki Philosophy
Minijournal 2010, page 4
June 20, 2005 by Shinichi Suzuki
Excerpted from Nurtured by Love, pp 95-96. We encourage them to think of violin training as fun We begin by training the parent rather than the child. Although we accept infants, at first we do not have them play the violin. First… Read more ▶
by William Starr, Shinichi Suzuki
Interview, Suzuki Method
ASJ 25.3, page 62
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