September 1, 2012 by Sandra Payton, Carol Waldvogel
International Ensembles committee members Carol Waldvogel and Sandra Payton had a great time attending to the needs of the three groups chosen to perform at the International Ensembles Concert on Saturday night. Harpeth Suzuki Strings (Franklin, Tennessee), Concorde Strings (Guelph,… Read more ▶
November 1, 2006 by Barbara Balatero, Sandra Payton
Undoubtedly most of us have read about Yuko’s childhood in her father’s memoir Suzuki Changed My Life. She began her violin studies at age four with Yamamura sensei. During her early childhood, her parents took her to Matsumoto to study… Read more ▶
ASJ 25.4, page 80
by Rosalind O'Keefe, Sandra Payton
Motivation, Pedagogy, Practicing, Violin
ASJ 19.2, page 4
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