Renata Bratt

Renata Bratt is Kuumbwa Jazz Artist in the Schools in Santa Cruz, CA, past chair of ASTA’s Eclectic Styles Committee and teaches cello and string orchestra. Her books and string orchestra arrangements are published by Alfred and Mel Bay. She has taught classical styles, jazz improvisation and fiddling at Alasdair Fraser’s fiddle camps, Southern Hemisphere International School for Scottish Fiddling, the New Directions Cello Festival, Wintergrass, ASTA, MENC and Suzuki institutes. Renata records and tours with Cindy Lee Berryhill (rock) and Reel of Seven (Scottish Dance) and has played back-up with luminaries such as Darol Anger, Liz Carroll, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, Lyle Lovett, and Dionne Warwick. Rolling Stone dubbed her an “ace performer” for her work with alternative rocker Cindy Lee Berryhill’s Garage Orchestra. She received her Ph.D. in Music from U.C. San Diego and is a former president of the Suzuki Music Association of California.