Martha Shackford

Martha Shackford, SAA violin teacher and teacher trainer, resides in St. Petersburg, FL where she has a private studio. Martha has taught literally all over the USA as well as in Latin America, China, and Canada. In 2000, she took her studio to Bolivia where in 1987 she spent 3 months helping to begin the first Suzuki program in that country. She has taught music in the public schools; founded a successful Suzuki School at the University of Arkansas; conducted youth orchestras; and has been a clinician throughout the United States at summer institutes and workshops. In addition she has trained hundreds of Suzuki violin teachers in the Suzuki approach to teaching. Martha has written many articles for the Suzuki Association of the Americas’ Journal; has developed and taught Suzuki parent courses; and founded and run several Suzuki non-profits. She is still awed by the opportunity of teaching young children learn the violin or viola. It is through this one-on-one interaction where she feels most present and vital. It is in her interaction with a young child that she feels the most creative as a teacher, the most connected to the universe, and the most hopeful for the children of our planet. Her book, A Violin Surprise, helps families have fun together on their journey through the Twinkles.