Yuko Wolf


Yuko Wolf


Arlington, TX
[javascript protected email address]

I started taking private piano lessons when I was 4 years old from my mother who has music education degree with piano performance emphasis, and since then I have been learning and playing classical piano throughout my life. I taught an elementary school in Japan for 4 years, then started to teach piano lessons after I married my husband and moved to US. I have been teaching piano for over15 years to more than 60 students. I love teaching and have been enjoying watching student’s growth in playing piano and appreciating the happiness that music brings.

I studied elementary education in Kagoshima University (Japan) and obtained an accredited B.A. degree in Education with elementary teaching certificate, and studied music education and piano performance for additional 2 years in Ryukyu University (Japan) and obtained accredited music teaching certificate with piano performance emphasis. Also I’m a certified Suzuki Piano teacher; I love Suzuki philosophy, and also love how it brings us joys and let us aware of each student’s full potentials.