Ms. Gail Lange

Piano Teacher
Piano, SPA, ECC Teacher Trainer

Gail Lange


Guelph, ON, Canada
[javascript protected email address]

Gail Lange is a Suzuki Piano teacher in Guelph, Ontario. A teacher trainer since 1984, Gail studied four months in Japan with Dr. Suzuki and Haruko Kataoka. Always inspired by the spirit of sharing in the Suzuki community, Gail has continued to observe and work with outstanding teachers. Her teacher training program and her studio reflect these experiences and expertise. Past-Chair of the Suzuki Association of Ontario, and former Piano Director of the Southwestern Ontario Suzuki Institute, Gail has also served on the SAA Board, and was Piano Coordinator of the 2008 Conference. Currently, she is a facilitator for the SPA course and a member of the Teacher Development Committee. In 2011 she coordinated the revisions to the Piano Syllabus. In 2005 Gail was awarded the Queen Elizabeth Jubilee Medal by the Canadian government for her contributions to music education.