Suzuki Early Childhood Education

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SECE durante a pandemia Minha perspectiva

June 8, 2020 by Mariana Moretzsohn Duarte, Sharon Jones

Espero, sinceramente, enquanto você lê isso, que você se encontre em segurança e com saúde e buscando formas de lidar com todas as mudanças que vêm acontecendo em nosso mundo nos últimos meses.
De fato, estes são tempos surreais, e não… Read more ▶

SECE During the Pandemic My Perspective

May 7, 2020 by Sharon Jones

I sincerely hope as you read this, you are safe and healthy and finding ways to cope with all the changes in our world over the last couple of months.
These are surreal times, indeed, and nobody is unaffected by… Read more ▶

Skills I didnt know my child had  Episode 5

July 7, 2017 by Dorothy Jones, Margaret Watts Romney

When is the ideal age to start a music education? Many teachers start students as young as 3 and 4 years old, but Dorothy Jones took to heart Dr. Suzuki’s admonition to focus on the babies. In this episode, we… Read more ▶

The Suzuki Early Childhood Experience

March 13, 2017 by Lynn McCall

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Inspiration and Connection at the 2015 Leadership Retreat

May 29, 2015 by Barbara Balatero, Heather Watson Hardie, Samara Humbert-Hughes, Laura Nerenberg, Alice Ann O’Neill, Kathleen Schoen, Rafael Videira, Danette Warren

For many Suzuki teachers, SAA Conferences and Leadership Retreats are the best way to kick off summer. Packed full of inspiration and camaraderie, these events are not to be missed! Read more ▶

We Can Do Small

August 29, 2013 by Dorothy Jones, Sharon Jones

Early Childhood specialist Dorothy Jones and her daughter, ECE Teacher Sharon Jones, share their experiences with the value of pre-natal listening, including both listening music and speech. Their experiences with children who have been listening before birth have convinced them… Read more ▶

Ability Develops Early Suzuki Early Childhood Education Teacher Training Slideshow

August 29, 2013 by Donald Jones

With Dorothy and Sharon Jones, Waterloo, Ontario, August 2013 Read more ▶

Growing in Strength and Enthusiasm Suzuki Early Childhood Education

September 1, 2012 by Wan Tsai Chen, Lynn McCall

“Dr. Suzuki, you seem to be more interested in the success of the early childhood programs than anything else. Is that right?” Suzuki replied, “Yes. It is so important, the early training. It is difficult to get support for this… Read more ▶

Pictures from Suzuki Early Childhood Education Baby Class in Austin Texas January 2012

July 20, 2012 by Donald Jones

Thanks to Don Jones for sharing!
See all Early Childhood Education pictures Read more ▶

Suzuki Early Childhood Education Training Pictures London ON 2012

July 16, 2012 by Donald Jones

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What is SECE?

Suzuki Early Childhood Education (SECE) is a program in which a mixed age group of children meet weekly, building on concepts and skills laid out in the SECE repertoire while interacting with one another, their parents, and the teachers. The parent plays a central role in all activities in the belief that the parent is the child’s first and most important teacher. Through parent participation in prenatal, baby, and preschool classes, parents become partners in providing an enriched natural environment for the growth of their children.

Suzuki ECE seeks to build on the child’s natural delight in learning and lays the foundation for life-long learning that meets Dr. Suzuki’s goals for all children—to create an environment for children, free from pressure, in which they can gain skills, a sense of purpose in life, an understanding of discipline, and an appreciation of beauty. Read More…

Becoming an SECE Teacher


All Suzuki Early Childhood Education videos


Active Music Classes in Infancy Enhance Musical, Communicative and Social Development
By David Gerry, Andrea Unrau and Laurel J. Trainor         

Becoming Musically Enculturated: Effects of Music Classes for Infants on Brain and Behavior
By Laurel J. Trainor, Celine Marie,  David Gerry, Elaine Whiskin, and Andrea Unrau


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