Why is an Annual Fund so important for the Suzuki Association of the Americas? Many of us realize that the SAA could not exist if it weren’t for regular Annual Fund gifts from members. However, there are still questions each year about its importance. The question is frequently asked, “Where does the money go?” This is a question that deserves an answer and is answered each year in the Journal and Annual Report.
The SAA Board has committed itself to take the lead in fundraising, particularly through the Annual Fund Campaign. One of the Board’s goals is to expand the base of giving and thereby increase donations to the Annual Fund and encourage other gifts for projects and special areas of need.
The SAA cannot be supported solely through membership fees. The Annual Fund guarantees income in many areas, including the everyday operation of the organization. The Annual Fund keeps the membership aware of the actions and needs of the SAA. Donations enable us to develop, adapt, expand and pursue new efforts that would be impossible were we to rely only on members’ dues.
Many dreams have been fulfilled by the SAA. There is, of course, much more to do, both in an expansion of existing programs and in researching and implementing new ideas. Examples of initiatives that might be possible, given sufficient human and financial support, include:
- A continuation of the development and implementation of a Suzuki in the Schools curriculum and training program so that access to excellent Suzuki education will become possible for a broader sector of the population.
- The preservation of our history and archives for future generations.
- Continued development of the outreach programs to make teacher training more available and accessible throughout all the regions of our Association.
- Assistance for programs in isolated communities to enable them to participate effectively in the SAA’s learning community.
- Continued development of new courses and course materials, including the Parent Education series and the new mini-Practicum.
- Investigation of the new opportunities made possible by modern technology.
- Turning into a reality many of the ideas and dreams that you, as an SAA member, may hold dear.
The Executive Director of the Suzuki Association of the Americas and the Board work closely together through the policies of the SAA to ensure that financial planning and budgeting are reported regularly and the financial well-being of the organization is monitored and reported to the Board. Through successful Annual Fund Campaigns, supported by our members and friends, the SAA’s ultimate goal can be met in the coming years: to see that excellent Suzuki Education is widely sought and widely provided to the benefit of all the peoples of the Americas.