by Blancamaria Montecinos, President, Suzuki Association of Chile

Translated by Caroline Fraser

This past January we were fortunate enough to host a marvelous faculty composed of teachers from different countries who came to be part of our XII International Suzuki Festival, held in Santiago, Chile. It was a wonderful learning experience. We found out that we did not have enough time to absorb all that the teachers had to offer. The teachers, parents and students from Chile would like to express their gratitude to all the invited teachers: Pat D’Ercole, Christophe Bossuat (violin), Caroline Fraser, Bruce Anderson, Nehama Patkin and Roberta Centurion (piano), Frank Longay (guitar), and June Warhoftig (flute). The Festival is the most important event for the Suzuki Association of Chile as it provides teacher training for teachers throughout Chile and neighboring countries. It is also a time when our students receive master classes from these teacher trainers who in a way have become our guides. Time flies as the days are filled with energetic teachers, a lot of enthusiasm, and joyous students, teachers and parents. For the association these days are very busy as we try to finalize all the details. Now, I would like to tell you about some very generous friends: the parents of Nikola Myrksa, (piano student) owners of the “Casa Myrksa”. For many years the Myrksas have let us use pianos free of charge during the festival, and the foreign teachers have marveled at the quality of the service and attention they provide.

We have been hosting the festival for the past twelve years, with great sacrifice. Because of the economic conditions of our country we will have to let this sustained effort of twelve years take a rest as we try to gather funds and acquire more help before organizing the next event of such magnitude.

We are always left with a feeling of wanting to learn more and wanting to continue with our training. In spite of the fact that the festival was a success in musical terms, we really hope that we will have a teacher here in Chile who can help with teacher training throughout the country. Most of the time such training is beyond the means of most teachers. There is always the interest, but there is a need for money and for the development of our own resources.

For instance, a Suzuki Institute would allow us to keep track ofthe development and professional growth of the members of the association. We understand that the Suzuki teacher’s work is extremely delicate, requiring an understanding of many areas quite apart from music. We believe that having our own place would give more dignity to the Chilean Suzuki movement. In the festival enrichment class on Jazz, the teacher Roberto Lecaros did amazing work. After only three days the piano and violin students (8-12 years old) were able to improvise in the purest Jam session style. Other successful enrichment classes were Painting and Music, Chorus, Orchestra, and Theater. It was an unforgettable week.

Perhaps some time will pass before we can have the luxury of having such teacher trainers again. We thank everyone for coming to Chile and for believing in the Suzuki Latin American project. This side of the world needs feedback; we have a lot of interest. Here there is “fertile ground” and all that is needed is “seeds and water.” Chile is a country with enormous human potential, which cannot go to waste. What we need are people who can help us spread the word about our work. We are constantly receiving invitations, letters, and information, which look very interesting, but unfortunately most events require traveling to the United States, which is very expensive for us. Therefore, from this distant land, we feel connected with the Suzuki movement throughout the world because we believe in the importance of “belonging;” only geography separates us. Our hearts are united through music, our love of teaching and Dr. Suzuki’s legacy.

Que pasa en Chile con el Método Suzuki

por Blancamaria Montecinos, Presidenta, Asociación Suzuki de Chile

Recientemente en Enero hemos tenido la suerte de tener en nuestro pais a un staff de profesores maravillosos de distintos paises, con motivo del XII Festival Internacional Suzuki en Santiago de Chile. Fue una experiencia tan hermosa de aprender y de aprender, que nos falta tiempo para aprovechar de empaparnos de todo que ellos venian a entregar. En violin Pat D’Ercole y Christophe Bossuat; en piano Caroline Fraser, Bruce Anderson, Nehama Patkin y Roberta Centurión; en guitarra Frank Longay; en flauta traversa June Warhoftig. A todos ellos nuestro agradecimiento y el de nuestros alumnos y padres.

El festival es la instancia mas importante de la asociación de Chile, puesto que se capacitan profesores de todo el pais y de paises vecinos; ademas nuestros alumnos reciben clases maestras de estos profesores, que son en definitiva como nuestros guias. Los dias llenos de alboroto pasan volando con todo entusiasmo con gran alegria de los ninos, profesores y padres. Para la asociación son dias muy atareados, tratando de ultimar todos los detalles. Yaqui quisiera contarles que tenemos amigos Suzuki tan generosos como los padres de Nikola Myrksa, de la Casa Myrksa, quienes ano tras ano nos prestan gratuitamente todos los pianos del festival. Los profesores extranjeros quedan maravillados con la calidad y excelente atención para con todos nosotros.

Este tipo de evento viene haciendose hace y a 12 anos con gran sacrificio. Por las condiciones económicas de paises como el nuestro, el esfuerzo sostenido de 12 anos tendni que tener un descanso, esperando reunir dinero y mas ayuda para organizar un próximo evento de esta envergadura. Siempre quedamos con ganas de aprender y seguir capacitindonos y pese a que el festival fue un exito en 10 que a musica se refiere, esperamos ansiosamente tener una profesora que nos ayude a capacitar a 10 largo de nuestro pais a mas profesores. La mayona de las veces no existen los recursos para acceder a la capacitacion. Siempre hay interes; 10 que fulta i es tener mas dinero y mas recursos propios, ~ como por ejemplo un Instituto Suzuki para i hacer un seguimiento mas organizado de las : personas que ingresan a la asociacion y de su desempeiio profesional.

Entendemos que la tarea de un profesor Suzuki es en extremo delicada y requiere de manejar varios conocimientos aparte de 1 musical. EI tener un lugar propio dana mas dignidad a los profesores Suzuki de Chile. Es increible el trabajo que se hiw en el festival Taller deJazz con eI profesor Roberto Lecaros, quien consiguio en 3 was que los alumnos de violin y piano (8-12 aiios) improvisaran al mas puro estilo de “Jam Session”. Tambien otros talleres como “Pintando la Musica”, “Coro”, “Orquesta”, y “Teatro” fueron un exito. Una semana inolvidable.

Quizás pase un tiempo antes de tener otra vez este lujo de profesores. Gracias a todos ellos por venir a Chile y creer en el proyecto latinoamericano de Suzuki. Este lado del mundo necesita retroalimentacion y existe interes. Aqui hay “tierra ferill”, solo se necesita “semillas y agua”.

Chile es un pais que tiene un gran potencial humano que no se puede perder. Lo que necesitamos es gente que nos ayude a difundir nuestro trabajo. Siempre estamos recibiendo invitaciones, cartas, noticias, todas muy interesantes pero hay que viajar a los EE.UU. y eso para nosotros es muy costoso. Por 10 tanto, desde la distancia, estamos vibrando con ustedes y con todo eI mundo Suzuki porque creemos en la importancia de “pertenecer”. Solo nos separa la geografia; nuestros corazones estin unidos por la musica, el amor a la enseiianza, y e1legado del Dr. Suzuki.