Violin & Blog

Inspiration and Connection at the 2015 Leadership Retreat

May 29, 2015 by Barbara Balatero, Heather Watson Hardie, Samara Humbert-Hughes, Laura Nerenberg, Alice Ann O'Neill, Kathleen Schoen, Rafael Videira, Danette Warren

For many Suzuki teachers, SAA Conferences and Leadership Retreats are the best way to kick off summer. Packed full of inspiration and camaraderie, these events are not to be missed! Read more ▶

High Notes Getting to Know Your Horsehair

January 17, 2013 by Susan Baer

Have you ever imagined what the horse that donated its tail for your bow hair looks like? Where does it live? Is it a mare or a stallion? Here are some interesting facts that might help you get to know your horse. Read more ▶

High Notes The Case of the Dubious Identity

November 8, 2012 by Susan Baer

Sometimes determining the credible identity of an instrument’s maker can seem like the plot of a detective novel full of intrigue and deception. In an age where scientific advancements are making it possible to solve crimes of yore through DNA testing, similar discoveries are taking place in the world of stringed instruments. Read more ▶

High Notes Off to a Great Start

September 18, 2012 by Susan Baer

Embarking on the journey to mastery of a stringed instrument requires a certain degree of courage, even when starting firmly entrenched in the belief that every child can. Read more ▶

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