
32nd International Suzuki Festival and 8th Latin American Teachers Conference

May 1, 2017 by Caroline Fraser

Held in Lima Peru, January 4­–25, 2017 The International Suzuki Festivals in Peru and the Latin American Teachers’ Conferences are the most international Suzuki events to be held in the Americas. Seventeen countries participated in these events this year! And there… Read more ▶

Latin American Update XXVIII International Festival Lima Peru January 528 2013

June 24, 2013 by Caroline Fraser

The Peru Festival continues to be a vibrant center for Suzuki teacher training in Latin America. Read more ▶

Tales from the Peruvian Amazon

March 18, 2013 by David Evenchick, Nancy Lokken, Mary Halverson Waldo, Kelly Williamson

Two thousand ten was an exciting year for the Suzuki Association of Peru. In addition to celebrating twenty-five years of offering Suzuki festivals in Lima, for the first time in its history, a very special event was held. Read more ▶

Lets Celebrate Doris Koppelmans Life

May 1, 2012 by Caroline Fraser

Doris died peacefully on September 11, 2011, accompanied by her sons, while I was on my way to Guanajuato, México, for their VI Festival Suzuki. Etna Diemecke and I dedicated the Festival to the celebration of Doris’ life. Her life inspired us to work with yet more dedication, more energy and more persistence towards the fulfillment of Dr Suzuki’s dream: a world without violence and conflicts, a world of love, peace and compassion. Read more ▶

Latin America Update News from Peru

May 1, 2012 by Caroline Fraser

News from Peru David Evenchick, cello teacher trainer from Canada, writes: Thanks to the Suzuki Association of Peru and the SAA I have had the honor and privilege of teaching in Latin America. As members of the Suzuki community we understand that… Read more ▶

Latin American Update News from Peru

May 25, 2011 by Caroline Fraser

The 26th International Suzuki Festival and 5th Latin American Suzuki Teachers’ Conference were held in Lima, Peru, in January 2011. Read more ▶

Latin American Update News from Peru

December 17, 2010 by Caroline Fraser

X National Workshop, Iquitos May 10-15 Iquitos is a city in the Amazon jungle. It is accessible only by plane or by river. This was the first Suzuki event ever held in the jungle region of Peru. Everything began in July 2009… Read more ▶

Flute Dreams Take Flight

October 14, 2010 by Kelly Williamson

The excellent quality and affordability of Di Zhao flutes have made dreams come true for a number of students in Latin America, and they are inspiring many others to see their own dreams as a real possibility. In the fall of… Read more ▶

Reflections on Attending the 25th Annual Suzuki Festival of Lima Peru

July 25, 2010 by David Antonio Morales Boroff

I had been preparing for this trip for a long time. Whether it had been in practicing my instruments, (piano and violin), learning Spanish, or packing clothes, I had done a lot of it, and there was no reason whatsoever… Read more ▶

The Peru 2010 Adventure A Moms Reflection

July 25, 2010 by Sylvia Morales

My son David and I recently had the wonderful opportunity to attend the 25th annual Suzuki Music Festival in Lima, Peru, where David had 2 1/2 weeks of intense, exciting, beautiful and emotional experiences making music, making friends and celebrating… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

July 25, 2010 by Caroline Fraser

From the Suzuki Association of Peru: Caroline Fraser and Roberta Centurion I Encuentro de Alumnos Suzuki de América Latina (The First Latin American Suzuki students “Get-together”) January 9th through the 12th, 2010, Lima, Peru This was a historic occasion for Suzuki programs in the… Read more ▶

Recorder at the Latin American Suzuki Festival 2009 in Lima

June 16, 2009 by Mary Halverson Waldo

The January 2009 Suzuki Festival in Lima, Peru, was in full swing; but as it progressed I kept trying to find a time to connect with Padre William Lopez. Over the past several years, the young Padre had been bringing… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

June 16, 2009 by Caroline Fraser

XXIV Festival International, Lima Peru, January 4th-30th, 2009 Around 250 teachers and 500 students attended this year’s successful festival held in Lima, Peru. Participants travelled from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela to attend. The majority… Read more ▶

VII National Workshop Ayacucho May 1318 2008

December 10, 2008 by Caroline Fraser

Every year the Suzuki Association of Peru holds two National Workshops: one in Lima, the capital of Peru, and one in another region of the country. These workshops are designed for low income families and for teachers and students living… Read more ▶

XXIII International Suzuki Festival

July 10, 2008 by Roberta Centurion, Caroline Fraser

Lima, Peru January 5-24, 2008 Over 200 teachers and 400 students attended this successful event held in Newton College in the capital city of Peru. The SAA teacher trainers were Marilyn O’Boyle, Nancy Lokken, Nancy Hair, Virginia Dixon, MaryLou Roberts, Doris Koppelman… Read more ▶

IV Latin American Suzuki Teachers Conference

July 10, 2008 by Roberta Centurion

“Unidos hacia un sueño común” Lima, Peru January 12-14, 2008 More than seventy-five teachers from thirteen countries including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, EEUU, Scotland, México, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela attended the IV Latin American Suzuki Teachers’ Conference held in Lima,… Read more ▶

Flute at XXIII Festival Internacional de Musica Suzuki in Lima Peru

July 7, 2008 by Kelly Williamson

Flute Books 2 and 3 were offered for returning teachers, including participants from Peru, Colombia, and Chile, and Book 1 was offered for new Suzuki flute teachers from Peru and Colombia. A new course, Introduction to Flute, was also offered… Read more ▶

News from Peru

December 31, 2007 by Caroline Fraser

The V National Suzuki Workshop On May 15-20, 2007, the V National Suzuki Workshop of Peru was held in Huancayo in the Andean mountains from 15th-20th of May, 2007. It was sponsored jointly by the Asociación Suzuki del Peru and CHEA-El… Read more ▶

Four flutes donated to Latin American Suzuki flute projects

June 19, 2007

Two flutes went to Fernando Formigo’s Suzuki flute program in Patagonia, Argentina. Fernando has 40 students, 10 of whom do not own an instrument. Fernando has studied books 1-3 with David Gerry in Lima, Peru. He has also created a… Read more ▶

Experiences in Lima Peru 2007

May 1, 2007 by Nancy Lokken

My first experience in Peru was teaching at the XXII International Suzuki Festival in Lima. Two of the three courses I taught while I was there were pedagogy units in violin. Each unit was followed by a 10-hour Teaching Strategies… Read more ▶

XXII International Suzuki Festival

May 1, 2007 by Caroline Fraser, Doris Koppelman, MaryLou Roberts, Mary Halverson Waldo, Kelly Williamson

Lima, Peru, January 8-27, 2007 One of our most inspiring participants was Cecilia Zarate, a former Suzuki piano and violin student from Cordoba, Argentina, home to one of the oldest Suzuki programs in Latin America. Now a professional violinist and teacher,… Read more ▶

XXII Festival Internacional de Musica Suzuki

March 23, 2007

In January 2007, Kelly Williamson joined a faculty of many different Suzuki instrument areas to teach at the XXII Festival Internacional de Musica Suzuki in Lima, Peru. Books 1, 3 and 4 were offered for flute teachers, as well as… Read more ▶

Spreading the word

November 1, 2006 by Caroline Fraser

4th National Suzuki Workshop September 30-October 1st Lima, Peru Eric Escalaya, guitarist from Ayacucho had traveled over 12 hours by bus to participate in this two-day workshop which was sponsored by the Suzuki Association of Peru. He had been the only participant from… Read more ▶

Now I can read music

November 1, 2006 by Amy Tai

Apulli, seven years old and bright-eyed with excitement, ran home to take out his older brother Llalliq’s music for Book 2, and gleefully exclaimed, “Now I can read music!” He had just returned from participating in Carolina Fraser’s class, “How to… Read more ▶

Philosophy Course Huanuco Peru July 2629 2006

August 1, 2006 by Caroline Fraser

“I can state without being afraid of being wrong that instead of understanding the Mother Tongue Approach, we have to feel it, talk about it and live it, until it becomes part of our very being.” —Marcos Santiago, philosophy class participant I… Read more ▶

XXI International Suzuki Festival held in Lima Peru

May 1, 2006 by Caroline Fraser

January 10th-25th, 2006 The Suzuki Association of Peru is very grateful to the SAA and to those who donated to the Latin American Suzuki Scholarship fund. The results of this generosity of spirit are immeasurable and far-reaching. Over sixty foreign scholarship… Read more ▶

III National Workshop Lima

February 1, 2006 by Caroline Fraser

November 12 and 13, 2005 The Suzuki Association of Peru is committed to spreading the Suzuki philosophy throughout the country, including those regions where people are geographically and economically disadvantaged. Our Association sponsors two national workshops during the year, in addition… Read more ▶

A Happy Adventure

August 1, 2005 by Lilian Rosario Kong Minaya

Huánuco, “the city with the best climate in the world,” was the setting for several days of intense musical study. When the Director of the Instituto Superior de Música “Daniel Alomia Robles” first made contact with the Suzuki teachers in… Read more ▶

Experiences in San Marcos

August 1, 2005 by Naomi Heindel

Vanesa’s arm was just too short to reach first position on my full-sized violin, but as she wanted to play so badly, and because it was the only instrument available, I came up with a million things for her to… Read more ▶

Early Childhood Education Report

August 1, 2005 by Maria Luisa Del Rio

On May 10, 2005, I traveled to Huánuco to present the research on Early Childhood development that Roxana and I have been working on. I was very lucky to have Caroline Fraser traveling with me. She was going to give… Read more ▶

Report from Peru June 2005

August 1, 2005 by Caroline Fraser

“I’d rather be a sparrow than a snail…” made famous by Simon and Garfunkel, is actually a Peruvian composition, “El condor pasa” written by Daniel Alomia Robles from Huánuco. The Second National Suzuki Workshop in Peru was held in the… Read more ▶

The 3rd Latin American Teachers Conference

May 1, 2005 by Marilyn O'Boyle

This year Lima hosted the Third Latin American Suzuki Teachers Conference, directed by Roberta Centurion and Caroline Fraser. The growth and development of these Encuentros has also been phenomenal. The first Encuentro was held in 1999 and the second in… Read more ▶

XX International Suzuki Festival Peru 2005

May 1, 2005 by Carmen Wise

Introduction One minute I’m home, playing gigs, teaching, getting ready for Christmas, the next I find myself on a midnight flight to Lima, Peru, on my way to take part in the XX International Suzuki Festival. For the last two years, I… Read more ▶

January Events in Latin America

May 1, 2005 by Caroline Fraser

Translated by Caroline Fraser and Claudia Woll, Peru and Margarita Troetsch, Panama Music Reading Worskshop in Santiago, Chile; January 3-6, 2005 By Blancamaria Montecinos, President, Suzuki Association of Chile We invited Caroline Fraser to teach. We had been missing her, as we had… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

August 1, 2004 by Caroline Fraser

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Latin American Update

November 1, 2002 by Caroline Fraser

Caroline Fraser and Roberta Centurion, translators Despite the economic crisis which Latin America is experiencing, Suzuki programs continue to grow and flourish. Due to this crisis many places have had to cancel plans for offering teacher training courses, while other courses… Read more ▶

Second Latin American Suzuki Teachers Conference

August 1, 2002 by Caroline Fraser

From Roberta Centurion, International Representative, Suzuki Association of Peru, SAA Latin American Liaison More than forty Suzuki Teachers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Peru, Uruguay and the United States came together for the Second Latin American Suzuki Teachers’… Read more ▶

The XVI Suzuki International Festival

May 1, 2001 by Caroline Fraser

Translations by Marcial BF, Roberta Centurion, Grace Carvajal Mulatti In January of this year, the XVI Suzuki International Festival was held in Lima, Peru. A total of 83 teachers and 204 students attended. Teachers arrived from Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador,… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

February 1, 2001 by Caroline Fraser

In November I was notified of the passing of a pioneer of the Suzuki movement in Latin America, Dolores Olivia Soaje Bermann. I had met Mrs. Bermann personally at the International Suzuki Conference in Edmonton, Canada in 1985. Mrs. Bermann… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

November 1, 2000 by Caroline Fraser

Commitment to ongoing teacher training in Latin America This summer while teaching at some Institutes in the U.S., I made a plea for donations to help make it possible for the Suzuki Association of Peru to offer its annual Suzuki Festival… Read more ▶

First Latin American Teachers Conference

May 1, 1999 by Marilyn O'Boyle

Several months have passed since the first SAA conference of Latin American Suzuki teachers (also known as PEPSAL—Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina). Most of you probably saw the wonderful photos and read the words of many of… Read more ▶

First Latin American Conference PEPSAL

February 1, 1999 by Caroline Fraser

I am very happy to be able to share with you the following reports. They have been submitted by several representatives of Latin American countries which participated in the Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina, PEPSAL. Annika Petrozzi, Presidenta… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

November 1, 1998 by Caroline Fraser

Actualidades Latino Americanas Por Caroline Fraser Traduccion: A. Centurion y M. Blondet Roberta Centurion, Marilyn O’Boyle y yo tenemos el placer de anunciar 1Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina (PEPSAL), auspiciado por la Asociacion Suzuki de las Americas, que se realizara… Read more ▶

Report from Latin America

February 1, 1998 by Marilyn O'Boyle

Festival and Association News The January ‘98 Suzuki Festival in Lima, Peru, brought together students and teachers of violin, cello, guitar, piano and recorder. The pace was intense for the teachers, many of whom taught eight to nine hours each day.… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

November 1, 1997 by Caroline Fraser

Profile of Suzuki programs in Latin America The table below is a compilation of information gathered from questionnaires sent to numerous Latin American Suzuki programs in May, 1997. The response was overwhelming! I am very grateful to all who participated in… Read more ▶

South American Summer Suzuki Style

May 1, 1996 by Marilyn O'Boyle

On January 1st, violinist/violist Dee Martz, guitarist Alan Johnston and I met in the Chicago airport on the first leg of our journey to Peru and then Chile for the Latin American Suzuki Festivals. In Miami, we connected with pianist… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

November 1, 1995 by Marilyn O'Boyle

Plans for the South American Summer Suzuki Festivals are going well. The dates for the Festival in Lima, Peru, are January 3rd to January 10th and the Festival in Santiago, Chile, will take place from January 13th to 20th. These… Read more ▶

Suzuki Guitar in South America

May 1, 1995 by Alan Johnston

On January 1, 1995 I got up at 4:00 a.m. to catch a shuttle bus to the airport. The temperature was around 2 degrees below zero in Minneapolis. About twelve hours later I was standing, for the first time in… Read more ▶

From South America With Love

May 1, 1995 by Susan Grilli

During the SAA Conference last June, Marilyn O’Boyle asked if I’d like to do workshops in Chile and Peru in January of 1995. I was excited at the prospect, thinking of places like Machu Picchu that I’d always wanted to… Read more ▶

Adopt a Country

November 1, 1994 by Marilyn O'Boyle

A wonderful opportunity to experience the international aspect of Suzuki study in your local program or area association! As the SAA Liaison to Latin American Countries, I have talked to many SAA members who would like to be able to… Read more ▶

Current Suzuki Program Statistics

November 1, 1992

[url=]Program Stats ASJ 21[/url] Read more ▶

1993 South American Suzuki Festivals

November 1, 1992

January 3 through 10, 1993, Santiago College in Santiago, Chile will be the site of the first part of the 1993 South American Suzuki Festival. The event is sponsored and coordinated by the Suzuki Association of Chile, Concepcion Martorell, President,… Read more ▶

A Visit With Manuel

November 1, 1992 by Marilyn O'Boyle

On September 26 and 27, 1992, I was in Austin, Texas, and I spent an hour with my former student, Manuel Bravo, listening to him play and talking about his new life here in Austin. I also used the opportunity… Read more ▶

The Suzuki Method in South America

November 1, 1992 by Joseph McSpadden, Marilyn O'Boyle

This report is a composite of information from Suzuki programs in Peru, Chile and Bolivia. Marilyn O’Boyle, South American Liaison for the Suzuki Association of the Americas, and Roberta Centurion provided the information from Chile and Peru. Martha Shackford contributed… Read more ▶

Listo Ya

June 1, 1990 by Barbara Wampner

“‘Listo, ya!” “San, hai!” “Ready, go!” Spanish, Japanese or English-the result is the same for the Suzuki teacher-a signal to begin. I had the need to add some Spanish to my teaching vocabulary last January when I had the opportunity… Read more ▶

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