Latin America & Portugues

About the First Week of Suzuki Teacher Training and the Ninth Spring Retreat

September 1, 2012 by Fabio Dos Santos, Renata Pereira

One of the measures taken by military dictatorship that ruled Brazil between 1964 and 1985 was the withdrawal of musical training from the curricula of Brazilian schools. Read more ▶

Latin American Suzuki Programs

October 6, 2011 by Marilyn O'Boyle

Translations: Español, Português So what does it mean for the SAA to be the Suzuki Association of the Americas, plural? When the SAA was established in 1972, it was charged with the responsibility to care for and nurture the development of… Read more ▶

First Latin American Conference PEPSAL

February 1, 1999 by Caroline Fraser

I am very happy to be able to share with you the following reports. They have been submitted by several representatives of Latin American countries which participated in the Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina, PEPSAL. Annika Petrozzi, Presidenta… Read more ▶

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