Present on the Call: Andrea Cannon, Seth Himmelhoch, Andy LaFreniere, David Madsen, Joe Pecoraro, Bill Kossler, MaryLou Roberts
Not Present: Mychal Gendron
Agenda Items
1. Mychal—Video Vote
Mychal suggests that the committee to approve, by vote, the GFA article as a companion piece to… Read more ▶
Present: Mary Lou Roberts, Andrea Cannon, Seth Himmelhoch, Mychal Gendron, Frank Longay, David Madsen, Joe Pecoraro
SAA Conference Video Updates
Dave reports that the video is not done yet, we are also waiting for the SAA office to send him some transcripts… Read more ▶
Present: Dave Madsen, Andy Lafreniere, Seth Himmelhoch, Bill Kossler, Mary Lou Roberts, Mychal Gendron, Joe Pecoraro, Andrea Cannon, Frank Longay
SAA Teacher Trainer syllabus (voting to adopt)
Seth mentions: the section for Unit Three needs the inclusion of the phrase “arpeggios using… Read more ▶
Present: Frank, Mary Lou, Bill, Dave, Andrea, Seth, Mychal
Trainers Report from the Boston Conference
Mychal says it was great, and the other committee members who attended agree. Mychal mentions that meeting Mr. Toyoda was a particular pleasure. Dave says it was… Read more ▶
Present at this meeting:
Frank Longay, Andy Lafrienere, Seth Himmelhoch, Mary Lou Roberts, Andrea Cannon
New Teacher Trainer
Congratulations again to Joe Pecoraro who is now a Teacher Trainer.
Progress on Recordings of Volumes 8 and 9
Frank Longay traveled to Los Angeles to supervise… Read more ▶
The entire Committee was present for the call: Andrea Cannon, Mychal Gendron, Seth Himmelhoch, Bill Kossler, Andy Lafreniere, Frank Longay, David Madsen, Mary Lou Roberts
Welcome to the Guitar Committee new members Mary Lou Roberts and Mychal Gendron!
The SAA Virtual… Read more ▶
Festival Report
Frank Longay reports that the International Suzuki Festival planning is going well. He is encouraging teachers from out of town to bring their students and make the festival more diverse. Dave Madsen and Andy Lafreneniere are organizing kids… Read more ▶
All members were present.
The first topic was a publication update. It is reported that Book 8 is going into production. It should be on the shelves in a couple of weeks. The Bach minuets have been fixed according to our… Read more ▶
The subject of committee function and organization is discussed and it is decided that the committee does not need to change now. According to SAA, we can do what we want to within reason.
William Kossler submits these points concerning committee… Read more ▶
Refer by last names; all present except Andy.
Book 5 Update
Longay wants to get started updating Book 5. He will send materials to the committee to get the ball rolling.
Guitars—finding better small instruments
Longay is getting advanced youngsters who need higher quality… Read more ▶