
Interview Berta Rojas

February 2, 2018 by Andrea Cannon

Guitarist Berta Rojas, originally from Paraguay, will be our guest clinician at this year’s SAA Conference. We guitarists could not be more excited to visit with Berta and watch her work with our students. This interview offers us a closer… Read more ▶

Interview Scott Tennant

November 14, 2015 by Andrea Cannon

This unique interview is a sort of a cyber-roundtable of questions for guitarist, teacher and technical guru Scott Tennant. Scott is a founding member of the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet, an amazing soloist, and the author of what has become… Read more ▶

Setting up for Success  Preparations for a Suzuki Instructor

September 21, 2015 by Andrea Cannon

Just about everyone seems to know about the Suzuki Method for Violin, but many people are not aware of Suzuki Guitar, although it’s been around more than twenty-five years. Two of the earliest Suzuki Guitar students were Connie Sheu and… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Call Notes March 17 2013

August 19, 2013

Agenda Items: International Conference in Matsumoto, Revisions, Have the SAAGC on the SAA as a Discussion Board Item, Book 1 Dynamics Read more ▶

High Notes The Case of the Dubious Identity

November 8, 2012 by Susan Baer

Sometimes determining the credible identity of an instrument’s maker can seem like the plot of a detective novel full of intrigue and deception. In an age where scientific advancements are making it possible to solve crimes of yore through DNA testing, similar discoveries are taking place in the world of stringed instruments. Read more ▶

Guitars Make History at the Conference

September 1, 2012 by MaryLou Roberts

There were many memorable moments at the 2012 SAA Conference, 40 and Forward! It was a great time to share our love and passion for teaching, try some new music for guitar ensemble, listen to our colleagues, and dream of… Read more ▶

Suzuki Guitar Books 1  2 Revision Your Input Wanted

August 10, 2012

Dear Suzuki Guitar Teachers of the SAA, Greetings and hoping that this finds you well and enjoying your teaching and playing. We are writing to inform of you of some recent developments in the Suzuki Guitar world. The International Suzuki Association Guitar Committee… Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 45 Sound of Success Institute Scholarships Conference

April 11, 2012

In this issue: The Sound of Success: Suzuki Method for Guitar Conference Special Events Preview Institute Scholarships for Students & Teachers A Star for My Mother Next ASJ Sneak Peak Upcoming Events 107 new members joined the SAA in March. Welcome! The Sound of Success: Suzuki Method for… Read more ▶

The Sound of Success Suzuki Method for Guitar

April 4, 2012

Thanks to the work of the SAA Guitar Committee and producer Laura Wong Burnett, we are able to present a new, informative introduction to Suzuki Guitar. Whether you are a parent or a classical guitarist interested in teaching, the information… Read more ▶

The Suzuki Guitar Experience

April 4, 2012 by Mychal Gendron, MaryLou Roberts

Reprinted from Soundboard magazine, Volume XXXVII, No. 3, 2011, pg. 42-47, with the kind permission of the Guitar Foundation of America Angela walks confidentially to center stage, wearing her best concert clothes, carrying her prized guitar with her right hand low… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes January 8 2012

March 19, 2012

Present on the Call: Andrea Cannon, Seth Himmelhoch, Andy LaFreniere, David Madsen, Joe Pecoraro, Bill Kossler, MaryLou Roberts Not Present: Mychal Gendron Agenda Items 1. Mychal—Video Vote Mychal suggests that the committee to approve, by vote, the GFA article as a companion piece to… Read more ▶

Remembering Frank Longay

May 25, 2011 by Andrea Cannon, Mychal Gendron, Seth Himmelhoch, William Kossler, Andrew LaFreniere, David Madsen, Joseph Pecoraro, MaryLou Roberts

It is with difficulty and great sadness that the SAA Guitar Committee has attempted to put into words our sense of loss over the recent passing of Frank Longay. Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes October 17 2010

April 1, 2011

Present: Mary Lou Roberts, Andrea Cannon, Seth Himmelhoch, Mychal Gendron, Frank Longay, David Madsen, Joe Pecoraro SAA Conference Video Updates Dave reports that the video is not done yet, we are also waiting for the SAA office to send him some transcripts… Read more ▶

Frank Longay 19482011

March 25, 2011

It is with the deepest sadness that we announce the passing of Frank Longay on Wednesday, January 19. Frank was a founding member and chairman of both the Guitar Committee of the International Suzuki Association and the Guitar Committee for the… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes April 25 2010

October 11, 2010

Present: Dave Madsen, Andy Lafreniere, Seth Himmelhoch, Bill Kossler, Mary Lou Roberts, Mychal Gendron, Joe Pecoraro, Andrea Cannon, Frank Longay SAA Teacher Trainer syllabus (voting to adopt) Seth mentions: the section for Unit Three needs the inclusion of the phrase “arpeggios using… Read more ▶

William Kossler Suzuki Guitar Pioneer

September 27, 2010 by Andrea Cannon

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William Kossler Bringing Suzukis Ideas to Guitar in the Americas

September 21, 2010 by Andrea Cannon

It is my pleasure to share with you the work of William Kossler in bringing the experience of his Matsumoto Training to Suzuki Guitar in the Americas. Suzuki Teachers place high priority on Dr. Suzuki’s Philosophy. Those who worked with… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes October 25 2009

January 5, 2010

Present: Frank, Mary Lou, Bill, Dave, Andrea, Seth, Mychal Trainers Report from the Boston Conference Mychal says it was great, and the other committee members who attended agree. Mychal mentions that meeting Mr. Toyoda was a particular pleasure. Dave says it was… Read more ▶

Congratulations to New Teacher Trainers

November 13, 2009

The SAA would like to welcome three new Teacher Trainers:Mary Hofer Voice Stevens Point, WIJoseph Pecoraro Guitar Winston-Salem, NC James Hutchins Violin Silver Spring, MD These Trainer Candidates completed the final steps in the approval process following the ISA Teacher Trainer Conference in Boston last month. We look… Read more ▶

Ask the Experts 5 Guitar Technique and Repertoire

November 10, 2009 by David Madsen

Last summer, focus groups at summer Institutes were asked to submit questions for a panel of “Suzuki Experts” to answer. This is the fifth installment. How can we maintain the joy of playing guitar without weighing the student down with technique? The… Read more ▶

Conference Students Needed for Bass Flute Guitar and Recorder

November 5, 2009

Student participants are still needed for the following events at the 2010 SAA Conference next May: Bass: SYOA 1, SYOA 2, Bass Choir Flute: Masterclass, Performing Ensemble Guitar: Masterclass, Non-Preformed Chamber Recorder: Masterclass, Recorder Consort, Non-Preformed Chamber Applications are being accepted until November 30. See the… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes July 26 2009

October 13, 2009

Present at this meeting: Frank Longay, Andy Lafrienere, Seth Himmelhoch, Mary Lou Roberts, Andrea Cannon New Teacher Trainer Congratulations again to Joe Pecoraro who is now a Teacher Trainer. Progress on Recordings of Volumes 8 and 9 Frank Longay traveled to Los Angeles to supervise… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes March 22 2009

May 15, 2009

The entire Committee was present for the call: Andrea Cannon, Mychal Gendron, Seth Himmelhoch, Bill Kossler, Andy Lafreniere, Frank Longay, David Madsen, Mary Lou Roberts Welcome to the Guitar Committee new members Mary Lou Roberts and Mychal Gendron! Agenda The SAA Virtual… Read more ▶

Suzuki Guitar

April 22, 2009

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Guitar Committee Membership Expanded

February 2, 2009

We are pleased to be able to report that MaryLou Roberts, of Ann Arbor, MI and Mychal Gendron, of Cranston, RI have accepted the invitation to participate as members of the Guitar Committee of the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Mychal… Read more ▶

Recordings for Suzuki Books 8 and 9

February 2, 2009

Guitarist William Kanengiser, Alfred Music, and the Guitar Committee of the International Suzuki Association have come to agreement on his recording of Books 8 and 9 of the Suzuki Guitar Schoo. Recognized as one of America’s most brilliant guitarists, William Kanengiser… Read more ▶

Book 9 of the Suzuki Guitar School Released

February 2, 2009

Alfred Music has just released Book 9 of the Suzuki Guitar School and the edition should be on music store shelves by next week. The volume represents a 25 year collaborative project in the development of an effective application of… Read more ▶

Guitar Foundation Ad

January 9, 2009

Exciting news! The SAA has an ad on the Guitar Foundation website, for the months of January, February, and March. It is a revolving ad on the pages of their website. Our Summer Institute Logo ad banner link takes… Read more ▶

Building Community The International Suzuki Guitar Festival

December 10, 2008 by MaryLou Roberts

On July 7, 2008 we began an exciting new event in the development of Suzuki Guitar in North America: the first International Suzuki Guitar Festival, held at the Santa Clara Convention Center in sunny California. No one knew quite what… Read more ▶

Milongueo de Ayer

September 19, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

Milongueo de Ayer for guitar by able Fleury performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

Leccin para Dos Laudes

September 19, 2008 by Latin American Suzuki Ensemble

Lección para Dos Laudes for guitar by Anonymous performed by the Latin American Suzuki Ensemble at the 2008 SAA Conference Read more ▶

Benjamin Verdery Master Guitarist Teacher and Composer

March 5, 2008 by Andrea Cannon, Benjamin Verdery

What is your background with guitar? How old were you when you started and what attracted you to it? It was the Beatles! I remember when I first heard “I Saw Her Standing There” it just hit me like a bolt… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes January 13 2008

January 13, 2008

Festival Report Frank Longay reports that the International Suzuki Festival planning is going well. He is encouraging teachers from out of town to bring their students and make the festival more diverse. Dave Madsen and Andy Lafreneniere are organizing kids… Read more ▶

Violin and Guitar Practicum

June 4, 2007

Music in the Mountains Suzuki Institute is adding 2 practicum courses, violin and guitar, June 22-26. Enrollment is limited. Email Nan Freeman at [javascript protected email address] if you are interested. Read more ▶

A Gift Across the Miles

May 1, 2007 by Andrea Cannon

Shortly after I returned home from teaching students and training teachers at the 2005 Festival sponsored by Suzuki Association of El Salvador (ASUSAL), one of the new guitar teachers sent an email. She was invited to begin a program at… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes December 3 2006

December 3, 2006

All members were present. The first topic was a publication update. It is reported that Book 8 is going into production. It should be on the shelves in a couple of weeks. The Bach minuets have been fixed according to our… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes May 7 2006

May 7, 2006

The subject of committee function and organization is discussed and it is decided that the committee does not need to change now. According to SAA, we can do what we want to within reason. William Kossler submits these points concerning committee… Read more ▶

SAA Guitar Committee Conference Call Notes November 7 2004

November 7, 2004

Refer by last names; all present except Andy. Book 5 Update Longay wants to get started updating Book 5. He will send materials to the committee to get the ball rolling. Guitars—finding better small instruments Longay is getting advanced youngsters who need higher quality… Read more ▶

Guitar News

November 1, 2000

Repertoire Development News The ISGC and Warner Bros. Publications is pleased to announce the publication of Books 5, 6 and 7 of the Suzuki Guitar School which is now available at Warner Bros. as well as from most music outlets. Book… Read more ▶

Suzuki Guitar in South America

May 1, 1995 by Alan Johnston

On January 1, 1995 I got up at 4:00 a.m. to catch a shuttle bus to the airport. The temperature was around 2 degrees below zero in Minneapolis. About twelve hours later I was standing, for the first time in… Read more ▶

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