Chile & Argentina

Latin America Update News from Peru

May 1, 2012 by Caroline Fraser

News from Peru David Evenchick, cello teacher trainer from Canada, writes: Thanks to the Suzuki Association of Peru and the SAA I have had the honor and privilege of teaching in Latin America. As members of the Suzuki community we understand that… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

August 1, 2004 by Caroline Fraser

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Latin American Update

February 1, 2004 by Caroline Fraser

Compiled by Caroline Fraser Guanajuato, Mexico Etna Diemecke, attended the January 2003 Suzuki International Festival in Lima, Peru, as a scholarship recipient. She returned to Guanajuato, Mexico, determined to organize a similar event there and she did it! Thanks to the seeds… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

November 1, 2002 by Caroline Fraser

Caroline Fraser and Roberta Centurion, translators Despite the economic crisis which Latin America is experiencing, Suzuki programs continue to grow and flourish. Due to this crisis many places have had to cancel plans for offering teacher training courses, while other courses… Read more ▶

XVII International Suzuki Festival

August 1, 2002 by Caroline Fraser

The XVI Festival Suzuki, held in Lima, Peru, was a resounding success by all accounts. Teachers, students and parents left the festival full of energy, resolve, and renewed dedication. All were impressed by the spirit of friendship, cooperation and support… Read more ▶

Second Latin American Suzuki Teachers Conference

August 1, 2002 by Caroline Fraser

From Roberta Centurion, International Representative, Suzuki Association of Peru, SAA Latin American Liaison More than forty Suzuki Teachers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Peru, Uruguay and the United States came together for the Second Latin American Suzuki Teachers’… Read more ▶

The XVI Suzuki International Festival

May 1, 2001 by Caroline Fraser

Translations by Marcial BF, Roberta Centurion, Grace Carvajal Mulatti In January of this year, the XVI Suzuki International Festival was held in Lima, Peru. A total of 83 teachers and 204 students attended. Teachers arrived from Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador,… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

February 1, 2001 by Caroline Fraser

In November I was notified of the passing of a pioneer of the Suzuki movement in Latin America, Dolores Olivia Soaje Bermann. I had met Mrs. Bermann personally at the International Suzuki Conference in Edmonton, Canada in 1985. Mrs. Bermann… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

November 1, 2000 by Caroline Fraser

Commitment to ongoing teacher training in Latin America This summer while teaching at some Institutes in the U.S., I made a plea for donations to help make it possible for the Suzuki Association of Peru to offer its annual Suzuki Festival… Read more ▶

First Latin American Teachers Conference

May 1, 1999 by Marilyn O'Boyle

Several months have passed since the first SAA conference of Latin American Suzuki teachers (also known as PEPSAL—Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina). Most of you probably saw the wonderful photos and read the words of many of… Read more ▶

First Latin American Conference PEPSAL

February 1, 1999 by Caroline Fraser

I am very happy to be able to share with you the following reports. They have been submitted by several representatives of Latin American countries which participated in the Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina, PEPSAL. Annika Petrozzi, Presidenta… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

November 1, 1998 by Caroline Fraser

Actualidades Latino Americanas Por Caroline Fraser Traduccion: A. Centurion y M. Blondet Roberta Centurion, Marilyn O’Boyle y yo tenemos el placer de anunciar 1Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina (PEPSAL), auspiciado por la Asociacion Suzuki de las Americas, que se realizara… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

May 1, 1998 by Caroline Fraser

Thanks to the Internet, I have been in communication with Liliana Arboleda, a Suzuki violin teacher from Cali, Colombia. She plays with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Cali, and attended Ithaca Suzuki Institute last summer. She plans to return this year… Read more ▶

Report from Latin America

February 1, 1998 by Marilyn O'Boyle

Festival and Association News The January ‘98 Suzuki Festival in Lima, Peru, brought together students and teachers of violin, cello, guitar, piano and recorder. The pace was intense for the teachers, many of whom taught eight to nine hours each day.… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

November 1, 1997 by Caroline Fraser

Profile of Suzuki programs in Latin America The table below is a compilation of information gathered from questionnaires sent to numerous Latin American Suzuki programs in May, 1997. The response was overwhelming! I am very grateful to all who participated in… Read more ▶

Adopt a Country

November 1, 1994 by Marilyn O'Boyle

A wonderful opportunity to experience the international aspect of Suzuki study in your local program or area association! As the SAA Liaison to Latin American Countries, I have talked to many SAA members who would like to be able to… Read more ▶

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