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May 23, 2017 by Joan Krzywicki, Margaret Watts Romney
Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes Also on Stitcher and other popular podcast apps. Feed URL: Music & Clips Radiolab “Sound as Touch” episode Sun Up by Stephen Katz and Derek Snyder Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky played by Alexander Ghindin. Comments… Read more ▶
July 7, 2017 by Dorothy Jones, Margaret Watts Romney
When is the ideal age to start a music education? Many teachers start students as young as 3 and 4 years old, but Dorothy Jones took to heart Dr. Suzuki’s admonition to focus on the babies. In this episode, we… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Holly Blackwelder Carpenter
From the Video Series Parents As Partners Online 2015 A few weeks ago I received a text message from my brother (Suzuki parent with 3 children) It read “I know every child can, but I am not sure that this parent… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Jennifer Burton
From the Video Series, Parents As Partners Online 2015 Hi, I am Jenny Burton and I am going to talk about listening today. The name of my talk is “Play it Again Sam: How to Implement Listening in Home Practice.” There… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Alexander Revoal
From the Video Series, Parents As Partners Online 2017 Consider the following scenario. You’ve been working on a research project at work for a while now and you present your findings to the department, including your supervisor, before you have to… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer
From the Video Series, Parents as Partners Online 2011 Hi, my name is Sue Baer. Thank you for joining me today on this session, addressing The Value of Repetition. I believe that every child is capable of playing their instrument at… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Barbara Balatero
From the Video Series, Parents as Parnters Online 2016 When I have a new cello student, one of the first big assignments I give them is to make 1,000 good bow holds. I don’t allow my students to place the bow… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Lucy Shaw
From the video series Parents as Partners Online 2013. Welcome to the 2013 edition of PPO online. I am Lucy Shaw, and I run a private Suzuki studio just outside of Seattle in the state of Washington. My talk today is… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer
From the video series Parents As Partners Online 2016 When we embark on a project as important as preparing our children for the role that music will play in their lives, it’s only natural that we concern ourselves with a host… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Jennifer Burton
From the video collection Parents As Partners Online 2012. Hi! My name is Jennifer Burton, and it’s my pleasure today to talk with you about the importance of Group Classes. I think there are about six things that I really… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Rafael Videira
From Parents as Partners Online 2016. Hello, my name is Rafael Videira, and I am a Suzuki viola and violin teacher. Today I would like to talk about ways to make reviewing the repertoire fun and effective. The activities I… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Jennifer Burton
Olá, meu nome é Jenny Burton e hoje eu vou falar sobre a escuta. O título do meu discurso é “Toca De Novo, Sam: Como Fazer o Aluno Ouvir as Gravações no Estudo Diário”. Eu tenho observado que existem dois tipos… Read more ▶
August 11, 2017 by Susan Baer
Olá, meu nome é Sue Baer. Obrigada por estar aqui hoje nessa sessão sobre a importância da repetição. Eu acredito que toda criança é capaz de tocar seu instrumento num nível bem alto. Se você conhece o método Suzuki, eu… Read more ▶
March 21, 2012 by Michael Montgomery
Having only recently come into the Suzuki circle of teaching and learning, many of the tenets of the method are still somewhat new to me. Curious (and sometimes perhaps even a little skeptical) about various aspects of this approach, I… Read more ▶
August 10, 2017 by Brittany Gardner
From the video series, Parents as Partners Online 2015 Hi my name is Brittany Gardner, and I’m a cello teacher in Salt Lake City. I’m excited to be participating in Parents as Partners, and I hope that what I have to… Read more ▶
July 27, 2017 by Alice Ann O'Neill, Margaret Watts Romney
Have you ever felt so focused on the project in front of you that the rest of the world seemed to disappear? Perhaps time stood still? You felt in complete harmony with things around you? This place is a source… Read more ▶
June 7, 2017 by Sarah Bylander Montzka, Margaret Watts Romney
Students, Teachers, Parents, Administrators: we are all interested in growth and change. In this episode, Sarah Bylander Montzka explains the skill we can all use of “holding two concepts in one’s mind at the same time”—a skill which can nurture growth in students, organizations, and ourselves. Read more ▶
May 8, 2017 by Carey Beth Hockett, Margaret Watts Romney
How are in-person and engaged communities created? What do they feel like when you’re in them? We interview group class expert and cellist Carey Beth Hockett to hear her answers. Read more ▶
April 24, 2017 by Winifred Crock, Margaret Watts Romney
Who was Dr. Suzuki, why is there a community of teachers following his vision, and what ideas can apply to teachers anywhere? We talk with his former student, Winifred Crock, to answer these questions and more. Read more ▶
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