August 1, 2018 by Brittany Gardner, Jessica Lahey, Margaret Watts Romney
Music practice has its highs and lows. Sometimes we reach a state of bliss and flow as we find the perfect balance of competence, challenge, and creativity with our instrument. Or, sometimes we can feel like Sisyphus; over and over… Read more ▶
May 23, 2017 by Joan Krzywicki, Margaret Watts Romney
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Music & Clips
Radiolab “Sound as Touch” episode
Sun Up by Stephen Katz and Derek Snyder
Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky played by Alexander Ghindin.
Comments… Read more ▶
From the Video Series Parents As Partners Online 2015
A few weeks ago I received a text message from my brother (Suzuki parent with 3 children) It read “I know every child can, but I am not sure that this parent… Read more ▶
From the Video Series, Parents As Partners Online 2017
Consider the following scenario. You’ve been working on a research project at work for a while now and you present your findings to the department, including your supervisor, before you have to… Read more ▶
From the video series Parents as Partners Online 2013.
Welcome to the 2013 edition of PPO online. I am Lucy Shaw, and I run a private Suzuki studio just outside of Seattle in the state of Washington. My talk today is… Read more ▶
Olá, meu nome é Jenny Burton e hoje eu vou falar sobre a escuta. O título do meu discurso é “Toca De Novo, Sam: Como Fazer o Aluno Ouvir as Gravações no Estudo Diário”.
Eu tenho observado que existem dois tipos… Read more ▶
Olá, meu nome é Sue Baer. Obrigada por estar aqui hoje nessa sessão sobre a importância da repetição.
Eu acredito que toda criança é capaz de tocar seu instrumento num nível bem alto. Se você conhece o método Suzuki, eu… Read more ▶
From the video series, Parents as Partners Online 2015
Hi my name is Brittany Gardner, and I’m a cello teacher in Salt Lake City. I’m excited to be participating in Parents as Partners, and I hope that what I have to… Read more ▶
Play it your age.
Tape it.
Pick an UNO Card.
Throw the dice or die.
Wear a funny hat.
Wear funny glasses.
Left foot in the air.
Right foot in the air.
Eyes on the ceiling.
Eyes closed.
With toothbrush in mouth.
With gloves on.
With Kleenex on keys.
Write a story to… Read more ▶
“I love to practice!” That’s what we all want our children to say. Here are some ideas for how parents can get there without resorting to things they wish they hadn’t! These suggestions can keep you motivated so that you… Read more ▶
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