August 1, 2018 by Brittany Gardner, Jessica Lahey, Margaret Watts Romney
Music practice has its highs and lows. Sometimes we reach a state of bliss and flow as we find the perfect balance of competence, challenge, and creativity with our instrument. Or, sometimes we can feel like Sisyphus; over and over… Read more ▶
From the Video Series Parents As Partners Online 2015
A few weeks ago I received a text message from my brother (Suzuki parent with 3 children) It read “I know every child can, but I am not sure that this parent… Read more ▶
Dr. Suzuki always said “character first, ability second.”
The Suzuki experience is about your child first, playing the instrument second. Watch how your child learns, nurturing your child’s spirit and building her self confidence, yet instilling a sense of achieving excellence… Read more ▶
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