Articles for Parents & Blog

Practicing Can Be Hard  Season 2 Episode 3

August 1, 2018 by Brittany Gardner, Jessica Lahey, Margaret Watts Romney

Music practice has its highs and lows. Sometimes we reach a state of bliss and flow as we find the perfect balance of competence, challenge, and creativity with our instrument. Or, sometimes we can feel like Sisyphus; over and over… Read more ▶

Skills I didnt know my child had  Episode 5

July 7, 2017 by Dorothy Jones, Margaret Watts Romney

When is the ideal age to start a music education? Many teachers start students as young as 3 and 4 years old, but Dorothy Jones took to heart Dr. Suzuki’s admonition to focus on the babies. In this episode, we… Read more ▶

Bringing Your Gifts and Feeding a Hunger that the World Has  Episode 6

July 27, 2017 by Alice Ann O'Neill, Margaret Watts Romney

Have you ever felt so focused on the project in front of you that the rest of the world seemed to disappear? Perhaps time stood still? You felt in complete harmony with things around you? This place is a source… Read more ▶

Holding Two Concepts In Ones Mind  Episode 4

June 7, 2017 by Sarah Bylander Montzka, Margaret Watts Romney

Students, Teachers, Parents, Administrators: we are all interested in growth and change. In this episode, Sarah Bylander Montzka explains the skill we can all use of “holding two concepts in one’s mind at the same time”—a skill which can nurture growth in students, organizations, and ourselves. Read more ▶

It Doesnt Get Much Better Than This  Episode 2

May 8, 2017 by Carey Beth Hockett, Margaret Watts Romney

How are in-person and engaged communities created? What do they feel like when you’re in them? We interview group class expert and cellist Carey Beth Hockett to hear her answers. Read more ▶

Episode 1  You Have to Go On You Have to Grow

April 24, 2017 by Winifred Crock, Margaret Watts Romney

Who was Dr. Suzuki, why is there a community of teachers following his vision, and what ideas can apply to teachers anywhere? We talk with his former student, Winifred Crock, to answer these questions and more. Read more ▶

Thank You Suzuki ParentsEverything You Do is Much Appreciated

September 3, 2015 by Merlin Thompson

Thank you, Suzuki parents. You do an amazing job. We teachers cannot even begin to express how deeply we value who you are—your vision, your commitment, your love for your child and music. Read more ▶


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