Preparing for Positive Experiences in Competitive Situations: Proceeding with Care
Nov 14, 2015
November 14, 2015, ASJ 44.1
Topics: Exceptionalities, Sensory Processing Disorder
Previously printed in American Suzuki Journal 44.1. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © 2015 Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc.
Elizabeth J. Bell,is a registered occupational therapist and Director of kidsTHERAPY in Guelph. A graduate of Queen’s University, she has been practicingin pediatrics since 1991. In 1998, ElizabethstartedBell Therapy Services,a private occupational therapy practice providing assessment, consultation and treatment services to infants, preschoolers, school-aged children and adolescents. kidsTHERAPY was established in 2009, reflecting a change in philosophy—expanding onthe idea of community service and linking professionals towards a common goal.
Elizabeth’skeen interest to learn has led her to become an experienced practitioner in vestibular, auditory and visual interventions. She usestools such as Therapeutic Listeningand Astronaut Training and is certified in Sensory Integration and Praxis Testing. She continues to advance her clinical expertise in core and breath development, neurodevelopment, vision and reflex integration which has enabled her to develop unique programs such as bodySENSE, bodyGAMI and kidsWRITE. She also co-facilitates KidsPLAY, an Integrated Social Skills Group for school-age children.
Elizabeth strives to help children and families, providing a voice for the "misunderstood and hidden" challenges involved with sensory processing and regulation disorders and children with ASD. Her work also includes assisting children with a variety of mental health and developmental challenges.
Elizabeth is passionate about teaching others and has been an invited speaker at schools and community agencies in Ontario. Her clinic provides specialized groups and assessment teams, trains post-secondary students, parents and other disciplines.
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