Preparing for Positive Experiences in Competitive Situations: Proceeding with Care
Nov 14, 2015
by Andrea Cook
November 14, 2015, ASJ 44.1
Topics: Exceptionalities, Sensory Processing Disorder, Suzuki
Previously printed in American Suzuki Journal 44.1. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © 2015 Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc.
Andrea Cook began her cello studies at the Suzuki String School of Guelph, where she was taught by Sally Gross. Andrea continued studies with Marc Johnson (Vermeer Quartet) at Northern Illinois University, earning a Master of Music degree and a Performer’s Certificate. She has taught for the Huntsville Suzuki String School and the London (England) Suzuki Group. She currently resides in Guelph, Ontario and teaches for the Oakville Suzuki Association and the Suzuki String School of Guelph. Andrea is a parent of a “Sensational Kid”.
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