Institutes and Workshops
Starting Again In Chile
Dec 1, 1986
by Sally Sloane
Institutes and Workshops
December 1, 1985, ASJ 13.6
Topics: Institutes
Previously printed in American Suzuki Journal 13.6. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © 1985 Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc.
Sally Sloane has a D.M.A. in organ and harpsichord from the American Conservatory of Music, Chicago, an M.M. in organ from American Conservatory, and a B.M. degree in Music Education from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She is Minister of Music at Riverside Presbyterian Church and maintains a private piano studio in her Oak Park home. She has taught piano by the Talent Education (Suzuki) method since 1978. Dr. Sloane has served on the faculties of Sherwood Conservatory of Music, The Suzuki Music Academy of Chicago, and Hinsdale Public Schools District 181. In 1991 her doctoral dissertation: Music for two or More Players at One or More Keyboard Instruments (Harpsichord, Clavichord, Organ) was published by Greenwood Press.
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