teacher development options
Latin American Update
Nov 1, 1995
by Jeffrey Cox
teacher development options
August 1, 1995, ASJ 23.4
Topics: Teacher Development
Previously printed in American Suzuki Journal 23.4. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © 1995 Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc.
Cox received a B.M., M.M. from Eastman and a M.M.A., D.M.A. from Yale—all in violin performance. Principle instructors: Doris Preucil, Millard Taylor, Broadus Erle and Syoko Aki. Member first Graduate Quartet in Residence at both Eastman and Yale. Faculty member at Central Washington University, Texas Christian University and Professor and Chair at the University of New Orleans and the University of Massachussets/Amherst. Founder of Washington State Suzuki Festival, Co-Director of the TCU Suzuki Institute. Teacher Trainer (ret.) and former President/Chair of the SAA. Received award for “Outstanding SAA Leadership” from the SAA. Selected as a Fellow for the Kellogg Leadership Program which included educational travel to Costa Rica, Guatemala, Israel, Egypt, Spain, The Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, The Czech Republic and India. He also worked as a consultant/trainer for several LGBTQ organizations in New Orleans.
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