SAA reorganization program
The Suzuki Method in South America
Nov 1, 1992
by Tanya Carey
SAA reorganization program
September 1, 1990, ASJ 18.5
Topics: Chairs Message
Previously printed in American Suzuki Journal 18.5. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © 1990 Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc.
Tanya Lesinsky Carey, cellist, has presented master classes and concerts in over 15 countries and the USA. She was assistant principal of the Milwaukee Symphony, presented concerts in Tully and Carnegie Halls, performed concertos with orchestra, and made two records with the Lydian Trio with Almita and Roland Vamos. She and her husband released the CD Golden Celebration to positive national review. Her students have won prizes in major contests. She is author of Cello Playing is Easy; Artist Teacher at Roosevelt University and Music Institute of Chicago Academy; maintains a studio; and is a sought after clinician.
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