Suzuki Centennial Celebration Concerts
Latin American Update
Nov 1, 1998
Suzuki Centennial Celebration Concerts
Previously printed in American Suzuki Journal 26.4. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © 1998 Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc.
Dr. Carolyn Barrett, director of the Suzuki Music Studio in Reston, Virginia also founded Suzuki Studios in Lagos and Seoul. The Seoul Studio trained sixty students weekly, and instructed British, Korean and American educators in using the Suzuki approach. Dr. Suzuki directly supervised the Seoul studio. Dr. Barrett gives group and individual instruction in violin, viola, cello, and piano using both traditional and Suzuki educational strategies. She has thirty years teaching experience. Students have concertized at President’s Park, soloed with the Washington Symphony Orchestra and participated in concerts at Wolf Trap, Constitution Hall, and the Kennedy Center. Dr. Barret’s book, “The Magic of Matsumoto: The Suzuki Method of Education” was endorsed by Dr. Suzuki and is available at, and Potter’s Violins.
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