Christie Felsing Receives ISTA Leopold LaFosse Studio Teacher Award
Jun 5, 2013
June 5, 2013, Minijournal 2013
Topics: Minijournal, Suzuki Student Writing Contest
Previously printed in Minijournal 2013. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © 2013 Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc.
Katie Siegfried, age nine, attends lessons at the Community Music Institute in Eugene, Oregon. She is a Book Five violist (and part-time violinist). She likes chocolate, cats, french, cooking, and playing the viola. She is often asked why she chose to switch to viola after playing violin, and she is proud to say that she likes the viola’s deep tone. She looks forward to Suzuki Institutes and has had tremendous experiences at the Northwest Suzuki Institute, the Oregon Suzuki Institute and Institut Suzuki Montreal. She is deeply grateful to her full-time teacher, Lillie Manis of the Community Music Institute. Katie’s photo is courtesy of Joshua Daniels, proud parent of four CMI graduates and veteran Suzuki institute photographer.
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