The Latin American Suzuki Association Committee reports its important meeting held on September 17th, with Tamara González and Daniel de Lima, elected representatives to the Board of the Suzuki Association of the Americas. The Committee had the opportunity to share with them its background and objectives, roles and functions, who its members are, and explain how the committee has acted as an important link with the SAA. Finally, we mention the achievements in these months of work, the challenges and the forms of support that are intended to be obtained, as well as the way in which we intend to continue the work of the Committee. We hope this communication with the members of the SAA Board of Directors will become even closer and continue constantly, in order to bring more effective responses to the needs of the Suzuki community in Latin America.
News from Guatemala
With the aim of having a constantly growing community, the National Suzuki Association of Guatemala organized an event of virtual piano and violin Master Classes for students, which took place on October 24th. The invited teachers María José Rodríguez (piano) and Ana Cecilia Villegas (violin) coordinated the event. It was a very enriching moment for the Suzuki community in this country.

The AMMS has its new president
We would like to inform you that starting this October, teacher Araceli Lugo Oliva will begin her duties as President of the Mexican Association of the Suzuki Method (AMMS).
Araceli Lugo is teacher and Director of the Suzuki educational project “School Colegio Juan Pablo ll”, and teacher by the SAA in the Early Childhood Education (SECE 3) program. She served for 3 years as coordinator of the Management Committee and Fundraising of the AMMS Board of Directors. We are sure that Araceli will continue and solidify the work that Leslie Mizrahi has carried out for this Association in the last 4 years.
“I am a woman dedicated to education and art with the firm conviction, as Shinichi Suzuki tells us, that the family will lead the community to build a better world through music,” says Araceli.

We take this opportunity to announce the new AMMS Board of Directors for the new period:
- Leslie Mizrahi Aksiote – Administrative Committee
- Susana Manjarrez Dehesa – Associations, Academies and Teachers Committee
- Lorena Leal Isidra – Festivals Committee
- Diana Guadalupe Díaz—Events Committee
- Víctor Martínez Gardoqui – Education Committee
- Jorge Arturo Enríquez Vázquez – Communication Committee
A great work team to continue educating for a better future, through music!
37th International Suzuki Festival of Peru and more news
It is with great joy that we share with the community that the Suzuki Association of Peru is in its thirty-seventh edition of the Suzuki International Music Festival. The new edition will be held in January 2022 in virtual mode. There will be teacher training courses, student festival, and events for all participants, such as: lectures on the Suzuki method, work with parents, roundtables for teacher trainers, and spontaneous meetings open to the public, broadcast on social networks. All this in order to continue the dissemination of the Suzuki method. All information about the festival can be found at the following link:
The registration form is now available by accessing the following link:

Furthermore, we inform you that during the months of October and November 2021, National Recitals for graduation of cello, guitar, violin, piano and recorder are being held, organized by the Suzuki Association of Peru. This event has become a moment of both great motivation and sharing the music of Suzuki students from this country.
Finally, we share that the new board of directors of the Suzuki Association of Peru has been in office since July of this year. Its work period will be for the next five years, until 2026. The current board is formed as follows:
- Sabino Jesús Blancas Chávez—President
- Carmen Sammanda Sigueñas Rodríguez—Vice President
- Rubén Amilcar Solano Huiza—Secretary
- Katy Estela Caballero Enrique—Treasurer
- Roxana del Barco Herrera—Member of the Council
- Luciana Castillo Lizarraga—International Representative
We reiterate the warmest invitation to all Latin American countries that work with the Suzuki Method to send information on all the actions they have been carrying out (organization of their associations, events and activities that are being programmed, etc.) in order to share them in the following posts. This information can be sent to email: [javascript protected email address].