Characteristics of good teachers.
Latin American Update
Aug 1, 2004
by Pat D'Ercole
Characteristics of good teachers.
Previously printed in American Suzuki Journal 32.4. Reprinted with permission. Copyright © 2004 Suzuki Association of the Americas, Inc.
Patricia D’Ercole is a Suzuki violin teacher and teacher trainer. She did long-term training with Margery Aber and studied with Dr. Suzuki. She has been a clinician in 23 states and 7 foreign countries. Pat has written numerous articles for the ASJ, was chair of the SAA Board of Directors, and a member of the Every Child Can! and Suzuki Principles in Action Committees. She was the founding president of the Suzuki Association of Wisconsin and has been co-coordinator for the International Research Symposium on Talent Education since 1995. Through her leadership, a collection of videos which chronicles Dr. Suzuki’s teaching at the American Suzuki Institute in 1976, is now preserved on the web. Pat created the UWSP Suzuki Strings Mentoring Program, a year-long online practicum for Suzuki teachers. Most recently, Pat is the Director Emerita of the Aber Suzuki Center at the UW-Stevens Point.
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