Our good friend and colleague, Nehama Patkin, passed away on Friday, March 26, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia. She was 70 years old. Nehama had been in the ICU at Epworth Hospital for 19 days being treated for a massive infection which caused multiple organ failure. Her good friend, Kenneth Madl, wrote the following in his message about Nehama’s passing:
“We are all better people for having known her. She was kind, selfless, and infinitely more patient than I was. She loved life, was passionate about music, and lived to pass on her knowledge and experience to her students. We, and the world, have suffered a tremendous loss, and she will be missed terribly.”
The following video was shown in memory of Nehama at the SAA Conference, May 30, 2010.
See also:
Comments on Facebook
Nehama Patkin’s Obituary at The Age
Nehama Patkin’s website
Boulder, CO
3 posts
I studied with you at Snowmass as a young girl. To this day you are still the most inspiring teacher that I ever had the honor of studying under. Thank you for helping me master Für Elise—the first piece that made me feel like a real pianist.
Much Love, Alexa Lister (Colorado)
We were all enriched by knowing Nehama. She had a gift of modeling how life could be lived more expansively. The Suzuki world was fortunate to call her our own. Thanks, Michiko, and thanks to Ken, who I never met. I have been so impressed with his gentle, intelligent, and loving updates.
Cincinnati, OH
1 posts
Nehama was such a vibrant teacher and person. She always inspired one to add MORE to their teaching. I hope to keep that energy in my heart and share it always with my students.
Thank you Nehama,
Heidi Flanders
Buena Vista, CO
11 posts
I took my first teacher training class with Nehama in 1990. Bk 4 and Bk 5 at the Chicago Institute. It was the year of the 17 year giant flying bugs! They were everywhere, and SO NOISY….and Nehama loved it! “Music is everywhere now”..she said. I am the teacher I am because of her influence on my life. I will deeply miss her!
West Jordan, UT
43 posts
Nehama was always a burst of sunshine that brought both joy and warmth. She will always be remembered for her love of the children and the music and the fun she had with both. She nurtured those around her and we all loved her very much. Her spirit with be with us for a very long time.
Buderim, QLD, Australia
16 posts
i first met Nehama around 30 years ago, in a Suzuki workshop in Israel. Our Suzuki friendship continued when i later moved from Israel to Australia. Nehama’s passion, enthusiasm and love of life have always been an inspiration to all her collegues, friends and students.
Nehama will never die—she will continue to alway live in us, with her joy, humor, creativity and passion.
We have a legacy!
Zohara Rotem
Pianist . Educator . Teacher Trainer. Speaker. Purpose Guide™
Sunshine Coast, Australia
I first met Nehama in Orono, Maine, in the campus bookstore while attending the Institute. On a whim I asked her if she knew my australian cousin, who is a violinist. “Meary! (Mary) oh yes we perform together and have adjoining teaching studios at the uni (university)” We met often at summer workshops, in France, Norway and also Australia. She was always a focus of energy and fun, and her love of music will live on in those who knew her. Barbar is forever changed for me!
Guelph, ON, Canada
116 posts
It is an unbelievably sad moment. Nehama was such a vibrant personality and a creative and inspiring teacher. She had so much to offer the Suzuki world. We will all miss her terribly.
My condolences to Ken and to Nehama’s son Anton.
Gail Lange, piano, Canada
Glen Ellyn, IL
55 posts
Nehama has shared with us such energy, such creativity, such compassion, such fun, such vitality. She touched us all with her gifts and spontaneity. Her gifts to us live on in each of us.
Tanya Carey, cellist, Chicago
3 posts
Nehama was possibly one of the most gifted people I have known, all packaged in one cute face and personality. Tireless, fiercely focused and devoted to music, had she survived she could have continued to leave her impact with so many others. The Suzuki family has been fortunate to have shared time with her.
Nancy Tsuchihashi, piano, Japan
N. Tsuchihashi
Edmonton, AB, Canada
6 posts
She was quirky, she was a firecracker, she was fun + demanding simultaneously, she thought-taught-played outside of the box, she was engaging and very thought-provoking…and the best thing as our teacher- trainer in Colorado was she challenged us (me) to think and do more than we could and fired up each of us in that class to be better teachers every day. Nehama—you inspired + encouraged us and you were so much fun. I shall miss you, the piano world will miss you + the Suzuki family will miss you.
Flagstaff, AZ
21 posts
How difficult to lose one of my closest colleagues that inspired me to be the very best! How difficult to lose one of my dearest friends that shared over so many years joys and disappointments. I join a whole group of people who were touched by Nehama’s unique life and spirit. She would be overwhelmed to see the outpouring of love and compassion for her during her last days. This vibrant and beautiful person will forever remain in my heart.
Diana Galindo
Piano and Voice Studio
Flagstaff, Arizona