We’ve recently added more services to the SAA website, www.suzukiassociation.org. Visit us online and check out the following:
Auditions and Scholarships
You can now easily submit your audition and scholarship applications online, by uploading your videos and required documents. It takes just a few minutes, and saves you the cost and hassle of mailing your application materials. For auditions, online submission greatly speeds up the evaluation process, allowing you to receive your results in as little as two weeks. Scholarship applications are due February 5—take a look at the requirements now, and get a head start on your application.
Member Directory
The online member directory includes all the information you’ll find in the print directory, plus pictures, email addresses, biographies, registered Suzuki training, teaching availability, and more—all updated daily. Log in to your website account (upper right of any page) to add any of the above to your SAA directory profile page and manage your privacy settings. Your online directory listing is accessible to other SAA members, and you can choose to make parts of it visible to the general public as professional profile page (like LinkedIn for Suzuki teaching). You can also opt out of the online directory entirely if you prefer to be unlisted.
Translation into Spanish and other languages
If English is not your primary language, you can get an automated translation (provided by Google) of any page on the SAA website—look for the “Select Language” widget in the upper right, below the search box.
Visit www.suzukiassociation.org often for the latest Suzuki news, upcoming events and teacher training courses, discussion and advice from your colleagues, inspiring videos. If you have any feedback or ideas for the SAA website, please don’t hesitate to email [javascript protected email address].