American Suzuki Journal 39.4
In celebration of its fortieth anniversary, the SAA would like to collect untold stories about the Suzuki experience and the growth and impact of the Suzuki method in the Americas that fill gaps in our story and contribute to a richer and fuller understanding of our history.
We invite members to submit for publication a story that enlightens, inspires, or informs readers and at the same time, helps in some way to document Suzuki history in your part of the Suzuki community.
Is there a narrative, story, anecdote or memory you didn’t take the time to share and wish you had? Something recent or any time in the past? Featuring individuals or groups of people? About you, a teacher, a parent, your parent, one of your students, a colleague or a mentor? Funny, sad, or embarrassing? An event you were proud to be a part of?
Please contact us with a brief abstract and a few words about yourself if you would like to share your story! Email [javascript protected email address] or write to us at the SAA office. First-time authors are encouraged to submit!
The following stories are similar to what we’re looking for for our 40th anniversary issue. They describe the Suzuki legacy in a specific place or time; they share how the Suzuki movement has positively impacted these communities near and far. They inspire us all to solve a problem or tackle a challenge, to reach out to others, to take that next step we’ve been thinking about.
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