Virginia Dixon

Virginia Dixon

Virginia Dixon, Chair of the SAA Bass Committee, Teacher Trainer of bass for SAA and Bass Trainer for ESA, teaches at Elmhurst College, Benedictine University, and her home studio. This coming summer she was to teach at Suzuki institutes including, the American Suzuki Institute in Stevens Point, WI, and the South Ontario Suzuki Institute. Her mission thus far has taken her to Copenhagen, Buenos Aires, Lima, Davos, Mexico City, Saõ Paulo, and Porto Alegre, as well as across Canada and the United States. Her students include the Principal Bassist of the Houston Symphony as well as members of such orchestras as the National Symphony and the New Orleans Philharmonic. She has two performance degrees from Indiana University and has done doctoral work in performance at Stony Brook University. Her major teachers were Julius Levine, Murray Grodner, and Georg Hortnagel.

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Adding Bass to Your Program

May 30, 2015 by Virginia Dixon

Once there was a wonderful orchestra. It had mostly violinists divided up into two sections, but also plentiful violists and cellists. Each member had thorough training, since they had all started at a very young age, and they could technically… Read more ▶

A Gift of Love to the World

A Gift of Love to the World


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