Sador Bereketab

Sador Bereketab is a third-year Biomedical Science student minoring in Music at the University of Ottawa. She began studying violin and piano at the age of four, with the addition of vocal training at age eleven. Currently, Sador is a violinist in the Ottawa Pops Orchestra, a semi-professional orchestra based in Ottawa-Gatineau, while also teaching piano and violin from her home studio.

Sador always aims to approach her science, medicinal and music studies through an interdisciplinary lens. Most recently, she conducted research focussed on the transfer of music in medicine in the Faculty of Music at the University of Ottawa, and she volunteers with adults who have intellectual disabilities to run interactive sing-a-longs and other music engagement activities.

As a former Suzuki Music student, Sador wishes to use her student perspective to improve music education accessibility, as she has seen first-hand the impact music training can have on one’s life.

Accessibility and Inclusivity of Black Youth in Classical Music A student perspective

Accessibility and Inclusivity of Black Youth in Classical Music: A student perspective

Music education has the potential to be a beautiful asset to all of our lives, yet it continues to be a privilege so few are exposed to. We started our violin and piano studies at the age of four and… Read more ▶

ASJ 50.1, page 14


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