Rafael Videira

Rafael Videira

Dr. Rafael Videira has a diverse career as a teacher, performer, and conductor, with appearances in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, and Germany. He has taught violin and viola to students of all levels, leading them to success in competitions and prestigious institutions. Currently residing in Albuquerque, NM, he directs the orchestras at Manzano High School, and conducts two groups with the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program. He holds a Doctoral degree in viola performance and pedagogy from the University of Oregon and a Masters degree in performance from the University of New Mexico. In 2018, he received the Suzuki Association of the Americas Certificate of Achievement for his dedication to excellence in teaching within the Suzuki philosophy. Additionally, Dr. Videira was featured in the 2023 album by the American Viola Society, promoting music by underrepresented composers.

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Creative Strategies for Effective Reviewa Survey of Favorite Activities from within the Suzuki Triangle

August 11, 2017 by Rafael Videira

From Parents as Partners Online 2016. Hello, my name is Rafael Videira, and I am a Suzuki viola and violin teacher. Today I would like to talk about ways to make reviewing the repertoire fun and effective. The activities I… Read more ▶

Estratgias criativas para uma reviso de repertrio efetivauma coleo de atividades favoritas dentro do Tringulo Suzuki

August 11, 2017 by Rafael Videira

Olá, meu nome é Rafael Videira, e eu sou um professor Suzuki de viola e violino. Hoje eu gostaria de falar sobre maneiras de fazer a revisão de repertório mais divertida e eficaz. As atividades que eu vou sugerir foram… Read more ▶

Estrategias creativas para una revisin eficaz  encuesta de las actividades preferidas desde el tringulo Suzuki

August 11, 2017 by Rafael Videira

Hola, mi nombre es Rafael Videira, y soy profesor Suzuki de viola y violín. Hoy me gustaría hablar sobre diferentes maneras para que el momento de revisión del repertorio sea divertido y eficaz. Las actividades que sugeriré fueron tomadas de artículos… Read more ▶

Inspiration and Connection at the 2015 Leadership Retreat

May 29, 2015 by Barbara Balatero, Heather Watson Hardie, Samara Humbert-Hughes, Laura Nerenberg, Alice Ann O'Neill, Kathleen Schoen, Rafael Videira, Danette Warren

For many Suzuki teachers, SAA Conferences and Leadership Retreats are the best way to kick off summer. Packed full of inspiration and camaraderie, these events are not to be missed! Read more ▶


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