Kathleen Bowman

Kathleen Bowman

Kathleen Bowman, innovative cellist, draws on her multifaceted career as classical cellist, improviser, author, and avid teacher. Ms. Bowman performs with the Esopus Chamber Orchestra, and directs the Bowman Cello Studio, a Suzuki cello program in Saratoga Springs, NY. In May, Kathleen offered a presentation encouraging life-long learning and professional development for young teachers as part of the Suzuki Association of the Americas conference in Minneapolis, MN. Ms. Bowman's most recent artistic collaboration in the production of An Iliad provided her license to compose the entire cello score, creating synergy and musical dialogue between cellist and actor in the performance. Ms. Bowman, B.M., M.M., from the University of Tennessee, formerly directed the Tennessee Cello Workshop Suzuki Program, and performed with the Oak Ridge Symphony Orchestra. Mrs. Bowman has appeared as a guest artist for workshops around the country, and in 2010, she was awarded the prestigious Pedagogy Fellowship with the Heifetz International Music Institute.

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Haciendo cuadrados y progresando

August 11, 2017 by Kathleen Bowman

Si te paras a medio metro de distancia del cuadro llamado Robert de Chuck Close (1997), lo único que puedes ver son cuadrados y rectángulos estampados con colores. Cada cuadrado mide aproximadamente 9 cm de ancho y están vinculados uno… Read more ▶

Criando quadrados fazendo progresso

August 11, 2017 by Kathleen Bowman

Quando alguém se posiciona a dois passos do quadro “Robert” (1997) do pintor Chuck Close, tudo o que se vê são quadrados e retângulos cheios de cor. Cada quadrado, com aproximadamente 9cm é carregado de cores vivas e está conectado… Read more ▶


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